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Posts posted by phathui5

  1. So I haven't entirely decided what to do in that regard. If anyone knows of CPC's which are not abstinence-only, I would appreciate that information.


    Unfortunately (and I'm saying this as a religious person, so I can knock it), most of them are very religious and won't condone it. It would be nice if someone would start one that provides conception prevention and help if you are pregnant or parenting.

  2. I disagree.


    Okay Peek a Boo, you are good at this kind of analysis. So if you could walk me through what I have taken away from this thread and help me feel comfortable voting Pro-life, I'd appreciate it.


    First, abortion is murder (according to the majority here) based on Biblical and personal beliefs. Therefor, it should be illegal as any other form of murder is in our society. So, let's say we've passed that law. All women must carry every pregnancy to term regardless of health, cause, (rape, incest,) age, emotional stability and status of fetus. If the woman feels that she is unable to do this and attempts an abortion, she will be sent to jail.** Let's compromise and say that we'll just send the actual abortion providers to jail. Unless the woman is trying to perform it on herself. I suppose that makes it more complicated. **There can be no exceptions of any kind because abortion is murder and that is an undeniable TRUTH.


    So we have a woman who is unwillingly pregnant. ** Unwillingly pregnant like raped? Or like had sex and forgot the birth control? Because everyone knows that sex = pregnancy. That tends to be how it happens. **She has had her uncontrolled fling in the sheets and must now bear the consequences. It is assumed that there is nothing (lack of education, fear, shame, a controlling parent, partner or abuser, lack of access to a computer) that would keep her from doing a Google search to find private help. ** Let's not use fear and shame as excuses to not ask for help. I've been uncomfortable and had to ask for help anyway, because it had to be done **


    There would be no government help for this theoretical woman because that would involve taxpayer dollars and none of us have a responsibility, moral or otherwise for her or the child. It was not our fling in the sheets. The only use of taxpayer dollars would be for jailing noncompliers. ** There already is government help for people with unplanned (or planned) pregnancies who need help. Making abortion illegal wouldn't reduce the help available. **


    If she is fortunate and finds the wonderful and caring help that so many of you have described, all should be well. There should be no problem finding 1.37 million families per year for adoption regardless of race, or physical challenges such as fetal alcohol syndrome. ** There are long waiting lists of people who want to adopt and are waiting for a child. Additionally, I've talked to families who want to adopt, but the cost of the legal fees makes it prohibitive. Perhaps if it was less complicated, more families would be available. **The woman will receive everything that is needed through the kindness of strangers.


    If she is not in an area where such help is readily accessible then she will just have to live with the consequences. The baby has a right to be born but it does not have a right to prenatal care, adequate food, shelter or health care once it is born, especially if it is the product of a careless night of passion outside of marriage. We have the moral obligation as a government to outlaw abortion. That is where our responsibility stops. Not one tax-payer dollar must be spent on those 1.37 million pregnancies.


    Men have very little part in this process and almost no responsibility. **At the present time, men have no choice when a woman decides to abort their unborn child. Before marrying my sister, my brother in law was with a women, she became pregnant and didn't want the baby. He offered to take care of it, she wouldn't have had to do anything after the birth, no child support, etc. She aborted anyway. He had no choice to keep his child**


    This summary is what I have taken away from this thread. It's a compilation of what I understood. It is not a statement of my beliefs.


    I struggle with the number of abortions -the potential lost. But I could never tell someone in a situation like Impish described that they had to have the baby. Never.

  3. I do childcare in my home, but I won't provide transportation to/from school. So this pickup/drop off stuff wouldn't work for me. It just interrupts the flow of our day.


    Meant to add that the going rate in my area is about $25/day for a full day. you can certainly expect a little more for having to pick them up from school, but usually siblings come with a discount. I have heard of many home child care providers in my area who will watch 2 siblings for $40/day and that's ALL day.


    Wow. That's cheap. I charge $50/day for a full day, and except for one family, I won't take kids for a full week. I mostly do part time.

  4. Go put away five things that aren't where they belong, then come back and tell us what you did. Or do five short cleaning chores and come tell us what you cleaned.


    Then you can do it again, and post again, and do it again...


    If we all do something, we'll feel better. A little bit, anyway.

  5. I haven't read all of the posts, so I'm not sure if this has been mentioned or not...


    but those of you who chose not to educate your children on STI's - what about STI's that can be contracted in other ways? What if your kid contracted an STI from a public restroom or from something weird like that...? Just a thought... :confused:


    Why not teach them 'we need to be extra careful of these things because... etc.'


    You know, I've never heard about that happening in real life. Except maybe with herpes, which can turn from a cold sore to genital herpes if there's any contact.

  6. I think society in general frowns on a married mother, for example, giving up a baby for adoption, even though she may legitimately be at the end of her rope, so to speak, with handling her current kids.


    Let's start with the obvious then, a married mother who is at the end of the rope with her current kids should be using some sort of birth control. Here, we use condoms because that's what we're comfortable with and aren't ready for another baby.


    Should that birth control fail and a mother becomes pregnant, there are government programs that offer financial aid (medical assistance, WIC, food stamps, cash assistance, housing assistance, home energy assistance, childcare vouchers). There are churches with food pantries if you make too much for food stamps but still need help. There are people (like me) who are happy to watch your kids so you can get a break. There are Christian counseling places who offer counseling on a sliding scale if you are having trouble emotionally and need professional help.

  7. Anti-abortion here.




    1. Have taken in homeless mothers with their children before


    2. Donate supplies to crisis pregnancy centers


    3. Provide reduced cost childcare to single moms


    4. Would be happy to do respite care for moms who need a break


    That said... since I believe abortion is killing children, the question in the OP is entertaining, because it reads, "If you're opposed to killing children, what do you do for people who don't?" Not killing people should be the default option.

  8. We're those people "on the fringe." Dh was laid off a year ago from a good job where he made decent money. Since then, he's been trying to find a similar job while working for $8/hour. Eight dollars an hour does not support six people. Additionally, his job only lets him work 30-35 hours a week and won't provide insurance.


    Right now, none of us have insurance or money to pay for healthcare, but I'm planning to apply for medical assistance.

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