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Everything posted by hornblower

  1. As a soy eating vegan, it's easy to get soy products which are not gmo. Organic tofu is widely avail & many soy milks come from non gmo stock. Almost all the conventional & GMO soy grown in the US goes to animal feed so it's in most of the meat & eggs consumed in NA. As to breast cancer & soy, there are studies showing it's protective. "Then came the famous Journal of the American Medical Association study, the biggest yet—5,000 breast cancer survivors. Conclusion: “Among women with breast cancer, soy food consumption was significantly associated with decreased risk of death and recurrence.â€" Quote is from here: http://nutritionfacts.org/video/breast-cancer-survival-and-soy/ the JAMA study is here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2874068/pdf/nihms169338.pdf you may wish to add flaxseed to your diet: http://nutritionfacts.org/video/flaxseeds-breast-cancer-survival-clinical-evidence/
  2. i'm almost finished that one. I started reading them when they first came out & for a while I was reading them as they were published. I still have some of the hard covers. I think I'm at S or T?
  3. It's quite funny reading the oldies (I think this was early 90s?) No cell phones. Pagers, etc. The slang is really dated as well. But, even ds enjoyed it and he's not even a big mystery guy.
  4. I vote yes IF you're prepared to be the primary caregiver and have zero expectations of anyone else in your family being involved. If they end up being involved, great, but don't count on children or spouses. So, if you're ready to have another baby for a couple months and then essentially a toddler for the next 13-15 years, then go for it. Feed it raw. kikopup is one of the best resources; Here's an entire playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF26FD559887E7EA4 Also, I posted this little instagram video on the 'elitist' pet thread but I'm not sure you saw it. It's from the instagram feed of the new pom puppy acquired by the giant actor who played The Mountain on Game of Thrones (which I've never seen but I love the instagram feed LOL). Here he is clicker training a recall with his little pom. https://www.instagram.com/p/BGXk6cRPw1M/ Also in that same thread way back I talked about setting aside money &/or buying insurance etc. Think about the financials. I'm guessing you're on the waitlist from a breeder? Make sure you've investigated a breeder thoroughly. In that same thread I listed what makes a breeder reputable... (ugh, that youtube link was finnicky but it's working now!)
  5. Oh no, that's somewhere in the teens, I think. Black Echo was the first.
  6. Well, in humans they don't need to be pulled though it's the cheapest option. You can root canal, you can do a pulpectomy and a bunch of other procedures. Also, regular cleaning and periodontal scaling can prevent infections. You can do a root canals on pets. I know someone who root canalled a large dog's canine tooth rather than pulling it. You can also cap them. But most people will just pull anything that's gone very bad. Fwiw, my dogs are fed raw and have excellent teeth with little tartar and buildup. I did a mini dental on one dog because we thought she had a slab fracture but on full visualization it turned out fine. There wasn't much cleaning needed on her. My old (now deceased) cat however refused to transition to raw and seemed predisposed to have a crappy mouth of rotting teeth. My only regret is not doing a dental one of her dentals sooner - I just didn't realize how bad things were & once he went in there, it obv had been bad for quite some time.
  7. My vet took video and photographs of my cat's mouth, and gave me the rotted extracted teeth in a jar so I could see myself. I don't have the photos of my cat's mouth but it looked sort of like this: http://princetonvet.com/img/before_after.jpg nothing "natural" (whatever that might actually mean) was going to take that stuff off and there's no natural way of dealing with a tooth whose root has completely rotted and infection has set in. What is a scam are those cosmetic dental cleanings that some groomers and 'alternative' caregivers do. They just polish above the gumline (at least i hope that's all they do because amateurs going beneath the gumline is terrifying).
  8. I got up at 530, read a bit (picked up the first Harry Bosch), did yoga, gave dd a lift, came home, gave dh a lift, and then I crawled back into bed, read a bit more and fell back asleep. That was lovely. I feel like a completely different person when I'm well rested. YAY, second sleep, good books & well rested BOOYAH!
  9. Ah this explains it. I've managed to live in an English speaking country for almost 40 years and never heard the word polywog. Tadpole is the only word I know. Yay, I learned a new word!
