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Everything posted by Roadrunner

  1. @Arcadiai have no idea what you are trying to tell me. Are you trying to tell me you are happy for your children that classes are online? OK. Are you trying to tell me CCs should remain online permanently? Then we disagree. I am not even sure what conversation I am having now.
  2. But CCs here are virtually free. They are mostly tax funded. So taxpayers can’t vote with their wallets as much as they could at a UC for example.
  3. Well but this was all true pre Covid as well. Covid online school was supposed to be a temporary thing, not permanent. Students are better served in the classrooms. Now if CCs want to remain online, then hire one teacher per subject to develop online courses (like Scout) so we as taxpayers pay one teacher (we don’t need a thousand teachers putting out subpar prerecorded lectures for $$$$$$ in salaries) and we could hire graders (grad students who could use extra cash). And we can sell the physical campuses to those who actually want to run real classes in person (maybe UCs will extend their reach in more rural areas). Then at least we will have private in person options and will pay less in taxes for the crappy CC product. I am sick of this all. the students who most need personal interactions and help usually end up at CC here. Rich kids are heading to the dorms at UCs. Low income students who had a chance to learn in a real classroom are now stuck at home (20 people in 2 rooms) basically self studying and failing. CC enrollment here is falling.
  4. Yes, but we would still need to go through the grueling application. And lose another year in the process. At this point I think it makes more sense for us to graduate him a year earlier (with it without his consent).
  5. You could be describing us. I think you made a great choice. I wish we had done the same. Best of luck to your DS!
  6. Would you mind sharing which grade he got accepted into?
  7. This. They don’t want to go back to work. And it looks like they can do whatever they want. I am shocked and saddened.
  8. Oh, nothing bad. Just not what would work here - asynchronous, board participation requirements. Even assignments, we need more focused work.
  9. I meant their AP English courses. I have talked to some parents and those aren’t exactly what we need. It’s hard for me to explain what I want, but I will know when I see it. 🙂
  10. This is the way AoPS did it in prealgebra, if I remember correctly. I like this as well.
  11. All the Killgalon we have done here....
  12. It’s also possible that the self selecting group of strong kids end up at BT since they are known for English.
  13. For people like me 😂. I don’t like what I hear about PAH. I know people adore certain teachers there, but I have had enough conversations with parents IRL about those teachers to know we don’t want them. Blutent AP English scares the life out of me. I remember reviews on massive number of hours. And I really don’t like moodle classroom. I also don’t like how fragmented their courses are (too many moving parts). I won’t touch any other provider (Silicon Valley High Schools and the likes) for AP courses. So see, there is a place for CTY, if I could just find a review. 🤣
  14. I can’t find a single person who has used them for AP English. I have tried asking everybody. 😂
  15. Do you know anybody who has taken AP English Language at CTY?
  16. I can’t afford to experiment with this anymore. Zero success here. Zero. I am done. I used to be so proud of our free CC system. Now I think you get what you paid for.
  17. So you think CC system from now on will be completely online Covid or not? That just shows you that the rich kids get real teachers in a classroom at four year schools. The poor ones, online “education.” I am so upset over this. Kids are back to school in the fall. I don’t understand why childcare should be an issue. Somehow it wasn’t before Covid.
  18. They don’t mind zoom? Mine wants nothing to do with zoom. Nothing. I can’t understand why anybody thinks it’s OK to pay teachers to basically be graders and support campus infrastructure with taxpayer funds while learning continues on zoom. They aren’t teaching here at all. Literally linking free online videos and administering 3-4 tests a semester. That’s self study. It’s unacceptable. I know UCs and CSUs are going back in person. I don’t understand how CCs can get away just basically staying online.
  19. I haven’t seen anything that meets once a week in person that would hold his interest. I am most definitely going to look very closely once all the schedules are up. That a a great idea.
  20. I will do anything for his mental health.
  21. Nothing worthwhile driving distance. 😞
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