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Posts posted by T'smom

  1. If I could work it out at all, I wouldn't put them in school. If they were in school, there would be almost NO time together as a family. At those ages, you'd have to have a babysitter. I would try to get the bulk of school done in the morning and have assignments ready to be completed with minimal help of the sitter. (I wouldn't expect the sitter to "teach", but I would expect her to make sure the assignments were completed). Could the sitter have them in bed before you got home so you could have early mornings?

  2. I would definitely bring it up now instead of at the last minute. If these are really friends, they wouldn't want to stress you (or your budget!) out. Just talk to her.

    (I always try to be sensitive to budget issues of friends.....they're not my friends because they can afford to do the same things- they're my friends because I LOVE them and I want to spend time with them, even if we just stay at home and eat hot dogs!)

  3. It probably ranks number 2 or 3.


    And my whole family has died. I have one brother left out of three siblings and both parents are gone and there were divorces, abandonments, alcoholics, blah blah blah in the mix.


    Those rank under this weekend.




    Yikes. I'm so sorry. If you need some comic relief, the circ thread is pretty amusing!

  4. Yeah, I agree that can make your own, however it turns it from a quick and easy dinner to more of a production, and I don't want to waste home made on tater tot casserol:lol: sometimes I sub cream of celery soup though:D


    I think we all on here balance the short cuts on food that we feel comfortable with and work with our life. My mom is English, so we didn't get a lot of traditional American foods growing up. I discovered them at college or later. I had a friend laugh when I had my first Elephant ear at age 35 (my mom always packed our food for the zoo, movie, any outing) She did ultra healthy food. I got to college, and went crazy:auto: I gained 100 pounds in 4 years.


    I try not to do anything in the extreme, yes we have tater tot casserole a couple of times a year, we have a few other things like that, that I consider my hamburger helper meals (they take the same amount of time to prep, but are not hamburger helper which I just don't like) I will get a pack of that about once a year. Spaghettios, ramen etc... I don't want my kids mystified with that type of food. So it shows up sometimes. I have stopped with the kraft as last time I did it, my ds son told me that he preferred my homemade one. (provolone, gouda, blue cheese, liquid smoke, and bacon(whole wheat noodles to)


    I did get my son to age 5 without knowing what Macdonalds was. I am lucky I live in Oregon. I had him taste test between the golden arches and burgerville and tell me what he preferred. Bugerville won hands down, and when we do get fast food (3-4 times a year) we go there. Moderation is key.


    Wow, I got on a soap box, I will now step down:bigear:


    Oh, and I didn't realize that sonic had tater tots (I have never been there) we might just have to try that one day, they opened one near us. Thanks for the heads up.


    Tater tots rule!:auto::lol:


    Oh, you must try Sonic! Their drinks are divine! I especially love the Raspberry limeade and Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper!

  5. I had an okay diet growing up and I have okay health now. I'm totally out of shape, but that's due to my current choices.


    Dh had a slightly better than okay diet and he's pretty healthy now.


    However, I've been thinking a lot about genetics and disease lately- Dh's mom has 3 siblings, 1 brother died of cancer, 1 sister is fighting cancer, and the other brother was just diagnosed with....you got it- cancer! Dh's dad also had cancer, but it was caught early and he's fine. But what does this mean for dh's chances? My kids' chances?!?!? I gotta say this is freaking me out more than a little bit.

  6. I don't want to discourage you AT ALL. If we were schooling mostly at home, it would definitely be my first choice. We are actually using mostly Miquon & MEP just b/c we are gone a LOT. But you asked for the drawbacks!


    Oh, I'm not discouraged- I really wanted to know what people thought. Thank you so much for sharing. I would say that we're never gone, but I did just post yesterday that we might spend a LOT of time camping this summer.

    I will add some Miquon in at some point. I bought some C-rods at a garage sale, but I don't have the books. I saw that they're cheap- I just thought I would use Rightstart and OPGTR to start having a little structure and then add some more subjects in the fall. He really likes structure. When I plan little activities to do, he just eats it up. And keeps asking for more- even when I'm *done* for the day!

  7. If you need to homeschool away from the house, it's not a good fit. There are a LOT of manipulatives, so it is not easy to pack up and take with you.


    If your kid likes worksheets, it's not a good fit. Most is done with manipulatives. That was a bit of an issue for my DH. He wasn't that keen on homeschooling, and he wanted to come home from work and SEE what we had done! We're past that now, but just know that it can look like you aren't doing much to those who aren't there during the lesson!


    If scripted programs bug you, it's not a good fit. You can easily put it into your own words / do your own thing, but despite that I know the scripting irritates some. (I like it, b/c I can't screw it up!)


    If you want to focus on one thing at a time, it's not a good fit. RS is spiral, so you will do one thing for 3 minutes, then something completely different (both topic & manipulative) for 3 minutes, then change again. All that changing makes me insane, but it is perfect for my wiggly kids. Keeps them paying attention b/c it is constantly something new. But if your kid would prefer to focus on one thing and master that, then RS is not your program!


    Hmmm, this is some food for thought. Topics changing every three minutes?!?!? He's pretty capable of focusing. I don't particularly care for scripted programs- but I don't think it will bug me because I can just put it in my own words. He does like worksheets. My MIL will buy him those little preschool workbooks and he'll sit down and do half the book in one sitting. But we have lots of manipulatives that we just play with, and he enjoys that too. I think that using the manipulatives will help with actual understanding instead of just figuring out how to do the worksheet and then forgetting it, y'know? That was a major issue for me growing up. I aced all my tests but didn't really KNOW anything. As for the packing up to move it around.....it doesn't seem like there's THAT many manips. Or at least they don't take up much space. It seems like it would all fit in a plastic tub that I could just take wherever I wanted.


