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Posts posted by T'smom

  1. This has been my guilty pleasure lately! It certainly isn't high-quality or anything, but I wouldn't really call it sleazy either. I've been watching it (via Netflix streaming) after my littles are in bed- because it is violent and scary for littles. But I'm really enjoying it! If you do get it- let us know what you think!

  2. My 4 yo got one last Christmas and he likes it. It totally doesn't replace read aloud time- even if you bought every book they have, it would be about one week's worth of a homeschooler's read alouds. DS really likes the sound effects and the games. He doesn't use it all the time, but I think it's worth it.

  3. I've been looking at the Playmobile website- I'm sure he would love several of the sets, but I'm not sure which he'd love the most. He has the dinosaur one with the exploding volcano and he plays with the dinos and palentologists alot, but not so much the volcano, trees, rocks, etc.


    What lego sets are good for 4 year olds?


    Thanks for all the ideas- I'm looking forward to hearing more!

  4. I'm completely stuck on what to get my kids for Christmas. And not only do I need to get them something, but I've got grandparents and aunts/uncles asking for ideas and one set of grandparents gave us $50/kid and told us to do their shopping for them! We did score some black friday deals online and the 4 yo (boy) is getting a batcave and some superhero figures and the 1 yo (girl) is getting a play microwave, shopping cart and food. And I'm trying to decide if the 4 yo needs a Leapster-thing...... Anyway, I'm desperately in need of some inspiration.....what are you getting your 4 yo and 1 yos?

  5. We have both Leapster2s and an Explorer and I'd say go with the Explorer of a Leapster2. The video quality of the Explorer is far superior. We haven't done a Leappad because it seems like just a big Explorer, but I could be wrong.


    You could also go with a DS. While more expensive, they also come with a camera. It will be my 4yo's big gift this year.


    Thanks for the ideas- I had never even thought of a DS. I guess I thought that my ds was too little for that. But he's probably not, huh? I'm always thinking that my kids aren't big enough to do something and then they go ahead and do it.

    I thought I was going to be a parent that severely limited video games and here I am considering a DS for my 4 year old!!!

  6. Arrgh! I don't know what to get for my 4 year old. I do know that I want to get him one of those preschooler cameras. He's always wanting to take pics with mine and I think he'd really have a lot of fun with his own. If we're getting him a camera, should we just go ahead and get one of these Leapfrog things? I understand how the Leappad is different, but I don't really see much of a difference between the Leapster2 and the Explorer. You can buy a camera attachment for the Explorer (not sure if it works with the LS2) but then you've spend so much that you might as well spend a bit more and get the Leappad, cause it already has a camera with it. But would it be too awkward to take pics with? I think having the larger screen would make it more fun to do fun things with the pics......I just can't make a decision!!!!! Any advice would really be appreciated.

  7. While I understand the reaction of some people that she should just deal with it, that some kids are really deprived and she isn't; I think it is very important to make her feel special. There have been some good solutions mentioned by other posters- but I'd really talk to her and find out exactly what the issue is. It might not be that the clothing is used, but that she didn't get to pick it out. I'd hit up some consignment stores, thrift stores and garage sales for BOTH girls to bring the cost down. Or sell the older dd's stuff to purchase younger dd's stuff. I doubt the issue is really that she doesn't want to wear used, I think there's something else to it.

  8. I totally get it. Sometimes I have trouble initiating a get-together with someone because I can't imagine that they really want to hang out with me- but then when we are together, they act like excited and like they really do like me. Life would be easier (and friendships closer) if I didn't question myself and wonder if/why they would want to hang out with me.

  9. Assuming food stamp fraud is the norm, is similar to assuming drug use among welfare recipients is the norm. Florida began drug testing welfare and food stamp applicants in July, and so far approximately 2.5 percent of applicants have failed. Another 2 percent refused to take the test, making them ineligible.


    This is the real waste of my tax money IMO. Applicants are required to pay for the test up front, but if they pass, they are reimbursed by the state. That means Florida has paid (with my tax money) for 97.5 % of the required drug tests. So far the testing proves that welfare/food stamp applicants are not, as a whole, drug users. The testing is really about humiliating the poor. Just as policing how one spends their food stamps is about humiliating the poor.



    I'm not sure how I feel about the drug test thing, but if only 2.5% failed the drug screen then food stamp recipients must be MUCH less likely to be on drugs than the average worker! Part of my dh's job is administering drug tests at the company he works for- granted the jobs these people are doing are not highly paid jobs- but the number of people that fail is astounding. Truly. Probably close to half of the people that apply fail the initial drug screen and if there is an accident everyone involved is screened again- probably half of those fail. I know this is off topic, but at least a couple times a week he comes home with stories of people failing the tests and you just wouldn't believe it. At least, I have a hard time!

  10. The thread about this made me think about something. I often feel like I'm practically from another planet. I totally don't see things the way anyone else does. Obviously most people here are going against the tide in educational choices and to be honest, I don't really get much flak about my decision to homeschool. I have this sil who is a teacher. She is completely respectful of our choices, even though they aren't the same as hers. But the other day she was talking about how to decide where her son will go to elementary school. If he would attend the school that's close to them or if he'll go to the school where she teaches. He wants to ride the bus. She doesn't want to 'take that opportunity away from him'. I just smile and nod.....but I really, really wish I had someone that I could have a real conversation with. Without being offensive. I wish there was someone that saw things at least a little bit the way I do. I feel like I "smile and nod" or "pass the bean dip" a LOT. And not just about education, but about my choice to stay home, about politics, about religion, about nutrition, about choices on how to spend time as a family, or how to spend money......about EVERYTHING. Can anyone relate?

  11. I generally stay out of political discussions on fb (though of my friends there is very little of it anyway- sometimes people post some stupid little comment, but it's never much) BUT I know EXACTLY where you are coming from. I'm another one whose views differ from most people around me. Or at least I assume. But it could be that there are others who agree with me but also are not vocal about it. When it does come up in person I will state my views, politely and firmly. If they push, I have been known to get less polite. But it doesn't come up very often. I would be completely stunned if someone in a homeschool group or church (or anywhere) told me I was expected to vote a certain way. Stunned. I am VERY involved in church and have never been told how to vote and only once did a church that I was in make a statement about being on one side. (And it was a local issue involving making certain streets one-way and it was going to cause parking issues for the church). I have been handed flyers that outline the platforms of each candidate and told to prayerfully consider who I was voting for, but that's it. It might SEEM like 'all the churches around you' are taking a stance, but they're probably not.

    Once, I went to a morning bible study at church and someone had put several political posters in the lawn. When I got out of bible study, there were several more added from the opposing candidate. Several hours later, driving by the church, all the signs were taken down. No one had permission to actually put those signs out- the church did not actually endorse it, someone just stuck them there.

    Sometimes I feel very lonely just because I seem to see the world completely differently.

  12. I love the ideas I get from this thread every week, but don't often post my own. However, this week I had a couple that were so great I wanted to share the ideas!


    Ophelia by Lisa Klein This is the story of Hamlet from Ophelia's perspective. I thought it dragged on a little in the middle, but the last part of the book was SO worth it!


    Right as Rain by Bev Marshall The cover says if you like Fannie Flagg, you'll like this. I've never read Fannie Flagg, so I can't comment on that but lots of people here seem to love her so I thought I'd add that. Anyway, this woman can WRITE! I'm loving the character development and the way you come to love these characters. It starts in 1950 in Mississippi and traces the lives of an African American family and the white family that they work for. It's about race and love and family and how we define these things. But it's so much more than that.....I'd rate this book VERY highly!

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