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Posts posted by T'smom

  1. I fly Southwest every 3-4 months, first with one little one and now with two! They have asked to see the birth certificates every time. When you check-in they make up a piece of paper that looks like a boarding pass that has the child's name and staples it to your boarding pass. You just need a copy of the birth certificate....it doesn't have to be the original or even notorized.

    With Southwest, you want to check-in electronically exactly 24 hours before your flight takes off. There is no assigned seating and you board in the order that you checked in. They allow the "A" group to go first, then they will let families board, then they board the "B" group and the "C" group.

    Personally, I fly with as little stuff with me as possible- on one end, dh carries my suitcases to the check-in and then my parents pick us up and help with suitcases on the other end. I only take a diaper bag and baby carrier with me in the airport. I don't want the hassle of dragging a stroller/car seat through the airport. I find it much easier to have my baby in a carrier. Although, if you need your car seat when you get to your destination it would make a lot of sense to take it with you through the airport. They will let you take it all the way until you are walking onto the plane and then they'll check it for you. It will be waiting when you get off. There are always a couple strollers waiting there, so it's not an uncommon thing at all.

    They definitely will not let you leave the baby in a carrier during takeoff/landing.

    Try not to worry too much.....I've flown alone with my kids many times and the worst problem I ever had was a blowout diaper that got all over my shirt!

    Good luck!

  2. I have an entire chemistry lab in our basement...




    That is awesome! Really, really cool.


    I have a addiction to school supplies in general. I always have. I always bought a new backpack for school every year and I just love the smell of pencils, erasers, and of course BOOKS! I also love art and science supplies- but history curriculum is what really makes me weak in the knees!


    Fortunately, dh has a baseball bat addiction- so he gets to buy baseball bats and I get to buy more school stuff that we will ever actually need!

  3. I'm sorry about your friend.


    I ditto the letter writing. In fact, I have a notebook for each of my kids that I write letters to them- sometimes gushing for pages about how much I love them, sometimes telling them things they've done that are cute or that I'm proud of them for. My husband knows to give them these notebooks if something were to happen to me. And if it doesn't, I'll give them to them at some point. Maybe graduation or when they move out or something. Although I would let them read them when they're teens- I wouldn't let them have physically have them until they're practically adults.

  4. I have heard of not feeding baby food/purees, but I worry about her gagging on finger foods. She's 7 months the day after tomorrow. I've been wondering if I can start her on the food in the little mesh feeders? I can't remember when I started that with ds, but he loved those and I didn't worry as much about gagging.

  5. I've read conflicting things concerning making baby food. Some say that it's okay to use frozen food....some say it shouldn't be refrozen. For instance, is it okay to buy a bag of frozen peas, cook and puree them and refreeze in ice cube trays? What about frozen fruit? I use mostly fresh, but there are a few things that would be a lot easier to get frozen. What says the hive?

  6. Thanks for the input. I'm thinking of doing it with a young K'er....but one who REALLY likes to be read to. I think I want to do TOG in 1st, but want something to bridge the gap between now and then. He is my oldest....but I want something that can be repeated with younger kids.

    Donovan7- I was also looking at the animal one, but I thought the DK Encyclopedia looked too advanced for us. It really did seem like a mishmash of abilities. They have them practicing the alphabet, but then that encyclopedia seems to me to be more appropriate for 4th grade and up....I know it's a read aloud, but it seems like too much text.

    Any more opinions would be appreciated!

  7. I agree with a lot of the things that have been said so far, but they've already been said so I won't repeat them! But, y'know they may not feel as bad as you think. If you were to visit Bill Gates or the Hiltons, would you start feeling bad that you didn't have everything they have? I think it's different when everyone around you has something that you don't have- if you are riding the bus and everyone you know has a car- but when all your friends and family are riding the bus and only the "nice foreign family" has a car. They probably aren't thinking much about it at all. It's too far from their experience. A PP talked about a family from Haiti (was it Haiti?) that was visiting and swimming in their pool and wondering what the mom was thinking.....I'm sure she was thinking "wow, this is cool" and comparing the different cultures, etc. But I doubt she was feeling bad about herself. If I was to visit some really rich person like the Gates or the Hiltons.....sure, I'd be wowing over things that they have; but that would be the end of it. I wouldn't be feeling sorry for myself.

  8. My kids are too young for me to really say if I'll be successful with fostering good sibling relationships or not. But my theory is this- I'm going to heap so much love on each of them that it becomes their natural inclination to heap love on each other. I hear a lot of people saying that the parents set the tone with how they treat each other, but I'm not sure I agree with that. I only remember my parents having one disagreement my entire childhood. They treated each other with much love, kindness, and respect. My sister and I did NOT. I feel like we (sis and I) were competing so much for attention/affection/love from my parents that we viewed each other as rivals instead of partners/friends. My goal: so show so much love to my kids that they're thrilled when I'm showing affection to a sibling- because it means I'm leaving them alone!!!

  9. There is absolutely NO WAY that this is innocent. It's a creep with a weird f3tish. It is possible that it is not a dangerous f3tish.....(i.e. they're probably not going to try to track you down and stalk you)

    Personally, I would try to get out of the transaction completely, though I understand that some people would feel like they need to hold up their end of the bargain with the diapers.

    My only real advice is don't worry about this being something innocent blown out of proportion. It is NOT innocent.

  10. Well, we recently moved, but in our old library system you could only check out entertainment movies overnight. No renewals. Educational items went out for 2 weeks, TV series (or anything longer than 300 minutes) went out for 1 week. It was a huge system and I miss it soooooo much. So, so, so much. They had more movies than our current library has books/movies/CDs altogether. They had everything. Yesterday I made a list of books I wanted to read from the Book A Week thread and went to our new library. Out of the 8 or so books I had written down- they had 1. They owned one. It wasn't that they only had one checked in. They didn't even own them. Did I mention I really, really miss my old library?!?!?

  11. This thread has me LOL! I grew up in Kansas and was in Chicago for a music contest one time. Someone actually asked a group of us if we rode horses to school!!!!! Seriously?!?!? I was speechless, but someone else in the group who was much quicker on their feet, answered yes- then went into this whole crazy explanation about one room schoolhouses and how sometimes we saw "Indians" and had never been to a mall. Really insane stuff, but these people appeared to just eat it up.

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