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Posts posted by phathui5

  1. Dh and I talk a lot about how the history we were taught in school was disjointed and didn't make sense or give you a real idea of when things happened. I love the history we do at home because we start at the beginning, go through for four years, then start again. I'm learning more history now than I ever did in school.


    For ds1 and ds3, they would each be a grade behind because of the new school age cutoffs here (August 31st). So instead of being in 4th grade and K4, they would be doing 3rd grade and Preschool in school. Ds1 is so far from a 3rd grade level. He read Harry Potter when he was 7.

  2. I have been the pregnant 16 year old. I think it's important while she's going through this for you to transition to treating her like an adult and a parent, rather than your child.


    You've received great advice so far. One thing I haven't seen mention is choice of healthcare provider for your daughter. Teen moms can be treated so badly by some healthcare providers, that it is important to find someone who will treat your child as the burgeoning young adult that she will be forced to be, not someone to be punished for making a mistake or taken advantage of because of youth.


    I used midwives when I was a pregnant teen. They treated me with respect, answered all my questions and gave me the support I needed.

  3. So, I've had previous threads about the fact that we're moving from Baltimore to Syracuse, NY.


    Dh leaves in four days to start work there, which will leave me and the kids here until we definitely have a place to move. I have friends who might stay, but I can't decide if I want more people here or not. I'm still working until the 30th (home childcare), so that's going on too. I'm trying to homeschool the kids (and mostly suceeding).


    But I'm stressed OUT. And I'm taking it out on dh. He lent his friend one of the cars today without telling me first and left a car seat in it. I had told the kids we would go out half an hour ago, yet here we are, one car seat short, waiting for his friend to bring it back. Dh apoligized, but then tried to say it wasn't his fault and I could have taken the car seat out of his car days ago. But that doesn't have anything to do with sending it off with his friend.


    On the other hand, I know I'm taking me being stressed out on him and I don't want him to leave for New York Sunday with us not getting along. I'm really not happy about this.

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