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Posts posted by T'smom

  1. Oooh, you know what is the Best. Snack. Ever.? You take a slice of bread, slightly butter it, spread guacamole on it, add a couple tomato slices, and a slice of cheddar cheese. Put it in the oven until the cheese melts. This is heaven. Better than chocolate. I could live on it. Especially with homegrown tomatoes.....so sad that tomato season is almost over.

  2. All I wanted was to be a mommy and stay home with my kids. I actually think that is a pretty big dream, not very many moms get to stay home with their kids. There was a time that I was scared that it wasn't going to happen. I wasn't going to meet "The One". Before dh, I was very in love with a guy that didn't want to have kids. We kept breaking up and then getting back together. I thought he would change his mind eventually- but I wasn't willing to risk not getting to have kids. But I found "The One" and his dreams were compatible with mine. (kids, homeschooling, family vacations, etc)

  3. I do not think this is one of the "big moments between dad and son". I would guess most fathers would be rather glad if the mom takes care of "the talk".


    My son happened to ask me. I told him. I told him that he could also ask dad questions, if he wants to talk to a man. Don't think he ever did.

    I think you did exactly the right thing: answer you child's question when he asked. Saying "that is something you should ask dad" shrouds it in mystery and makes a bigger deal out of it.

    It is also pretty normal that they are grossed out at that age. Thank goodness. Hope it last a while ;-)



  4. My dh isn't a doctor, but he does have advanced degrees and I have had the experience several times of not being able to read what he's written on a grocery list.

    My handwriting is legible....but it isn't pretty.


    I don't think anyone would have noticed the form. LOTS of people do not write well. But I understand that you're upset.....:grouphug:

  5. Our local movie theater shows movies before noon that are really cheap! Also, shopping doesn't have to be for clothes- you could go look around a bookstore or craft store. Go for a walk? Bike ride? Play a board game? Make a special breakfast together? Bake cookies? Go out for lunch? You could get one of those Top Secret Cookbooks and go out to eat and try the restaraunt version, then make it at home and see which you like better!

  6. I was at a friend's house the other day and they had a beautiful copy of a children's book out. I read it to the kids. (hers and mine) Later, we had picked up the toys and my friend's son wanted me to read the book again- but we couldn't find it. My friend had picked it up and put it way up high so the kids wouldn't ruin it! I couldn't find any other books to read to them (but the littlest was asleep, so we didn't go in his room- I'm hoping the books were in there!)

  7. Well, I've been thinking about what math curriculum to use with my soon to be 4 year old (in the future) and I've been reading about different manipulatives (C-rods, abacus, etc). So while I'm fixing dinner, he's making guns out of megablocks and I hear "Mom! 3 guns and 3 guns is 6 guns!" A few minutes later "Mom! 3 guns and 3 guns and 3 guns is 9 guns!" Of course! Duh! GUNS are the perfect math manipulative!

  8. My goal is that they have all the tools they need to pursue whatever goals they want to pursue! (That's a lot of tools!) I certainly want them to be able to get into whatever college they desire, but it goes beyond that.....I want them to have skills in athletics, music, art.....I want them to 'catch' references that go over the heads of most people. I want them to be able to manage their lives- their finances, their households, etc.


    Sorry I'm rambling....my kids are still very young and while I've thought about this (even before they were born!) I haven't put it into words yet!

  9. Perspective?


    Well, I guess something to consider would be at least you KNOW he's there. For every person on the sex offender list, there are MANY, MANY more that you don't know where or who they are. Just because you find a neighborhood where there are not any SO's listed, doesn't mean that they are not there.


    Good for you to use this as an opportunity to educate your children about safety!


    :iagree: Of COURSE you should take note and keep your kids away from him..... BUT there are many out there who haven't been caught yet. At least you know to look out for this one.

  10. I have a little space heater that I LOVE to point at my feet in the winter. It's just a little $20 from Wal-Mart. They don't usually last more than one winter though, somewhere near the end they just stop working. (I may overuse mine!) Dh and I can't agree on a thermostat setting, so this is our compromise. I LOVE my heater. If I was your daughter, I would be doing schoolwork all.day.long. just to sit in front of the heater! Definitely make sure you get one that will shut off if it's knocked over and make sure everyone knows to not get too close. (The ones I've had shut off if someone gets too close- it overheats) Hope she enjoys it!

  11. I have a completely boring life. I do have an annoying mil and sil- but seriously, that's all they are. Mildly annoying. No one in my extended family has any drama.

    We don't have a perfect life, but it's not bad. (Ok- there is this one issue where we're living in a really awful apartment because we couldn't sell our house in another state- but it finally sold and we could buy a house now, but dh doesn't know if he wants to stay at this job long term. It's a really awful apartment and I HATE it here.....but it's not exactly drama.)

  12. I don't see a reason for a 1yo child to be off the bottle, any more than a 1yo child needs to not be nursing. :glare:


    That is exactly what I was thinking! I guess it does make sense if breastmilk changes composition. I just let my first naturally wean and plan on doing that with this one as well. So I didn't know what to tell her. I did tell her that I didn't think he needed to be in a rush (he's literally not even 13 months yet!) But even if the bottle's contents change, I don't see why a bottle feeding 1 yo needs to change, but a breastfeeding 1 yo doesn't! I'll tell her about toddler formulas in case she doesn't know (I didn't!) Thanks everybody!

  13. I have some questions. I'm a breastfeeding mom who has NO experience with this. But my nephew is formula-fed and he just turned a year. My sister has been given some grief over the fact that he is still using a bottle. And the fact that he has rejected regular milk. He's BARELY a year old. I told her that the people giving her grief didn't know what they were talking about, it was perfectly fine for him to still use a bottle. Now, I know that sometimes breastfeeding moms are told that it's not healthy for babies past a year or past 2 years or whatever and that a common response to that is that the milk hasn't changed......why is this not the same for formula? Why is it that they are expected to drop formula at exactly one year? My sister is mixing the milk with the formula to wean him off of it. Just wondered why this was and if there was anything I could say to encourage my sister.

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