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Posts posted by T'smom

  1. I TOTALLY understand! At one well-baby visit, I told the doc that she seemed to have had an allergic reaction to something. We were in a place, she got these red bumps, swollen eyes, etc, we left and it immediately started improving. This happened 3 times, all in different places. I wasn't really concerned, but I wanted to mention it. She told me to watch my diet. Seriously? It was obviously NOT diet related. At the next doc appointment, a different doc asked about the 'welts' on my 1 yo dd legs. Um, they're mosquito bites, not welts.

  2. Maybe cook/bake something special- like individual pizzas Bike rides? Maybe some friendly competitions.....like the family olympics or something? Go through old family photos, maybe organize into albums. Have a water balloon fight. Let each child choose an activity for everyone to do.


    No brilliant ideas, but maybe the brainstorm can help a little. At least it'll bump it up!

  3. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


    I'm sorry you're feeling like this. I don't have any answers, but I have struggled with something similar. LOTS of people in my family are depressed or bipolar. My kids could inherit that from me. I would HATE it if that turns out to be the case. BUT- they are worth it. Not just to me, but to the world. People in my family that suffer with these things have made significant contributions to society. I suffer with something (I've had psychs tell me that I am bipolar and others say that I'm not.....who knows?!?!?) but I'm glad that my parents had me. I hope you get some peace about this.

  4. Full disclosure: I'm not an afterschooler! However, as a former teacher I would be thrilled to know that someone was afterschooling and would do anything I could to assist them. (Suggest resources, etc.) If the child was really advanced and finishing their classwork early, I would let the parent know it would be totally fine for the child to work on their afterschooling work in class. BUT- if I was afterschooling, I'd probably not tell the teacher. Lots of teachers aren't really like me.

  5. Only if it's really extreme one way or the other. Really extreme. For example, we have a teenage neighbor boy who has long greasy hair and is always chain-smoking outside in his boxers. I avoid him. Also, I may be intimidated by someone who looks really, really good.


    I'm neat and clean, but I don't wear make-up or fix my hair. (I have been told my quite a few people that it looks like I flat-iron my hair every day. I so don't. I wash and go. I own a hair dryer, but I don't know where it is. My mil wanted to borrow hairspray when she visited one time and I had to laugh. Seriously? I haven't used hairspray since my wedding and the hairstylist did it!)


    Sometimes I would like to put more attention into my clothes but I have NO IDEA what is "in style", so I tell myself 'okay, pay attention to what people are wearing at church/mom's group/etc' Then I get home and am like "dang, I totally forgot to pay attention!" So when I go to the store, I don't know what to buy. I'd rather buy books anyway!


    I have a lot of fun dressing my kids though. Especially my 1 year old dd. I did notice at the park the other day that there were other parents who were dressed really nicely and their kids weren't. My kids have super-cute outfits, and I'm just wearing shorts/t-shirt/flip-flops.

  6. I LOVE facebook! I love hearing what's going on in my friends' lives. I especially love the cute things kids do/say. That's what most of my posts are. I love knowing daily things that I wouldn't have kept up without fb. Friends that I have moved away from or have moved away from me. Or friends that we didn't used to have much in common (classmates, for example) but now have kids exactly the same as my kids and they're homeschooling! I also find misspellings hilarious. Recently, someone said (jokingly) that someone else was being 'conceded' and then several other people repeated the misspelling in their responses. I almost died laughing.


    I do have to admit that I HATE those "repost if..." things. And people who say things like "I just love that I have so many wonderful friends who are ready to help me launch my business." Blech. But, to be honest, it's the person that's irritating and facebook is just the vehicle they're using.

  7. Maybe when you see someone who is not putting enough effort into their appearance.......you should mind your own business! Seriously. Don't you have better things to spend that mental energy on than wondering about a perfect stranger?

    Now, if it's someone you know who used to care and doesn't seem to anymore- that could be a sign of depression and it would be kind of you to see if you can do anything to help.

