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Posts posted by phathui5

  1. In fact, women served the Last Supper to Jesus and his disciples.



    Can you show me where it says that?


    In all our experiences with female pastors, we've never had one that we considered a good pastor.


    The church where I grew up had female pastors and this was my experience as well. My brother made it out of church there without knowing what the first book of the new testament was (his name!).

  2. How do you feel about milk contaminated with melamine? Watered down milk? Baby formula that has is less nutritious than claimed (pumped up with fillers)? Beef contaminated with fecal matter? Spinach contaminated with fecal matter? Green onions that cause hepatitis? Counterfeit medications (you think they're real, turns out they're not)?


    That stuff's already illegal and the laws against them didn't stop them from happening.

  3. The person not wearing the seat belt should then be responsible for their own expenses and death. It was a choice they made. It would include a radical change in laws, and it won't happen, but it would be a step twoard a glorious return to freedom.


    Yup. Like I learned from Spiderman, with great power comes great responsibility. With the power to choose for yourself comes the responsibility to not be stupid.

  4. It's strikes me as very sad that being seat-belt-free is the sort of "freedom" for which people are willing to die. It further seems that people have lost all sense of what true "freedom" is. I have a hard time swallowing that smashing your head through the windshield is the way to show that you are a person of liberty.


    It's not about not wearing a seatbelt. It's about understanding that I'm old enough to do it myself, without the government threatening me if I don't.

  5. Therein lies one of the big problems with foodstamps......the "rough patch" for some people goes on for many many many years, or their entire life. THat is not assistance that is a lifestyle.


    Kinda like how we pay upwards of $10,000 in taxes for children for 12 years to go to schools that are sometimes ok, but mostly factory style babysitters?


    We're not encouraging people to take charge of their children's education by providing an average/mediocre product for free. People would rather take a free ride than take responsibility for their own families.

  6. the main difference I see is that public education is offered to all children, no matter how much their parents have/don't have


    That's true. Personally, I would be happier with medical care being available to all children and education being something you have to apply to get for free. Not having the government food the bill for your kids' schooling won't kill them, but there are lots of kids in the US who are getting less medical care than they need.

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