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Everything posted by Kareni

  1. You might look into Trisms; it's a research based approach to history. There are some users on this board so it has been mentioned previously. Regards, Kareni
  2. I think your asking price is very reasonable. Bear in mind though that if there is a newer edition, yours will probably be a harder sell. You might want to check some used booksellers (such as Amazon) and Ebay to see what others are selling the three books for. Regards, Kareni
  3. Okay, I'll be getting Sweeney Todd from the library for another listen. Any recommendations as to the original or the recent remake? I'm still in the market for other suggestions of both musicals and groups. Regards, Kareni
  4. You might find this site helpful as it has transcripts in html, pdf and word formats. See: http://www.chasesc.com/forms.html Also look here: http://www.covenant.edu/admissions/trad/adm/home/hs_guidelines.php I hope this might help. Regards, Kareni
  5. You might recommend a few books for your friend to read especially since her daughter would like to attend a prestigious school. Here are a few: What High Schools Don't Tell You - 300+ Secrets to Make Your Kid Irresistible to Colleges by Senior Year by Elizabeth Wissner-Gross and her other book: What Colleges Don’t Tell You by Elizabeth Wissner-Gross Another I'd recommend is How to Get Into the Top Colleges by Krista Klein and Richard Montauk. The Wissner-Gross books have a tone that I don't always care for, but they would certainly inform your friend as to what competition her daughter is up against. The Klein/Montauk book is a great overview for any parent whether their child is looking for an elite college or not. Regards, Kareni
  6. Yes, we are Andrew Lloyd Webber and Stephen Sondheim fans as well. I'm enjoying all the suggestions. Please keep them coming! Regards, Kareni
  7. I think you can spend as much or as little as you care to and still do a great job of homeschooling through high school. (The public library is truly my friend!) No free community college classes in my area either. If you have these free or at low cost, consider yourself fortunate. Regards, Kareni
  8. I have to admit that my teen having only minimal extra curricular activities has also been a concern of mine. In her defense, she has a full load at the community college as well as a couple of AP classes. She travels around by public transportation and getting from here to there usually takes about an hour each way. Apart from volunteering at the public library, her other activities are done at home. Her interests are reading, writing, and art. We're keeping a list of all awards and publications she has to her credit even if they are of the county fair and small press type as they are proof of involvement in her interests. Also, reading the College Confidential website can be truly be a daunting experience since so many of the posters seem to be such incredibly high achievers. Another website I prefer is AdmissionsAdvice.Com which you can locate at: http://admissionsadvice.mywowbb.com/ Regards, Kareni
  9. I have to admit that I immediately thought of this book too! It's a fun one. Regards, Kareni
  10. I agree with Claire that there is no point in taking the PSAT as a senior. Regards, Kareni
  11. Coming in late with a response .... A second vote for Hostage Lands by Douglas Bond. Regards, Kareni
  12. We used Spelling Power; however, I've since seen Sequential Spelling and would have happily used that instead had I had access to it. Regards, Kareni
  13. Garlic Press (cute name, eh?) also puts out some well regarded secular literature guides. Here is a link to their sample page: http://www.garlicpress.com/links/links.htmlhttp://www.garlicpress.com/links/links.html Regards, Kareni
  14. I've considered doing this since there are no homeschool stores in my area and only a TINY homeschool convention each Spring. If you can place one order to one vendor, the price of return shipping would certainly beat traveling to a convention and you could look to your heart's content. Regards, Kareni
  15. Yes, Equate is a great game. My husband uses it with students he is tutoring in math. And we played it as a family and it gave all our brains a workout ... and that includes the highschooler and the parents! Regards, Kareni
  16. My teen, now an 11th grader, is also college bound most likely in the Humanities. Thus far she has done Conceptual Physical Science and Chemistry at home in 9th and 10th grades. This year she is taking Geology at the community college which has a large lab component and requires only minimal math. Next year? Stay tuned. Regards, Kareni
  17. Okay ... We're big fans of Into the Woods and Wicked; we like Jesus Christ Superstar too. We did listen to Avenue Q once, but I cannot now remember a thing about it. I'll be getting that one again as well as looking into Pippin and Chicago. And I'd already requested Idina Menzel's latest CD. Please keep the ideas coming! Groups or individual performers as well as musical suggestions are welcome. Regards, Kareni
  18. Karin, You can take the PSAT as often as you like; however, it is offered only once each year in October. Regards, Kareni
  19. The PSAT counts for National Merit purposes only in the junior year; however, it can be taken earlier if one wishes. One big difference between the PSAT and SAT is that the PSAT does not include an essay portion. Regards, Kareni
  20. Okay, lots of good ideas so far. We do enjoy Les Miserables, Spamalot, Wicked, and Phantom of the Opera too! We've listened to some Queen as well -- interesting stuff. I'd still welcome more suggestions! Regards, Kareni
  21. No need for the "duh", Diana! I am looking for more ideas both musicals and music in general. I've put Lifehouse on hold at the library. Regards -- and thanks, Kareni
  22. you enjoy listening to? I'm looking for recommendations of other musicals or groups/artists. I look forward to your reply! Regards, Kareni
  23. Lynne, The Dr. Seuss books in Latin are amazingly good! My daughter was reading them aloud and the translators did a great job of keeping that Seussian rhythm. Regards, Kareni
  24. I'm not Nan; however, I believe she is referring to the Mother of Divine Grace (MODG) syllabus for Natural History. Here is a link to one place that sells it: http://www.adoremusbooks.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=1114http://www.adoremusbooks.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=1114 Regards, Kareni
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