  10. Awwww, I miss our cat. She was a black dsh & she liked belly rubs (you know the cat definition of like - for exactly 1.5 seconds on one day and 3.3 seconds on another day & a duration in between on other days - based on some ancient Egyptian calendar that we're too stupid to understand) We've been catless for 1.5 yr and still not sure about re-acquiring. At least 2 of us are allergic, you see... Otoh, everyone here has hayfever and allergies to dust etc so we're all kleenex toting nose wipers & making the makers of antihistamines wealthy...so what's one more allergen??? Times like this though, I really want a cat.
  11. Why do I not get this??? Someone take pity and spell it out in little bitty words.
  12. That said, I think it's more correctly categorized as misogyny.
  13. I disagree. I think it makes sense in the context of the work. There's a certain patron & (certain restaurant chains) who think all female servers need to be cloyingly sweet, flirty, dressed in high heels etc etc. OP, I hear you.
  14. I would NOT leave her in pain. I would talk to a vet ahead of time & get them to give you something for pre-sedation at home. Like this: http://vetanesthesiaspecialists.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/SerenityNowSedationOptions_Feline_ABVP2015_HeidiLShafford.pdf Now this might be harder to do right now because you don't have a vet client relationship but I'd still pursue it. Also, if you can find a vet that does cats only (we have clinics like that here, they do only cats) that might be a good bet. Fwiw, in my area there is a Senior animals sanctuary and rescue that takes in very old and decrepit animals from shelters - the likely unadoptable ones - and offers them a 'in home' environment to live out their days. The founder lives on the premises - it's her house actually. She does dentals on seniors very frequently. Anesthesia protocols have been improving and skilled vets with top notch monitoring equipment can do surgery on even very old animals.
  15. Oh the vegan cheese haters are out already :p Not to be contrary, but this vegan has found lots of nice cheeses. Daiya makes nice slices http://daiyafoods.com/our-foods/slices/cheddar/ & also a blocks http://daiyafoods.com/our-foods/blocks/ The block is, in the opinion of my omni & cheese loving dad, more convincing and tastes like a mild cheddar. We like it on crackers or in a sandwich. But for grilled cheese, the slices are better. He also liked the Follow Your Heart cheeses. The only reason I default to Daiya is that they're easier to find here. http://followyourheart.com/vegan-cheese Dayia's creme cheese is actually one that I don't buy anymore as nobody likes it. We prefer Tofutti for cream cheese. The best gourmet cheeses are Miyoko's cultured nut cheeses. Pricy - esp for Canucks by the time we pay for exchange and shipping but truly, they're award winning for a reason.
  16. canada, canada, canada.... it's probably rude to say but I'm so happy to live here. MIL has had 2 hips and one knee. Or 2 knees and one hip? Whatever is left also needs doing and she will be getting that soon. Free, free, free. My dad had a hip done....
  17. my dd works at a wildlife rehabilitation center. They do sometimes get in rats that are brought in by kind hearted folks. Bushy tailed woodrats are a native species and therefore fall in their purview & will receive care if it meets the criteria wrt prognosis for recovery. Any native mice and voles and moles also get treated. Other rats get humanely euthanized on intake. Sometimes the 'wild' rats turn out to be escaped / released fancy pet rats (they come in agouti & sometimes look wild. Occasionally we all pool together our knowledge on fb & check photos back & forth to determine if we're looking at rattus rattus or rattus norvegicus because it's not always obvious. Side note - when you see rats in films, they're almost inevitably agouti pet rats. We have 3 of them. They look all 'wild' but they're tame little pet actors, impersonating their wild cousins of a different species...)
  18. poor girlie & poor you :( So I hate to try to give advice because you've probably btdt with everything already but I was just reading a review of Gut by Guilia Enders and she talks about two sphincters. I didn't know we had 2! We have the external one that is under our control, but there's an internal one which decides when it's safe to let things move down. So I'm wondering if your dd is just not able to feel the sphincters well. So - in addition to chiro work, because I think good chiro would be looking at the spinal column where the nerves controlling those two sphincters are - I was wondering if you could bring some conscious control there through a variation of kegels? I dunno. Maybe it's a stupid idea and maybe it would make things worse but I wondered if she tried stopping her pee once she started - kind of like a game - stop start etc whether that would help start to feel that whole pelvic floor area? And also, that same book is really gung ho on using toilet squatting stools. Stuff like the Squatty Potty. Because when you sit, the angle is wrong & you make things more difficult for your poop. http://www.squattypotty.com/5-problems-with-sitting-on-your-toilet/ I think kids often end up leaning oddly because they're worried about falling in too so that would make it worse. So a good squatting position. And last, maybe a set squatting time every day? Someone I knew, her ds had a prob and they did an intervention where he tried every day at the same time, for just a bit & then he used a suppository. This was all under dr supervision but the idea was that this whole thing would become a set routine and set a rhythm...
