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Posts posted by phathui5

  1. I also run an in-home childcare and homeschool my children. I've been doing childcare for three years and homeschooling for five.


    My biggest joys have been having the flexibility and time with my children for them to be able to learn about things that they're interested in and for me to be able to be there to help them. Not to mention the wonderful freedom of not being stuck with the school year schedule.


    With homeschooling, they still get to see dh when he has to work from 2-9pm, because he has the morning with them. The way his schedule is now, he'd only see them on Sundays if they were in school.


    A big challenge for me has been getting my children's schoolwork done when we have the childcare kids here. Somehow we do, but there are weeks when I look in their logs and realize that I really do need to make a greater effort to purposefully have them working instead of playing all day.

  2. Thanks everyone... my daughter is heartbroken... torn up over this. Her friend has an abortion scheduled for Friday. My daughter sent her a page on a baby 7 weeks along... hoping that she'll read a bit about the baby.


    I am proud of my daughter... she and her friend have both been physical with boyfriends and it could have been my daughter to be pregnant... my girls wishes it were her instead and grieves over the potential loss of life. It also shows my girl that these choices in relationships do have consequences. She was able to share some of her opinions and share some things from this thread... from her heart... friend to friend... her friend was open to the conversation, but her mind seems made up right now... her mom had told her that if she got pregnant, she'd be kicked out of the home and she doesn't have a place to go. And our home is packed wall to wall with the 11 of us who live here! There is literally no room for her to come here. But... she isn't willing to look at other options, either.


    Thanks for a great thread, I appreciate it staying so nice.


    She's welcome to live here. I PM'd you.

  3. I don't ensure that. It's not possible. There's simply too much out there for me to teach them everything they need to know. School certainly didn't teach me everything I needed to know, so I know it's not a homeschooling issue.


    What I do make sure is that they can read well, so that they are capable of learning anything they want to know. And I teach them as much as I can in the time I have them.

  4. I would have turned around, too. I may be oversensitive to germs & illness though. I once didn't go to a function because a friend's child had lice and still let said child go to it.


    That's not oversensitive. Lice isn't something people should be spreading around. My kids got them from a "friend" (who we don't talk to now) who was staying at our house, visited a friend she knew had lice, and brought them back to our house. It was horrific delousing six people and the house.

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