  8. Life insurance would cover everything we'd absolutely need. At least for several years. However, I'd move in with my parents- it's not the financial support that I'd need, but I'd need a lot of emotional support to pull it together enough for the kids. I would look for a job close to my parents' house. I would try to move out of their house in a not-too-ridiculous amount of time, but I'd still want to be close to them. (I already have a degree.....but I might get a different one!). I probably would not continue to homeschool- but I would definitely after-school.

  9. Creating a learning environment has more to do with how your beliefs inform your behavior/environment, than about dedicated space you have available to use. Creating a life style of learning is something I've written about here.

    "True" unschoolers (vs. lazy parents who justify their own selfishness by calling it unschooling (but I digress:D) have this down pat. Check out John Holt, Grace Llewellyn, The Colfaxs, Marilyn Howshell, the Moore's and Barb Shelton's writings. That will be a good place to start. Also, Mary Hood had a great book on creating learning centers.

    There are some great moms on the high school board whom you might want to go over and "meet" too. Many of them have homeschooled for a long time and have lots of words of wisdom regarding just this topic.

    And it's "Homeschool Room" week over at HOTM. there are scads of schoolroom pics posted. It's a GREAT way to glean ideas about what to do with the space you have available! Here's mine.


    Laughing Lioness,

    I LOVE what you wrote about creating a learning life style. LOVE IT. I'm going to print it out and put it on my fridge. I'm going to make dh read it. It resonates with me- but I could never have put it into words as well as you did!!!! It's brilliant. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for taking the time to share this. I really, really wish I had a woman like you to hang out with and learn from.

  10. Not quite. I frequently take the kids to see my parents which takes a 3 hour car ride to the airport, a little over an hour in the air and then 3 hours to their house. I really try to plan them for times that dh can drive us to the airport- but that doesn't always work. However, someone always picks us up at the airport on the other end, so I'm not alone the whole time!

  11. I think it's most likely that the boy went inside said "Mom, can I use the phone?" She said "Sure." Of course, if my son was young enough to ask to use the phone, I'd ask why he wanted it....but not everyone is like that. Or maybe mom was busy and he didn't even ask. I'd assume the mom didn't even know what was going on.


    If my son came in and said someone (anyone, really) was sick outside, I'd tell him to stay in the house and go check it out. If the girl seemed at all incoherent, I'd probably call an ambulance. I'd certainly call her mom (or let her call).

  12. In my social circles, people don't really discuss what things cost UNLESS they're bragging about what a great deal they got! I don't really mind discussing what things cost/what we paid.....BUT I don't discuss what Dh makes. That would be awkward. The other day, someone was trying to convince me that I should put ds in this preschool down the street. My usual response to that is that I don't want to pay someone to do something that I can do better myself. She insisted that he would qualify for free tuition. I kindof shrugged and said "oh, we probably wouldn't." She would. not. let. it. drop. There is no way that we'd qualify for free tuition. No possible way. But we kindof live in a way that people would assume that we would. I was finally pretty insistent about it.....but for Pete's sake, I cannot imagine telling someone something like that!

  13. We were at Wal-Mart the other day after being out and I did have a stain of something my toddler had spilled on me, but it wasn't THAT bad. The cashier yelled at me for not separating my stuff. "WHAT?" He informs me that WIC won't pay for some of my stuff and the WIC stuff has to be rung up separately. I said "Um, I don't have WIC" He backpedaled pretty quickly....saying he was "so sorry" he "just assumed" "has people doing that all the time"


    Not that I think people who have/use WIC look a certain way.....but this cashier obviously did. And I obviously looked like it.

  14. Yes. I don't think It's that unusual. My dad never bought tampons/pads, but my brother wasn't embarrassed to pick up anything for his mom or sisters.


    I agree that it's totally normal for guys to pick up "girl" products. I'm sure my dad never did- but then he NEVER went to Wal-Mart or the grocery store at all. Well, maybe once/year. Dh does if I need something and he's the one going to the store. It's never occurred to either of us to think about it. I only have littles right now, but dh is a very involved dad and if something were to come up (period starting) when dd was with him instead of me- I'm sure that he could handle it. He is SUCH a wonderful man and I have much to be thankful for.

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