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Posts posted by T'smom

  1. I think you might want to give people a chance to drive the 4 hours. Some people might want to. Maybe it could even be a group road tip kind of thing. Even if only a few people went, they could take gifts from people who couldn't make it.


    Don't make any assumptions for Sis #3. Of course she's grieving. But it doesn't mean that she won't want to celebrate her new niece/nephew. (Speaking as someone who lost a baby a month before a niece was born.) And don't forget that Sis #2 is grieving as she's celebrating. Having another baby doesn't erase the pain of losing the first.


    I LOVE the idea of the angel ornament or something. Maybe you could have a special time separate from the shower to just be together as sisters and mourn the children that are gone. I think it would be beautiful to have something to remember both lost children by. (Something with two angels holding hands or something......)

  2. i hear ya as i buy mostly used everything. but a couch where 100's(??) of people have sat on is different than buying from one family off of craigslist,yk?:D


    then again, buying a couch off of craigslist comes with the possibility that the owners had s*x on it, too.:ohmy:


    I think buying a showroom floor couch is a LOT less gross than buying a used one. You know people are out in public, dressed and shopping. Any couch in a living/family room has had lots of sick people sleeping on it, dogs drooling, diapers leaking, babies spitting up.....ugh. Now I don't want to sit on my own couch.


    So, yes, I'd go for it!

  3. I've gotten into a habit of watching Vampire Diaries on Netflix and surfing Pinterest after the kids (and dh) are in bed. I'm REALLY enjoying this- but last night I watched the last episode! What do I watch next? I want something girly, something that dh won't want to watch, something with a continual plot. I've enjoyed Grey's Anatomy, Army Wives, Parenthood, etc. Can anybody suggest anything good?

  4. I would point out to him that even if he was having problems with his phone, he probably could have emailed (I'm assuming he bought the tickets online) and let you know.


    It's fine (imho) to grow up and shed the level of childish obedience to ones parents. But the exhange is for adult courtesy towards others. That applies not only to letting you know so you wouldn't worry, but also to informing you and his sister that he would be missing previous committments. He probably also ought have called his cousins and asked if they could drive to the play. Because that's what grown ups do when they have to make last minute changes.


    In my head, the spur of the moment trip that assumed everyone else would accomodate his change of mind is the most childish part of the escapade. Be spontaneous, but take adult responsibility for the whole thing.



    :iagree::iagree: And you said it much more eloquently than I!

  5. I know it's not the right thing to do, but I'd be really tempted to turn the tables on him. Tell him you're going to be somewhere and then not show up. I think his sister and cousins have the right to be ticked off. I would be explaining very. clearly. that 'men' do not let their gf's or parents (or roommates) worry abou them. "Men" do not flake on commitments. Actions and behavior determine the difference between a boy and a man and I'd ask him which he wanted to be.

    I would emphasize that the nice thing about being 23 and having disposable income is doing things like flying to NYC at the last minute. It's fun. He should totally embrace doing things like that before he has kids. But he should do it in a considerate way- honoring all commitments that he's made. Maybe he doesn't see driving his sister as a big enough deal to mean missing out on this opportunity, but he should've called his cousins and said "hey, could you go get sis because I'm not going to be able to". And if you don't honor commitments, people are going to be ticked off with you.

  6. We live about an hour away from dh's fam, so we don't babysit each other's kids very often.....but certainly would more often if we were closer. To me, there isn't a difference between Sat. night and a weekday afternoon. Why is there a difference to you? I do everything I can to develop relationships with all my nieces and nephews and among all the cousins. The more time we spend together, the better! My family lives many, many hours away and I really, really wish I could babysit my sister's son on a regular basis.


    I agree with previous posters that said take your family to their house. The VAST majority of family babysitting here is done at the sitter's house. But we all have pack-n-plays for naptime!

  7. If my DH had unlimited power he would never do those things either. What I'm saying is that in this feel good society, do what feels best, what makes you feel good, let it all out, don't hurt Johnny's self esteem, we've created a society (from early on) where the the lines of right, wrong, privacy, abuse has not been taught as it used to be. There definitely was several eras of keeping things under tabs and I'm not necessary talking about sexual abuse but in every day living, appropriate actions, as well as definite right and wrong, sex, etc, etc.


    The lines of what is acceptable are so blurred now and it's wreaking havoc on our society. What was unacceptable years ago has no comparison to what is acceptable now. So in this sense, there's no control. Some of it's because it's readily available. It's an attitude of it's all okay, who's it going to hurt. This thinking morphs into more and more of what used to be unacceptable behavior more acceptable. A good example, the garbage on TV! Think about what was acceptable 20 years ago to what is deemed "normal" now. It makes me cringe!


    I'm not saying to sweep things under the rug, but when a society has gone as down hill as it has, because of the lack of discipline (which includes teaching boys proper behavior) this is what you're going to get as a whole. Women too!


