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Everything posted by Roadrunner

  1. I would say well! We spent a night and met up with @rzberrymom! Ran around tried to get all the things at Target only to realize the campus store has more and better things. Last time I was there was summer and the store was completely empty, so this was a shocker. Most of all he managed to get into computer science class he wanted, which is huge! And hopefully slowly he will come out of his shell and make friends and find a way to navigate life without me at the wheel. It’s going to get harder not seeing him daily, but right now I can’t process that he is gone.
  2. Dropped him off. Classes start in a week. 🤞 for a good start and a couple of good friends.
  3. No need for calculus based physics for non stem. You can do algebra based one in 9th. If you are interested in a class, I would recommend Clover Creek Physics. While she uses a conceptual physics textbook, she supplements it with algebra based problems. And with test optional I am not sure you need the score. I have seen kids with 1300 get accepted as test optional into the very elite and 1580 accepted nowhere.
  4. I would not take on a controversial topic in a college essay. My kid took a conservative economic view on one of his school English papers and the fallout was unbelievable. The attacks on him from classmates and from the teacher (who by the way wanted a well supported research paper, which it was) were eye opening. I wouldn’t be a contrarian in a college essay.
  5. Do you know what a quarter system feels like? When you buy something you really want, have to wait for months to get it, and you no longer remember why you were so excited about that purchase. 😂 Still home. On the other hand we got a very generous CA middle class scholarship.
  6. Mine has mandatory sexual harassment training he hasn’t done. He has placement tests to do, he hasn’t done. There are transcript issues still. And no, we don’t yet know when he lives in or who his roommates are. He is supposed to be moving in sometime at of September, so less than a month. Meanwhile public school here started first week of August. It’s a bit nuts. Frankly, I want a redo of this entire journey.
  7. Using post office to ship? Isn’t it prohibitively expensive?
  8. Anybody has a good suggestion for a vacuum cleaner for the dorm?
  9. Mine isn’t leaving for another month. We just started shopping for him. It’s going to be hard without him.
  10. We were told to expect a tsunami of homework from AP English and AP Chem.
  11. PAH class? I know when my older boy took PAH class it was a lot of work, and he felt he could have self studied for a 5 in just two-three months tops.
  12. We aren’t worried so much about credits. It’s more a matter of “having completed four years of French with the highest course offered.” He is skipping over French 4 to go straight to AP with his teacher’s encouragement. I keep telling him to take it slow and get an easy A and pace out APs.
  13. You would think, but the closest location to us (2.5 hours away) no longer offers it unless you are taking classes through them. So we would have to drive into Los Angeles for that exam and that’s really, really far. I am skeptical of AP French since kids in the class are very weak and either the class is going to not prepare him for the exam or she will really want to push them and give a ton of work to compensate. Either way, it’s a mess.
  14. @chiguirreso economics and philosophy is interest driven and he won’t negotiate it. Those are the only things he is looking forward to actually learning. I was really hoping he would drop French and take French 4 instead, but he won’t listen. What he really doesn’t want is AP Chem. But all strong students are expected in that class.
  15. He is very high ability in both math and English. And yes he took Connie’s honors Chem, but it has been a couple of years. If he didn’t have a very time consuming extracurricular, I wouldn’t so so worried, but this schedule comes on top of fairly rigorous practice schedule. This is my PS kid, so I can’t control either quality or work load. Sigh.
  16. I wanted to get an advice if this seems heavy for a junior year or normal. Will delete details later (don’t quote please), but DS is taking AP English Language AP Chem AP Stats AP French DE US history AP Micro (self study for exam, no class) Linear Algebra and a pre college philosophy class. He won’t budge on dropping or downgrading anything. Just wondering if this seems about normal for juniors. Or he is about to sink himself into doing too much and nothing well.
  17. We have Kaiser so I have to haul myself 1.5 hours north to get this done. It’s OK.
  18. I say enjoy it while it lasts. 😉 once she settles into routine, she won’t have as much to share. I hope my boy will behave the same.
  19. I have a kid raised in the woods who didn’t see his first elevator until he was 10, so chose to go to the urban school. One thing I have been repeating like crazy is to not wander around Los Angeles alone. Everywhere you go, take friends with you. I am a little worried.
  20. We included providers on the transcript so it was clear if the course had been taught at home, at CLRC, or in college. We didn’t list them as separate schools. We only provided official transcripts for our home school and dual enrollment colleges, not from PAH or CLRC (unless you are doing DE through CLRC in which case you will get St. Katherine transcript).
  21. Does attending a fair count as “demonstrated interest” if the school takes “demonstrated interest” into account?
  22. I am packing narcan. So many young kids have died from fentanyl overdose on campuses, I don’t think it can hurt having it in the room. Maybe in can save a life.
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