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Posts posted by phathui5

  1. How does this schedule look for my 1st and 4th grader?


    Patrick - 4th grade




    Bible lesson from CLE book

    Math lesson from CLE4 and exercise from Singapore Math workbook

    Language Arts 401 (CLE)

    CLE Reading 4

    Read a chapter from Story of the World 4, do review questions, work on timeline

    Latin for Children 1/2 of lesson




    Bible 4 lesson

    Math 4 lesson

    Language Arts 401

    CLE Reading 4

    Christian Kids Explore Physics- start chapter




    Bible 4 lesson

    Math 4 lesson and exercise from Singapore math workbook

    Language Arts 4

    CLE Reading 4

    Finish reading chapter in Story of the World and do outline

    Work on Latin for Children lesson




    Bible 4 lesson

    Math 4 lesson and exercise from Singapore math workbook

    Language Arts 4

    CLE Reading 4

    Do activity from Christian Kids Explore Physics

    Latin for Children Quiz






    Bible 1 lesson (CLE)

    Math 1 lesson (CLE)

    Learning to Read 1 (CLE)

    Read SOTW ch w/Patrick

    Listen to Song School Latin CD




    Bible 1 lesson

    Math 1 lesson & Calender book

    Learning to Read 1

    Do Christian Kids Explore Physics w/Patrick




    Bible 1 lesson

    Math 1 lesson & Calender book

    Learning to Read 1

    Read SOTW w/Patrick

    Work on Song School Latin




    Bible 1 lesson

    Math 1 lesson & Calender book

    Learning to read 1

    Do activity in Christian Kids Explore Physics




    No scheduled lessons. Gymnastics at noon, followed by lunch and field trip.

  2. How does this schedule look for my 1st and 4th grader?


    Patrick - 4th grade




    Bible lesson from CLE book

    Math lesson from CLE4 and exercise from Singapore Math workbook

    Language Arts 401 (CLE)

    Read a chapter from Story of the World 4, do review questions, work on timeline

    Latin for Children 1/2 of lesson




    Bible 4 lesson

    Math 4 lesson

    Language Arts 401

    Christian Kids Explore Physics- start chapter




    Bible 4 lesson

    Math 4 lesson and exercise from Singapore math workbook

    Language Arts 4

    Finish reading chapter in Story of the World and do outline

    Work on Latin for Children lesson




    Bible 4 lesson

    Math 4 lesson and exercise from Singapore math workbook

    Language Arts 4

    Do activity from Christian Kids Explore Physics

    Latin for Children Quiz






    Bible 1 lesson (CLE)

    Math 1 lesson (CLE)

    Learning to Read 1 (CLE)

    Read SOTW ch w/Patrick

    Listen to Song School Latin CD




    Bible 1 lesson

    Math 1 lesson & Calender book

    Learning to Read 1

    Do Christian Kids Explore Physics w/Patrick




    Bible 1 lesson

    Math 1 lesson & Calender book

    Learning to Read 1

    Read SOTW w/Patrick

    Work on Song School Latin




    Bible 1 lesson

    Math 1 lesson & Calender book

    Learning to read 1

    Do activity in Christian Kids Explore Physics




    No scheduled lessons. Gymnastics at noon, followed by lunch and field trip.

  3. It's more than just "hurt feelings"; unless they have a ton of equity in their home, taking a loss means that they would still owe the remainder of the loan. How exactly would they pay it?


    We have that problem with dh's car. He was laid off, so we can't make payments on it. But we owe more on it than we can sell it for, so we can't sell it either.

  4. In the morning, we have breakfast, do chores and play. There's a quick group cleanup time before lunch.


    After lunch, the big kids read and the little kids nap. Some days I'll let them watch kids' shows on DVD that we get from Netflix.


    Then I send them out back to play. Sometimes they play in the sprinkler. Usually, we have popsicles.


    We go to the library at least once a week. Every Friday, we go on a field trip. Lately we've gone to the beach (small local beach), the nature center, and the dental museum.

  5. On Saturday nights, we go to Panera Bread at closing time and take the bread and bagels they're throwing away. Then we bag it up and give it to neighborhood families and panhandlers.


    We seem to make a habit of opening our home to people who need somewhere to stay (traveling punk bands, friends whose houses aren't ready to move into, etc) and the kids are involved in cleaning, making space for them, serving food, etc.


    Our church puts together relief kits that MCC (Mennonite Central Committee) distributes. The kids have gone shopping with me to get things and we've talked about why it's needed. http://mcc.org/kits/


    In the past, I've done Meals on Wheels and taken the kids along with me. I don't do it anymore because I do childcare at home.

  6. sometimes one needs to look beyond the bubble of one's own world.


    there are no Walmarts in NYC. the closest are in NJ, White Plains, NY or out on Long Island - far out suburbs. most who live in NYC do not have cars. and, in case you're wondering, there is no equivalent major chain that operates like walmart that could, theoretically, be just as accessible.


    But any chain could have put the supply packages together and sent them to the schools to be picked up by incoming students.

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