    How long does a lesson take in A? How many topics/lesson?

  8. RS has been a great fit for my boys so far, including my 5 yo who just finished A a couple of months ago.:001_smile: So if you really want someone to talk you out of it, I guess I'm not the one!


    Oh, I don't really want anyone to talk me out of it! I just wanted any negatives pointed out to me. It's hard when you can't really hold it in your hands before you purchase it, y'know?

  9. Not abhorrent exactly, but my dad is extremely uncomfortable about the whole thing. My mom did not breastfeed any of us and my dad will leave the room whenever possible......but when he's sitting with us at a restraunt, he's kindof stuck! :tongue_smilie:I try to be accommadating and not do it around him, but hey- I gotta feed when the baby wants some food!


    Interestingly, it's not nearly as weird to nurse in front of my FIL and BILs. It's not about not being discreet- I have one of those blanket things that have a strap that hooks around your neck. It's just that he is SO uncomfortable, it makes me uncomfortable (and probably everyone in the vicinity)

  10. :confused: Does your tater tot casserole have vegetables in it? It must be a very different recipe than the one served at every church dinner I ever attended as a child - tater tots and ground beef in a cream sauce, baked until golden on top.


    I haven't gotten any farther in this thread than this, but I had to stop and answer this. I, too, love tater tot casserole and every time people mention how horrid it is on here, it bugs me. (Just a bit) I make mine like this- one huge bag mixed frozen veggies, one pound browned ground beef, a couple cups of shredded cheddar and a can of tomato sauce, frozen tater tots on top. Everyone here really likes is. And the kids will eat more than their usual amount of veggies. I don't get what is *so horrible* about tater tot casserole?

  11. Oh, I'm not expecting blissful vacation. Just more fun than being home. We don't really have a good yard//neighbor situation. And Dh would be working- his commute would be about 45 minutes. It's about 3 minutes from home. You can get whatever kind of trailer you want (or can afford!), they do have bathrooms- but no sewer, so you have to have someone come clean it out every week or so. But in our IL's situation, they still sometimes stink. Using the camp bathrooms avoids that. Some people have trailers that are the kind that could be pulled by a truck, but they're just permanently parked there. Others are "park models" that don't move. People build porches, decks, 3 season rooms off of them.

    I'm new to the cold-weather climate and feel like we have to wring every minute out of summer that we can. Out there, we'd have the beach, pools, hiking trails, tennis/basketball courts, etc. Without having to "go" somewhere. We were probably out there 2x a week last summer to swim or do some special activity. I LOVE the beach. And we could leave to go home whenever we wanted. Dh would be at the house daily when he took his lunch break. We want to make sure we get out money's worth!

    I don't know. I really want to, but it would be an expensive regret.

  12. Well, we've stayed there for a week and a half a couple times the last couple summers. We've borrowed MIL/FIL's trailer. See, renting a house doesn't appeal to me at all. We're already close to touristy places. Once you're there- you're outside a lot. You don't drive anywhere in the campground (they use golf carts- but really you're close enough to walk to most everything) That's the appeal of the place- to me anyways. That and being with cousins that are out there a lot. I'm not sure I'm communicating well. I don't want to "go" a bunch of places. I want to be in one place that has everything right there.

  13. Would it be insane to stay in a trailer for 3-4 months? I think it could be fun, but it's possible that that much closeness might drive us all crazy. There is a place about 45 minutes from us that has permanent campsites. We have relatives/friends that have places there. It's a really great place and we go there a LOT in the summer. Dh works a lot, doesn't have a ton of vaca time. We live in Michigan and it's COLD here. We have to take advantage of every day of nice warm weather. It's not cheap- but we could afford it. If we spend all this money on it, we'd want to really take advantage and stay out there most of the summer (end of spring and beginning of fall) BUT- it is camping. It's walking to the camp-style bathroom. It's not having a dishwasher. It's being literally on top of each other. It's also seeing cousins/grandparents a lot more frequently and really giving our kids awesome summer memories. Dh would stay with us and commute to work. The places out there kindof reflect the housing market right nwo. There are some that have been for sale for a couple years. It is kindof scary that we might not be able to sell if something unexpected happened. Is this something you would consider doing?

  14. I grew up in small-town Kansas. We only locked the doors at night. Now we live in West Michigan and it's kindof a hit-or-miss thing. Dh usually locks out of habit and if he comes home and then leaves while I'm gone and I'm trying to unlock a door while carrying two bags of groceries and a baby.....it's not a pretty discussion when he gets home. (We don't have an attached garage) We do lock at night. I never lock the car, Dh always does. I swear, if he gets in the car and realizes he left his phone or something inside- he locks it while running inside. Crazy man.

  15. I don't get the whole "surprise" thing. To me it is a surprise either way. The only difference is whether you choose to be surprised at four months or 9 months (or somewhere in between). Finding out early doesn't make it not a surprise - you just choose to be surprised earlier.


    :iagree::iagree::iagree:Seriously!!!!! I don't know how many times people have said that stupid comment to me. And I do respond with "We were surprised, we were just surprised a little earlier." I'm a planner, I like to know. I like to buy things. Pink things. Or blue things. It doesn't matter as long as I know. With my 2nd, she didn't cooperate at the initial ultrasound (and we had planned on going shopping immediately after the appointment) and I couldn't stop crying. For me, it's definitely better to find out- but it's not for everyone. Only you can make that choice.

  16. NOOOOOOOOO! Don't do it!!!! It was horrible!!!!


    (at least, it was for us... I've been pretty vocal about it being a big waste of money...)


    ETA: I found the thread where I posted before, so here's my critique:


    Thank you! This is excellent info- looks like I'll be trying something else! (And dh thanks you too- because I didn't spend that money on something that wasn't going to work!)

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