    In this particular case, I don't know why this man did this. I don't know his background. And of course there are acceptions to every rule. But as a general concensus (and maybe not in this case or all cases, but generally), the more lax on disciplining children, this is the type of society your going to get. I'm talking of all areas.


    I also agree that people like this really have a screw loose and they have for ages! I agree it hasn't changed. But what makes it different now it what is now deemed normal behavior among men (and women). It's sickening. The more the behavior is plastered all over every network or tech gadget, the more attention it gives it and it becomes something normal. And no this guy isn't normal, but really, this doesn't surprise me.


    But I think you're misunderstanding me in what I mean by lack of control. People do things because they can. They've not learned any sort of control. Because parents are dropping the ball on a huge level (in teaching self control, right/wrong, acceptable behavior, privacy, and on, and on....), TV and Hollywood and society as a hole as given up their parental rights to let these outlets raise their children and because some people are just plain sick.


    I don't really understand your post. I think child molesters are more likely to be held accountable now than in any time in the past. And I really don't think that anything on prime time TV caused this guy to do this.

    People do things because they can? Like rape children? Because they can? Because their parents didn't teach them right and wrong? Or privacy? I think not keeping things as private as they have been in the past is holding more molesters accountable. In the past, the victims wouldn't have spoken up. Lots still aren't. But at least there are more that are.

  8. I'm sure there's more to the story that I don't know......but I would make sure that dd12 felt my love for her. If she feels that you favor one or more of her siblings- it's entirely possible that she will hate them forever. I would take her out on a mom-date and have a heart-to-heart. Do something fun that she wants to do and tell her what a beautiful person she is and that she is too beautiful to act ugly. Tell her that you wouldn't allow anyone to treat her badly and you're not going to let anyone treat dd8 badly either. Lay down rules and consequences. Try to be as unemotional as possible (about the consequences). I like what a PP poster said about if a child does something mean, they have to find something nice to do. I wouldn't recommend just up and imposing a consequence without giving her a warning that it's coming. Tell her that you feel you've been too lenient when it comes to the way she's treating dd8 and that from this point on, every time she does x, y happens.

    I don't know. I'm sure there's more that would make what I've said not applicable, but it's something to think about.

  9. It IS in the water supply!!! They do not have the means to remove that from the filtrated recycled water.

    I agree that it is over prescribed. Why would someone need to be on something for more than 3 years???

    What is wrong with counseling???

    What is wrong with a better diet? I think a lot of it has to do with diet coupled with stress, expectations of others, and feeling unable to cope.

    An antidepressant was prescribed for someone I love very much. We read the side effects and person decided he was better off without it. May cause feelings of suicide, worse depression, bad dreams, hallucinations...

    "Do not stop taking this medication suddenly."

    I know there are a lot of women who take anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds, and have been for years and years...to get off of it requires very careful tapering off, from what I have read, and in some cases hospitalization.


    Wow. Just WOW. I take antidepressants and have for many years. When I try to go off of them (hell, when I miss a few doses) I become suicidal. It is a very fast slippery slope for me. There is nothing bad or traumatic in my life. I have a wonderful husband, wonderful kids. The first time I was prescribed antidepressants, I was in college. I was having fun, making nearly straight A's without much effort, lots of dates, sorority parties.....and one day I didn't get out of bed. And then I didn't get out of bed again. I (finally) called my parents crying and they came and pulled me out of school. It took months to for me to get better- but I did, I went back to school, finished with honors.


    If you knew me- you would NEVER guess in a MILLION years that I struggle with depression. (Unless I told you.) I have a great life. And I am **** good at faking my emotional state in public. I have nothing major to complain about. But my brain does not process chemicals the way it is supposed to- and without those pills, I quickly begin to feel like my kids would be better off if I was dead. I literally do not get off the couch. My husband has had to take time off work to care for the kids.


    And to address another poster- none of this has anything to do with relying on meds before other remedies. Not only have I tried everything under the sun, but I have two kids that have only been sick (enough to go to the doc) once each. Only one has ever been even on antibiotics. Does that sound like people who rely too much on medication?


    I cannot believe some of the posts in this thread.

  10. I don't have any ideas, but I feel for you! My MIL/FIL are this hard to buy for. But I have a present buying story that fits in here! My SILs (all in-laws, my dh has two brothers) were discussing via facebook messages what to get them and one SIL suggested a Keurig. We all thought that was a great idea, but dh saw the message and said that his dad doesn't drink coffee. I didn't realize that, so I passed that info along. They (SILs) don't care. At. All. They're getting it anyway. It's too expensive to just get it for MIL, so FIL just gets a coffee maker even though he doesn't drink coffee!!!! I'm fairly annoyed by this because I would like to actually give FIL something he MIGHT like. We're going to get him some CDs or something- but still. Anyway, at least you're trying.

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