  19. I'm wondering how large were the water bottles and the cups that they were expected to drink?
  20. I think one of the take aways from this is to ask in advance what the daily schedule is, when is lights out & when the kids are being woken up and make sure that it's a schedule the camper can follow. My kids could have easily stayed up till 11. They'd not have enjoyed getting up at 6 at all....
  21. I think sometimes it's just best to focus on asking "what is it you want the dog to learn?" and then show videos and articles showing how it's done. Many people just slowly start figuring out that none of that is necessary. Oh, for reading, this blog has good entries: https://dogbehaviorscience.wordpress.com/category/beyond-cesar-millan/ For behaviorism wonks, the annual SPARCS conference is the place to be. http://www.sparcsinitiative.org/
  22. I just want to clarify that my interest in having an entire folder of good male dog trainers using +R methods is purely for the purposes of educating others. Ahem. So with that disclaimer. John McGuigan aka Glasgow Dog Trainer. https://www.youtube.com/user/GlasgowDogTrainer Josh Pitts aka Dog Guy Josh (a US veteran) . His webpage: http://www.dogguyjosh.com/ & his twitter feed: https://twitter.com/DogGuyJosh Tab289 (all these years & I still don't know his name LOL). He trains gorgeous GSD's. No fru fru dogs. https://www.youtube.com/user/tab289 Aidan Bindoff fb page https://www.facebook.com/AidanBindoffDogBehaviourConsulting/ (has videos & occasional articles) Also, Robert Milner's Positive Gundog Training http://www.duckhillkennels.com/dogs/positivegundogs.php & FetchMasters Positive Gundogs http://www.positivegundogtraining.com/ And last but not least, the Game Of Thrones actor who played "The Mountain" - clicker training in action LOL https://www.instagram.com/p/BGXk6cRPw1M/
  23. Nando Brown. Ex UK special forces guy & ex cage fighter. He has a malinois he's teaching bitework. He is active on fb on a page called Incredimal - Nando Brown & Fizz Also has a yotube channel called In The Doghouse. Here's a sample.
  24. This is something I will come back for :) American Veterinary Society of Animal Behaviorists (this is an association for DVMs who specialize in bhvr) their position statements on the use dominance & punishment in training esp http://avsabonline.org/resources/position-statements Dave Mech is the guy who popularized the notion of alpha wolf. He debunked himself. This is one of the premier researchers on wild wolf packs. http://www.davemech.org/news.html - see the video & the two links he posted Beyond CM is an oldish now webpage about all the behaviorists and ethologists who have been debunking CM for years now. It still has some good resources but some of the links are dead. http://beyondcesarmillan.weebly.com/ Bottom line is this. The theory is wrong in wolves. And dogs are not wolves. And you can train your dog in a kind & pain free way without considering dominance at all. See the books & writings of Patricia McConnell, Sophia Yin, Ian Dunbar, Steve Dale etc. ""Cesar Millan's methods are based on flooding and punishment. The results, though immediate, will be only transitory. His methods are misguided, outmoded, in some cases dangerous, and often inhumane. You would not want to be a dog under his sphere of influence. The sad thing is that the public does not recognize the error of his ways. My college thinks it is a travesty. We've written to National Geographic Channel and told them they have put dog training back 20 years." Dr. Nicholas Dodman - Professor and Head, Section of Animal Behavior, Director of Behavior Clinic, Tufts University - Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine" Since it's a man, let me offer that IME many men refuse to listen to women experts on this subject. IT's like they think women are soft (& stupid). So your best bets are men. I just need to do something but I'll come back & give you a list of resources from men, incl some tough guys, who do positive reinforcement training & think CM is a quack and a bully.
  25. ugh! no advice, just wanted to say flooding sucks! hope you can figure it out quickly & dry everything out.
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