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Everything posted by JumpyTheFrog

  1. Have you tried having him read after a long, hard exercise session?
  2. I know a woman whose eczema mostly went away after she went GFCF. Eventually, she figured out that it wasn't gluten or dairy that was the problem, but potatoes (and maybe tomatoes, I can't remember). Anything "enriched" has vitamins that may have been grown on potatoes, so that's why going gluten-free helped. In a similar way, dairy itself is okay for her, but she is sensitive to what the cows or goats eat. Before she changed her diet, her eczema was so bad her hands looked crippled.
  3. When I was a kid, a cold was from the neck up, meaning I'd have a stuffy or running nose, and maybe a bit of a sore throat. But they didn't leave me feeling exhausted or achey. This changed around age 28 or so. I'm trying to figure out if it's an age-related thing or if it's related to the chronic illness that I am mostly recovered from.
  4. My parents had the vet vaccinate their dog for lyme disease a few years ago. Before the vaccine, he was healthy. After, he had trouble walking for months.
  5. You know, somebody needs to start a version with toddlers that are potty training. Get a group together and let them run around on a warm day.... Or maybe not.
  6. I grew up near a summer resort town that used to be one of the places people from NYC would escape to in the summer. Also, nobody has mentioned that having slaves do the hard work in the summer made it easier for some people to survive the heat. They could stay cool while someone else paid the price of working in the heat. (I wonder if the slaves were allowed time off to swim or if they had to work all day no matter how hot?)
  7. Faith, thank you for your detailed post. It's a sober reminder of how even though we Americans can seem like wimps in many ways, our modern conveniences have allowed many people to live that otherwise would have died.
  8. Add a few tablespoons of coconut oil, a whole head of chopped garlic, and enough salt. Optional ingredients include hot pepper, chili powder, onions, frozen mixed vegetables, cilantro, and lime juice. You can also try cooking the rice in homemade chicken stock instead of water.
  9. Well, DH will be relieved to hear that other parents have this happen to them. It reinforces our belief that DS would not do well being at school all day. A few months ago, I was tempted to send him to a local private school because of his endless arguing. After this, I doubt I'll be tempted again, because it would likely make the problem worse.
  10. My 6 year old went to day camp last week from 9-3. He had a great time, but after camp each day he thought obeying us was optional. He tends to argue or throw fits a lot, but it got much worse than normal. It's still bad this week. This kind of thing also happens after our two week trips to visit family in the summer and at Christmas. In some ways, he's one of those kids that seems to need to be kept on a schedule and a (metaphorical) tight leash, or else he thinks he's in charge. We knew it would be rough for a week or two, and that we'd have to have our own "boot camp" to re-orient him into cooperating with us. Does this happen to anyone else?
  11. While waiting for the doctors to figure it out, I would at least take him off gluten and dairy. Trying the autoimmune version of the paleo diet is another thing to consider. It is possible he has Celiac disease, but the area they scoped wasn't where the damage is.
  12. I can't personally relate to disliking sports. My DH, oldest, and I all do martial arts and soccer. DS1 also does gymnastics and wants to take tennis lessons, play basketball, and maybe even T-ball or baseball. He and I also run together. DS2 is too young for most of these, but can't wait until he's 5 and can join in. I was chronically ill for five years and couldn't exercise or drive for two years. Now that I am mostly better, I am so, so, so much happier that I can exercise and do sports again. The only time my brain ever shuts off for long is when I exercise. I am completely focused on the game. The rest of the time, even while falling asleep, my mind is going a thousand miles an hour. So in a way, sports are like meditation for me.
  13. One of the best decisions I ever made was to join my high school's varsity soccer team. I had played rec level and some travel soccer, but never on a school team. I joined in 11th grade and had to work hard, because I was out of shape (compared to other players) and hadn't played on the school team for 3-4 years like the other players. My senior year went better, and I won a coach's award. In front of several hundred people, my coach said that I always worked as hard in practice as at a game. That meant more to me than being valedictorian of my class by far, because academics came easily. I had considered graduating high school a year early, but I'm so glad I stayed and played soccer for one more year.
