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Posts posted by T'smom

  1. You take the master bedroom.


    Kids each get their own room.


    When you have another child' date=' put that one and the child of the same gender in the room with the two closets. Take off the door to one of the closets, have the opening enlarged, so that area now becomes part of the bedroom.


    If you have a fourth child, and it turns out the be the same gender as the other tow, then you can move all three of them into the master. If you wind up with two and two, hmm, you'll have to figure that out when it happens. That should a bit tough.


    No kids sleeping in the basement, especially if there is radon down there. Long term exposure to radon can possibly cause lung cancer. Have the house tested before you buy it. If the radon levels are high, either don't buy the house, or make the sellers install a mitigation system, or give you a credit so you can have one installed.[/quote']


    That's brilliant! The opening up one of the closets idea! That could work really well! We will definitely have inspections done and wouldn't buy a house with major problems (and radon would definitely be a major problem- at least in my mind!)

  2. We're thinking of buying a house that has 3 bedrooms on the second floor and one in the basement. Right now, we have a 3 yo boy and a 10 month old girl. We are planning on having 2 more kids. The "master bedroom" is really big with one very large walk-in closet. One bedroom is tiny with two large walk-in closets and one is tiny with NO closet at all. Since there is not a bath attached to the master, I don't mind using the tiny room with two closets. After all, dh and I only sleep and dress in our bedroom, it would be nice to have a room that the kids can actually play in. Right now, I don't mind them sharing the large room and the next baby having the tiny room without a closet. BUT- what about when that baby gets older? And I'm not sure when I'll be uncomfortable with boy/girl sharing. I want to have a plan. I don't mind changing plans.....but I need to have one to start with. Maybe have the kids share and then when #3 comes along and grows out of a 'nursery' they bunk with whichever same-gendered sibling they have? And the ones who have to share get the big room? I don't think I will want the anyone in the basement bedroom for a looooong time. I just don't think I'd be comfortable with them two floors away from us. But maybe I will earlier than I think? I don't know. I really like this house and I want it to work. When I graduated from college I bought a little sporty two-door car and I actually thought to myself....I don't need to worry about fitting car seats in this- by that time I'll have a different car anyway. Well, we still have that car. It's late and I'm rambling. I just wanted someone to think this through with. WWYD?

  3. I've held my babies a LOT. But we did/do own a bouncy seat, swing, exersaucer, etc. Occasionally dh likes to have dinner cooked and I have to use the restroom. I also own a 'baby bucket'. We live where it is freezing cold in the winter. It's MUCH better IMNSHO to bundle baby up in the nice warm house and not take the baby out until they're in the next nice warm place (store, church, etc). Especially since they're not supposed to wear coats in the car seat. During the summer, I leave the car seat in the car. I also think it's important to note that I DO NOT let my babies cry. They have loved all the contraptions.

  4. Y'know, I think the thing is- when you're buying from some faceless person on the internet......you might get screwed. If someone is selling a $400 curriculum for $325.....that's a great deal. But you might send that person $325 and they might just drop off the face of the earth. I have had that happen to me. (not that much, but still) So, while I enjoy perusing the for sale board- I don't buy things if I can't afford to lose that amount of money. Now, I don't make offers on things- if a seller is asking more than I want to spend, I just move on. (For the record- I have only purchased things twice, the first time I had a wonderful experience, the second- I got completely screwed)

  5. What disturbs me about this service is that it is being advertised on the family television, into the family living room, trying to appeal through it's name "Ashley Madison" which according to statistics, are likely names you chose for your baby girl. "In an effort to attract women to the site, Biderman and his colleagues combined two of today's most popular baby names and invented their fictional proprietor." (from a news article on the company)


    It's using the family to tear apart the family.



    I would love the name Ashley Madison for a baby girl.....but this ruins it.

  6. I love fb! I love that I can keep up with SO MANY people in such a short amount of time. I used to be one that said "If I wanted to keep in touch with people, I would." But lots of friendships have kindof died out just because of distance or whatever.. and I'm actually glad to have reconnected with them. One girl I wasn't really very good friends with in college (we were sorority sisters) but now we have kids literally within weeks of each other and we're both homeschooling! She lives too far away to do anything together, but we have had great convos and she's shared some cool activities with me. Also, it's been a great way to get to know people in the town that we've moved to. I've had quite a few playdates with people where I or they have posted "Anybody want to go to the park (zoo, whatever)" It's a lot easier than calling 25 people and can be done at the last minute. Just because you have a fb account does NOT mean that all your info is out there- it's still only what you choose to share. (If you were fb friends with my dh, but not me.....you might not even know that we had our youngest!- he doesn't post statuses very often!)

  7. That is certainly not stupid. After last year when I accidentally drowned my camera in the Pacific ocean, I got kind of.......paranoid.

    I have pictures on an external hard drive, and Photobucket. I even have some CDs with pictures on it. Overkill, I think.


    I'm so sorry. Can you post some signs around where you think you lost it. Maybe someone would be willing to return the memory stick if not the camera.


    I'm definitely going to be going into overkill as soon as I take some new pictures. Better safe than sorry. I thought about the sign thing. I posted something on Craigslist and I'll be calling city hall to see if there is some kind of community lost and found.....it's not a fancy camera and I'd be more than willing to give a reward twice what the camera would be worth- I don't care about the camera- only the pics that I lost.

  8. It is definitely NOT stupid. I have lost my harddrive twice. I lost my phone last year that had EVERY SINGLE picture of my son on it since his birth. The only ones I had left were the ones that made it on facebook. I also lost all the videos-- his first babblings and steps-- lost.


    Nothing can replace those, but remember, those memories will live on forever in your mind. I bet you will remember those occasions better-- I know I do!


    I hope that it turns up in the bottom of a bag, or hidden in the closet in the upcoming week.


    I'm so sorry. I feel your pain.

  9. I lost my camera. We went for a walk and we had it at the ice cream store and we didn't have it when we got home. We think it fell out of the stroller. I haven't downloaded pictures in months. I have a 10 month old and every picture I've taken of her for the last 6 months is on that camera. The thing that really kills me is that I misplaced it the other day and started to freak out; but when I found it, did I do the smart thing and download the pics? No. This time it's really gone. We had it with us and it wasn't there when we got home. We went back and retraced our steps several times, but we couldn't find it. I would rather have lost my wedding ring.


    Please download your pictures......you don't want to feel like I do right now.

  10. I am NOT someone who keeps my house clean. I believe it's because it's so defeating. It is immediately undone. Also, I HATE to only do part of something- anything. If it's not going to be done well- why do it at all? (I totally understand why this thinking is NOT healthy....but I can't help it) It's like, if there were 100 things out of place and I put 90 of them away......the job is STILL not done. So why bother putting the 90 away? I'm really, really trying to change this, but it seems imprinted on my DNA. I TRY to appreciate it when dh "picks up". I try to tell myself that it's at least 1/2 done and that's 1/2 that I don't have to do.....but it doesn't work.

    It's not just housework that I have this problem with. I'm not good at doing a little bit of anything at a time, I like marathon sessions. When I was in school, I would write all my papers at one time. When I do a book club or bible study, I can NOT just read the chapter that we're discussing. I have to read the whole thing.

    I've noticed this tendency in my 3 yo. He will play with one toy for hours at a time and then not pick it up again for a month. (It's not so much one toy as one category of toys- ALL the trains or ALL the dinosaurs or whatever......playing with only one toy would make clean up too easy!)

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