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Posts posted by T'smom

  1. You might have to run all over kingdom come yelling for your 2-year-old who's not answering when you call. You might have to ask the roofing crew (that your DH works for on a part time basis-- in your PJs) working on the house behind yours if they've seen her. You might get so worked up that you call the police, only to find her curled up in the box of out of season toys in the basement, sound asleep & totally wrapped in a blanket before they get there. And then you might have a policeman come to your house who happens to be the guy you had a crush on in high school. Still in your pjs, clinging to the sleeping darling for dear life, sans b00kshelf. Oh, yeah.


    You totally win!

  2. Wow. You guys are my heroes. I really wish I was that organized. I just have one little idea to add. You can make those shelf markers out of paint stirrers. They're sturdy and just the right size. They can be color-coded or decorated easily.

  3. There is a series of books called Cut, Paste, Create- they have different ones for farm animals, big machines, etc. Basically, you cut out shapes beforehand and then you put them together to make something. For example, for a tractor, you'd have a big rectangle for the body, a smaller one for the cab, smaller still for the windows, circles for the tires, etc. They turn out really cute. I got them from my library and I would cut out the shapes the night before and paperclip them together in sets. Then we would play with putting the shapes together for awhile and then when we got it just right- we'd glue them down. Lots of fun! HTH!

  4. I've told Wolf not to touch me too.


    My MIL was against nursing. Before her first time seeing Tazzie, she *demanded* that I put him on a bottle so she could feed him. Uh, think not!


    She's weird. She'd act all grossed out and offended when I nursed, tell me to leave the room (my home, thanks) and I told her if she had an issue with it, *she* could leave.


    But she had no problem trying to wedge her face btwn feeding baby and I to give him a kiss goodbye. She's lucky I'm as controlled as I am...I was so tempted to squirt her in the eye!


    :lol::lol::lol: That is hilarious!!!!

  5. I have tried the soft ones- no go. I can take the suctiony-thing out so that the water just pours out and she loves that, but she gets it EVERYWHERE. I only let her have it in the high chair but it's still like she jumped in a pool when she's through......and I don't even give her very much! Usually I just help her with it.


    I guess I'm lucky in that she doesn't want to snuggle all the time- she is a girl on the go. Constantly exploring. When she's tired she wants to nurse, but she almost never cries. She just uses the nursing to relax at night. During the day, it's more like 'let's do this as fast as possible so I can get back to playing'. But she eats lots of solids. Not baby food solids, but 'I want to feed myself' solids. I hadn't been planning on starting solids as early as we did- but she has her own ideas of how things are going to go. She was trying to take things off my plate at 6 months. So that cuts down on the nursing too.

  6. You are so not alone. My dd is still not sleeping through the night (9 months), but she's not HUNGRY- she just needs to nurse for comfort. I would be sooooo happy if I could get her to take a paci. She wouldn't take a bottle either. And she's not getting the hang of sippy cups. Basically, she won't suck on anything but me. She just chews on the pacis and sippy cups. A couple times (I was VERY desperate) I even dipped the pacis in sugar water. I know, I know- BAD MOMMY. I figured it couldn't be too horrible....they do that in the hospital as a pain killer for babies. It didn't work anyway. So, no, you are not alone.

  7. We pack our lunch to go alot of places. We have homeschool group every Wednesday (but not during the summer) so we pack a lunch for that too.


    I'm a big fan of small rubbermaid/gladware containers, so usually I fill those with a variety of the following:


    PB&J sandwich, cut up

    Nutella sandwich, cut up




    apple slices

    graham crackers (with PB or Nutella to dip in)

    cheddar bunnies

    small salad with a small container of dressing

    bagel with cream cheese

    round crackers, squares of cheese and pepperoni to make a cracker sandwich

    squirrel wedges (nuts, PB, honey, Nutella blended together and spread between whole wheat tortillas and cut into wedges)

    cubes of cheese

    mini deli sandwich (Hawaiian roll with mayo, with lunchmeat and cheese in the middle)

    rolled up lunch meat with a toothpick to keep it rolled up)



    Sometimes, I even head things up and put them in a thermos....


    hot dogs

    chicken nuggets

    Bernie O's (organic spaghettio's)


    mini chicken sandwich (Hawaiian roll with mayo on it and a chicken nugget in the middle)


    Hmm....that's all I can think of right now.


    That all sounds great! Much more appetizing that Taco Bell! The pepperoni/cheese/cracker is genius! My ds LOVES pepperoni.

    Do you put something on the apple slices to keep them from turning brown?

  8. We like bringing tuna or chicken or ham tortilla wraps. I bring tons of different types of fruits and veggies. I also pop by our local baker and pick up freshly made cheese bread and soft oatmeal cookies....they eat the bread plain as is and when it sits out in the sun and gets toasty warm they love it even more.



    What are your fave fruits/vegs to take? I like the idea of stopping at the bakery!

    I'm also thinking that I could bake cookies and then pack them in servings to take....usually they just get nibbled on right away and we don't have any left.

  9. I am a fan of hot dogs/brats.


    Put them in the bun, wrap in foil and stick in oven for 1/2 hour before leaving. When leaving, stick in soft side cooler. They will stay warm for several hours.


    This is a great idea! When dh grills, I always ask him to grill lots of extra hot dogs and then we have them for lunch the next couple of days. But I hadn't thought of them as portable!

  10. Thanks! I have an almost 4 and an almost 1 (who is VERY good at eating solids) I'm definitely thinking along the lines of grazing. Cubed ham is a great idea! So are peanut butter crackers and pretzels. Ds won't eat carrot sticks and dd is still too little for those....thanks for the ideas. My list is growing!


    ETA: I was just responding to the first person who answered......while everyone else was posting! Everyone has had great ideas! Keep 'em coming!

  11. I'd really like some ideas of things to pack for lunches when we go out for the day. We're eating too much fast food because I'm not making it a priority to pack food. Ideally, I'd like to pack food the day before (or even a couple days before) and then just throw it in the cooler. I'm thinking this would make it easier to have summer adventures. Any great ideas?

    So far I'm thinking....


    strawberries/blueberries (other fruit that wouldn't get brown?)


    hardboiled eggs

  12. I finished Aunt Jane's Hero. I read this a couple of years ago and some of the ladies from my book club wanted to read it. I learned more the second time around :)


    My 2011 Reviews:


    1. Her Daughter's Dream - Francine Rivers

    2. Island of the World - Michael O'Brien (AMAZING!)

    3. Mennonite in a Little Black Dress - Rhoda Janzen

    4. Cinderella Ate My Daughter - Peggy Orenstein

    5. Devil's Cub - Georgette Heyer

    6. Keeping a Nature Journal - Clare Walker Leslie and Charles E Roth.

    7. Politically Incorrect Guide to Western Civilization (Audio Book)- Anthony Esolen

    8. Excellent Women - Barbara Pym

    9. The Abyssinian - Jean-Christophe Rufin

    10. In the Company of Others - Jan Karon

    11. One Thousand Gifts - Ann Voskamp

    12. Regency Buck - Georgette Heyer

    13. Bath Tangle - Georgette Heyer

    14. The Convenient Marriage by Georgette Heyer

    15. The Organized Heart by Staci Eastin

    16. Your Home: A Place of Grace by Susan Hunt

    17. Christian Encounters: Jane Austen by Peter Leithart

    18. Bambi: A Life in the Woods by Victor Salten

    19. Aunt Jane's Hero by Elizabeth Prentiss



    Thank you for your reviews! I've read several and added The Organized Heart, Your Home: A Place of Grace, Cinderella Ate my Daughter, and Island of the World to my to-read list!

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