  14. Yes, this is true. My dad said the Delica One Touch lancets are less painful and I agree.
  15. My dad followed Dr. Bernstein's advice of testing after every meal. His goal is to keep his glucose below 100-110 at all times. He is on metformin and victoza, but testing has made it clear what foods he has to avoid. He lost weight quickly on a vegan diet, but his glucose levels were peaking at about 140-150. After a few months he switched to a low-carb diet, and within a week, his glucose peaks were about 110, and his blood pressure normalized for the first time in 30 years. He got off one bp drug and is on a very low dose of the other. Before, even with both drugs, his bp was still high. He is slowly losing weight (down about 70 lbs) but feels so much better.
  16. I don't know if it's true, but some people are concerned that the acidity in the ACV would erode the teeth. I wouldn't worry about using it on a salad. But drinking a lot of it could be a problem, hence the idea of using a straw.
  17. I wonder if being in the water swimming made her need many more calories to keep her warm? Even a warm pool would cause her to lose a lot of heat. Some people take cold showers and baths to help lose weight. When she quit swimming, it's possible that her caloric need went way down, since she didn't need to use as much food just to stay warm. I used to have low cortisol. When it was low, I could only exercise if I drank salt water instead of plain. If I didn't have salted water, it would take me all day to recover from exercise. It sounds gross, but it actually tasted better to me. After many months, it started to taste gross, so I figured it meant I didn't need the extra salt anymore.
  18. There are many companies out there that take advantage of temps and interns with hints or promises of future jobs that never materialize. My advice to anyone temping or interning would be to assume you will never get a permanent job at that company. Assume they are stringing you along, and decide whether the pay and experience is worth it. In your DH's case, the bosses have shown they can't be trusted in any way. If his schedule was consistent, I would suggest to stay while job hunting. But these people are making his life miserable, and I don't know why. Do they toy with everyone's schedule this way? Or is he being singled out? Is there some reason they might be trying to make him quit so they don't have to fire him? I don't think he's eligible for unemployment, but maybe there is some financial incentive for them to get him to quit vs firing him. (I'm not suggesting he's a bad employee, but that the company is scheming for some reason.)
  19. This study found that emergency contraception pills, such as Plan B, work by preventing ovulation, and not by preventing implantation. The woman that took them before ovulation avoided pregnancy, while the women that took them the day of ovulation had the same pregnancy rate as those not using contraception. If EC works by preventing implantation, then the pregnancy rate would've been much lower. In contrast, copper IUDs used as EC often work by preventing implantation.
  20. If she dislikes nuts and legumes and rarely eats meat (since you rarely buy it), it sounds like she isn't getting much protein. Would she eat meat twice a day if you bought it? How about lots of Kerrygold butter? I think what would concern me would be the big difference between her height and weight percentiles. My youngest is maybe at the 7th percentile for height and slightly higher for weight. It doesn't concern me since he is at a good weight for his height. My oldest was small at the same age, but now is in the tall side. (My mom and I were both small toddlers as well, so it runs in the family.) Also, We eat plenty of meat, fat, and vegetables, and I'm sure he'll go through a huge growth spurt at 4-5 like his brother. Anyway, you seem worried, so I thought I'd suggest trying more meat. A low meat diet isn't giving you the results you wanted, so it might be worth trying for a few months.
  21. Would you have to sign a statement that said you agree with their beliefs? Or just that you won't use a curriculum that mentions it?
  22. Have they checked to see if she is hyperthyroid? I assume they have, but thought I'd mention it.
  23. Have you considered: -low stomach acid: can take betaine Hcl with food to help. Could also try apple cider vinegar, sucked through a straw to protect her teeth -digestive enzymes -parasites: I was treated for a tape worm a few years ago and we don't have pets. I was also treated for another parasite called blastocystis hominis. I think I picked one (or both) up on a vacation where we went tubing on a river. My main symptom was fatigue, not GI issues. -Homemade bone broths help heal the gut. -Look into healing the gut with the GAPS diet.
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