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Everything posted by Roadrunner

  1. Grocery store check out people are dealing with thousands and thousands of different customers day in and out including children who come super close to them during checkout. And unlike other privileged employees who have been sitting home since March (as in CA) and throwing demands, grocery employees (many with preexisting conditions) have been on their feet and in person working every single day of this pandemic. They also have families and I bet many are medically vulnerable. I am done with this teacher adoration.
  2. I am hoping for this as well. I am also hoping they will simplify homeschool signups by eliminating the middleman.
  3. Apparently tests are evil and since they are gatekeepers to college, now the gates have swung wide open.
  4. Do you know if PAH tried to get approved to offer digital exams for its students? It seems that UC Scout and a homeschool charter in CA managed to do just that. Just curious. PAH is a known entity.
  5. I think we need an emergency authorization for at risk children. I am comfortable letting my healthy kids encounter the virus. I think we are going to end up having to have a booster every year.
  6. You and I must be among the very few who feel this way. I see homeschoolers celebrate the lack of SAT exams (and the demise of subject tests) on Facebook and I am always puzzled. Forget CLEP. They aren’t accepted at UCs. I really hope digital AP exams are here to stay. Praying access will be better due to that going forward.
  7. I hear you. I was livid when our public school refused. All the taxes we pay and they couldn’t pull out a chair for my kids.
  8. I am holding my fingers crossed for you. Also check with UC Scout just in case. They are offering digital version of tests, but I am not sure if it’s only for CA kids or not.
  9. They can easily give you access for digital exams. Tell her you don’t need to be in person. Just have her switch it to digital.
  10. Are those meant to be pictures of people? I would never have thought that. When I look at the picture I think they depict animals, and I see nothing wrong. Now if they meant to be people, then it’s a very different story. 🥲
  11. I don’t know anything about CLEP. They aren’t the most popular option in CA (UCs don’t accept them for example). I have yet to decide what to do, but I can’t imagine AP taking nearly as much time as CC for us.
  12. Could you tell me more about it? What has changed?
  13. I would get an OK in writing from a university your DS plans on entering. UCs consider computer science as a science. It’s really all over the place.
  14. This worries me a bit. On one had they took over resources that weren’t built to handle such large number of homeschoolers. Classes were hard to sign up because so many newcomers filled them up. We now have a massive expansion of what is being offered online (although I would argue that it has come at the expense of quality), so what happens when there is a massive exodus of those online schoolers? I hope we don’t see a string of bankruptcies. I still remember Landry going under.
  15. For us clubs are what’s lacking for homeschoolers. That’s really the only place where I think PS kids have an advantage. Mock trial, chess club, model UN, robotics.... all of those things don’t exist for homeschoolers where we are, so if there was an online clearinghouse of those organized by region, we would be super interested. I am guessing big city kids have it all, but online versions where there is a once a month in person meeting would be a total hit in our house.
  16. I know exactly what you need in physics. 😋 https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Physics-Practical-Lessons-Critical/dp/0935218068/ref=pd_lpo_14_t_0/140-3209049-4007532?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=0935218068&pd_rd_r=0e4f6971-6a88-410b-b2e3-66d15f715470&pd_rd_w=KFx8C&pd_rd_wg=GqPQD&pf_rd_p=16b28406-aa34-451d-8a2e-b3930ada000c&pf_rd_r=XYSRGGG28BPC8M4JA824&psc=1&refRID=XYSRGGG28BPC8M4JA824 this!
  17. They want a racial quota system. So if Asians make up 5% of population, they need to make up similar % in universities. Same with other racial groups. They don’t need tests for that. That’s equity we are talking about served CA style. But lack of testing for can be a disaster for homeschooled kids.
  18. Have you not heard? Tests are evil. Equity is the new buzzword, and tests and equity don’t get along. 🙄 I am hoping ACT develops something. To the OP - there are so many online platforms for learning. They are almost universally terrible. What we find valuable are real teachers.
  19. It’s not the placement. It’s how they are put together. They all use the same book with online component and it’s a lot of busy work. One can learn vocabulary words in a much more efficient manner than clicking through pages and pages of the same thing. It’s a lot of busywork for a kid who is already busy. I am not complaining, just saying at least here foreign languages is a massive time commitment. Given how busy homeschoolers are with all the honors and AP courses, 2-3 hours per day on a foreign language seemed insane to us. CC here is free, which is why so many parents start with an easy course like art appreciation to ease their kids into the classroom. Plus many focus on getting the general requirements for our public universities out of the way, and I believe those courses satisfy one of the areas.
  20. https://www.feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/info/ They also published a problem set that go along with lectures.
  21. I am surprised that so many of you find foreign languages to be a good first class. We tried and quickly withdrew because the amount of work was so overwhelming - daily classes plus a ton of busy work. Click, click, click ..... a ton of this on a digital platform. It was going to be at least 1.5 hours of work just to click away in a language DS already speaks. We ran. I have found homeschoolers very happy starting CC courses with art appreciation, music appreciation, general art and music courses...
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