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Posts posted by T'smom

  1. My 7 year old must be your secret daughter! I guess the only thing she doesn't do is stand while eating but if I had a penny for every time I have said "chew with your mouth shut" I would be rich! If I said you can have candy after every meal, she wouldn't forget that! Why do I have to remind her of good manners?


    My dad used to have a saying "Melissa, Melissa, young and able, get your elbows off the table! Round and round you must go!" and we had to run around the outside of the house. Try that!


    I also do the 3 reminders and you are finished eating. I am bad though because after 2 reminders I kind of don't pay attention so I don't have to take away her meal. I have a few times and she turns on the BIG tears and says "I will mom!"



    Oh my! This brought back soooo many memories of church camp! If someone had their elbows on the table the whole table would sing

    "Mabel, Mabel, Strong and able,

    get those elbows off the table,

    this is not a horse's stable,

    but a respectable dining table"


    "Round the table you must go, you must go, you must go.

    Round the table you must go, that was awful."

    Then when the person went around the table and sat back down, it would start up again with-

    "Back around the other way, other way, other way.

    Back around the other way, that was awful."


    I hadn't thought about that in years! Probably not a solution to your current situation though! Sorry for the hijack!

  2. Here's an idea I've heard. Everyone gets a little dixie cup of m&ms at their place and anyone who catches someone breaking an etiquette rule gets to take one of their m&ms. You could let them know that you're going to do this on a certain night so they have a chance to practice for a few nights before. If you think that your kids would just be grabbing them, you could make them okay it with you before they take one. You have to say why you're taking one (for example- you just had your elbow on the table....I'm taking an m&m!)

  3. Hmmm . . . we've never had any problems with any of ours, and we are most definitely NOT co-sleepers. Our babies are in a pack-n-play in our room until they stop waking up to nurse in the middle of the night (usually by 8 weeks), and then sometime in the next few weeks they transition to their own crib (and whoever has been in that crib moves into another room with other siblings). I do not sleep well at. all. with little bodies in my bed, so everyone sleeps in their own place, whenever we tell them it's time. But we have a lot of expectations about their behavior in other areas, so maybe the kids just don't think it is worth it to battle the sleeping thing? I don't really know. And by this time we have so many kids, that the younger ones just do what the older ones are doing, LOL. Positive peer pressure!


    Your babies stop nursing in the middle of the night by 8 WEEKS?!?!? I have a dd turning 1 next week and she's still up at least twice a night to nurse!!!

  4. Maybe I have a different take because I seem to be a bit younger than the average demographic here, but I don't find it odd when people want to friend me on Facebook. If there's something I wouldn't want a complete stranger to know, I don't post it online. Period. And I use Facebook as a way to make new friends, as well as keep in touch with the old ones.


    :iagree: and like another person said, it's like getting someone's number. There's actually a mom I run into at the park sometimes and she's really cool. I would've asked her about fb, but she mentioned that she wasn't on it. (I thought) we really hit it off and I would love to hang out with her some more. But maybe she's on a message board somewhere saying "There's this freak of a mom at the park that won't leave me alone...." LOL!


    ETA: I meant to add that I think the fact that people want you to be their friend just means that you seem to be a nice person and people like you! I don't think it's poor manners. I'd take it as a compliment, but of course, if you don't want to friend them.....don't.

  5. I think that is it imperative that mom be able to teach with her strengths and not overly cater to a child's learning style and current interests. TWEAK to their interests and styles but not CENTER around them.


    Mom needs to be centered and confident when teaching. Many moms here are empowered by using the 4 year schedules in TWTM, and their students reap the benefits of a powerful teacher.


    She can study modern history on her own from the book basket. She doesn't need to uncenter you, to study modern history. Every time she is interested in something, she doesn't need your direct instruction and she certainly doesn't need you to discard planned lessons.


    I think you should stick with your plans, whatever they are.


    I very strongly disagree with this. Very strongly. The teacher is the adult and is MUCH better able to operate outside of their 'comfort zone' than a 1st grader.


    She can study modern history on her own?!? She's in the 1st grade!


    I know I'm coming at this with my own bias- but the whole reason I homeschool is to give my child the best education possible. I believe that is best done by following the child's interests. Making adjustments when it's called for is the whole point. Sticking to planned lessons no matter what is NOT.

  6. I am shocked at some of these responses! IMNSHO, you should let her follow her interests. Especially in the 1st grade. That's why most of us homeschool, isn't it? To give our children an individual education? She should be learning to love learning. If it were me, I would drop ancients and do modern. BUT if it's important to you to do ancients right now, I'd add modern to it. And go easy on the ancients. I think it's really important to let kids explore their interests.

  7. I got this recipe from someone here and it is always a hit. It's like a peanut butter fudge.


    1 cup butter

    1 cup crunchy peanut butter

    1 lb. powdered sugar

    1 package graham cracker crumbs (one of the inside packages- not the whole box)


    You just mix that all up and press it into a 9x13 pan.

    The original recipe that I saw called for melting a bag of chocolate chips to pour on top, but I use half a package of almond bark. I always burn chocolate chips!


    Lots of people ask me for the recipe and sometimes at events people will say "Oh, I was hoping you were going to bring those!

  8. That's insane. I would try to have her fired from her job.


    Um, that might be a slight overreaction. It's unlikely (not impossible, but certainly improbable) that this was a decision made solely by her without any input from anyone else. There is usually a library board and committee that makes these policies.


    I would suggest asking for the library director and/or putting your reasons against this policy in writing and submitting it to the library board. I agree with you that this is a bad policy and think that if you go about it in the right way, you might be able to change it.

