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Posts posted by phathui5

  1. So dh was offered a job in Syracuse, NY yesterday. It's in his field with decent pay and after him being unemployed for almost a year we want to take it.


    They want him to start September 14th! That's in two weeks.


    But we live in Baltimore, MD! Not New York. I have no experience with long-distance moving.


    What do I need to know? How am I going to sell my house so we can rent one up there?

  2. Except that there are exceptions made for marraige, but in marraige it's not referred to as fornication, which is why I wanted to know the biblical definition of fornication.


    Lust is tied to adultery. It's not adultery if it is your own partner, I should have specified that but I assumed it was understood.


    I would wonder, though, if you followed all of the rules set forth and were upright in your walk, would you masterbate? Isn't that sort of leading you into temptation. There you are trying to get "happy" and what are you thinking about?? I'm really just not sure, it almost seems like one of those things that isn't said specifically, but could be implied...


    Of course, I'm still learning ;)


    Here are good articles to help you find answers:





  3. My dcs don't. I don't think my dd would have been any better off knowing the parts and mechanics of a penis. I think it would have given her more food for thought than her mind was ready for. My dss know I'm different, but I don't believe they need to know HOW different.


    Interesting. What is it that's stopping you from letting them know parts of the body? Are you incomfortable? Do you think there's something wrong with it?


    And I doubt the parts and mechanics are important, but I do think that children of both sexes should know what a penis and vagina are.

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