  9. I say things along the lines of "you sure have your hands full" all the time. I've never meant it negatively. I thought it was a nice small-talk comment about kids. I only have 2 and people say it to me all the time- but I've never felt it was in a rude way. Sometimes I'm out and about with only one and I have my hands full! We plan on having two more.


    There was a mom at storytime that had 5 kids with her and I thought they were all hers- I started a couple convos with her because I was so impressed with her. She was so organized and patient, so soft-spoken and kind, but really no-nonsense at the same time. One of those people you look at and you're like "I wanna be like her!" Turns out, she was baby-sitting two of them, but she had two olders that were in school- so she did have 5, just not the 5 that were with her.


    Anyway, sometimes when someone is watching you, they're not thinking negatively- they're thinking "Wow, I wish I could be like her!"

  10. I think the problem, though, is the way that much of the discourse around modesty goes. It's not, at least in many Christian circles, about a girl respecting herself but about protecting innocent young men from the lustful thoughts that they just can't help but have when they see a woman dressed in an "inappropriate" way. And, what's inappropriate? Well, any way of dressing that provokes lustful thoughts, obviously.


    The language that is used around women who dress immodestly by people who claim to value "modesty"--"trashy," "trampy," "cheap," "slutty," "prosti-tots," etc.--shows that this is not about respecting women for many of them. Because if you respect women, then you respect them no matter how they are dressed. You don't use degrading language to describe women who dress in ways you don't approve of. In fact, I've heard, more than once, proponents of "modesty" applaud their sons for using the most offensive, degrading language to describe women who are immodestly dressed. Personally, I'd be far, far more concerned about my son calling a girl a "tramp" or "slut" because of how she was dressed than about my daughter dressing in a way that might cause others to label her as one of those things. But, passing those kinds of judgments seems to be something that is often valued in many circles where modesty is highly promoted.


    And, I also find it disrespectful to women because of the double message being sent. The message is always, "Be modest, but for God's sake don't be frumpy. Don't inspire lustful thoughts in men, but you better make sure you still look attractive to them." That just galls me. The idea is still that women are there to be pretty objects for men to look at, it's just that the idea of what that should entail differs from what mainstream culture says it should entail.




    There is much wisdom in this post.

  11. Well, he doesn't have a new job yet. He's not miserable, he enjoys what he does, but sometimes something comes up where it's his call as to what happens and people don't like the call that he makes. They pressure him to make a different call. He's the one that said he wanted to quit, but not for another 3 years. I certainly didn't tell him to not quit. (Though I HAVE been pushing for some change, I do NOT want to live here anymore) The company will match what he's put into retirement....but not until he's been there for 5+ years.

  12. Would you buy a house if you thought there was a good possibility of moving in three years?


    We have been living in a tiny awful rental for 2 years. It started because dh got a job here and we couldn't sell our old house in another state. We have since sold the house, but we were having a baby and lots of other things going on and we haven't bought another one. I am SICK of living here. It's not big enough. Lots of issues with it. BUT there are problems where dh works. He's often under pressure to do things that are unethical at best, illegal at worst. He doesn't believe that he would be fired for not going along with these things though. (he doesn't give into this pressure) He wants to find another job- but not until he's been at this one for 5 years because he would lose a significant amount of retirement benefits.


    The rental market does not seem to be very promising.


    The area we live in is fairly rural and if/when he got a job, we would probably have to move. Although we live in the area that he wants to stay in, so it probably wouldn't be too far away for him to commute to for awhile.


    There is a house that, while not perfect, is pretty great.


    So, would you buy or look for a different rental?


    ETA: The mortgage payment would be less than what we would pay in rent for a similar place. Except that there aren't any similar places.....so rent would probably be slightly more than the mortgage payment would, but it would NOT be as nice a place.

  13. In our area, you can call 911 without a phone service. Call them and check. Ours said that as long as the wires are there, you can plug in the phone and reach 911. Some kind of law they passed around here. I think we even were allowed to try it out to make sure the wires had not been cut. We dropped the landline after that. Might be worth checking on. I keep a phone plugged in just in case.


    Wow! I did not know that....thanks for that info!

  14. Whether you agree with the TSA security protocol or not, the people doing the actual pat downs are just doing their jobs and trying to support their families like the rest of us. They have absolutely no say in what the government requires them to do, and assaulting them because you don't like what the higher-ups have decided is wrong. I'm glad the woman was charged. It would be like beating up the postman because you're angry about the price of stamps.



  15. Just ignore the idiot. My 3 yo boy often pretends to give birth and is always telling people about "the baby in my tummy". It's wonderful that your son has such a wonderful person to imitate. My 3 yo also wants bows in his hair like his little sister and nail polish like me. There is NOTHING wrong with your son or mine! (I'd be willing to bet that yours and mine are better-adjusted than the idiot's kids.....if he's found a woman willing to bear his children..... speaking of which.....why on earth is there a man on a breastfeeding message board?????

  16. It might be something to consider to do science on Mon/Tues and history on Thurs/Fri (co-op was on Wed....right?) One of the nice things about the block scheduling like that is it eliminates the transition time of putting one away and getting out the other so you spend more "time on task". BUT- the personalities in my family seem to be suited to spend a lot of time at once instead of several little times. It's not be for everyone. You may be able to utilize the car time to listen to audio books, quiz spelling/vocab words, mental math, discuss the latest history chapter, etc. It doesn't really help eliminate something on the schedule, but it might help you feel more productive and less like you're wasting that time.



  17. I got alot of reading done this week. I finished "Caught" by Harlan Coben, "The World is Much Bigger" by Euna Lee (impressed by this story of her capture in N.Korea in 2009) and "Teach Like Their Hair is on Fire" by Rafe Esquith (inspiring!)


    I am now reading Book #38--"Livewire" by Harlan Coben.



    Oooh, I LOVE Harlan Coben!!! He's one of my favorite authors!

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