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Posts posted by T'smom

  1. I have a Nook Color and I wish I had bought an Ipad instead. I've had a few issues with the Nook- I even took it back to the store and got a new one. Not as many issues, but still some. It freezes up on a fairly regular basis.


    The biggest reason I'd get an Ipad over a nook is that you can get the nook app on the Ipad and use it for Nook books. And then you can get the Kindle app and use it for Kindle books. It irritates me that I can't lend/borrow books from people who have Kindles.


    It seems a little ridiculous to me for me to go buy an Ipad since I already have the Nook......but I probably will anyway in the not too distant future.

  2. :001_huh:


    I've never heard of this. Frankly, I find it to be an abomination.


    Please show me where in the New Testament that the church gathers together, and there's a special section of them that are determined to be a 'choir', because their musical talents are so great. There's not. We should all sing unto the Lord. There shouldn't be the same group of people, week after week, standing in front of the congregation to sing. Honestly, I find that prideful. Sure, perhaps someone has a special hymn they'd like to bring. That's fine. But every single week? The same people, because they're so fantastic? No. And to PAY them to do so? Frankly that's absurd.



  3. Around here, I think it's socially unacceptable around 18 months. My first weaned on his own at 13 months (waaaay too busy to sit still and nurse!) but I'm still going with my 19 month old. We only nurse before nap and before bed though, so I'm not sure that anyone outside of our house even knows that she nurses. I don't hide it, but no one has asked!


    My sister has a baby the same age as my 19 month old but she only bottle fed. When the babies were 13 months she called me anxiously to ask if my dd was still nursing. Apparently someone had made a comment that her 13 month old should not be using a bottle any more?!?!? I thought that was beyond strange (that her supposedly good friend would make a comment like that) but she had him not using a bottle the next week. She thinks I'm weird though.....

  4. Someone mentioned that a small church needed a pastor, but wasn't able to pay one enough for the pastor to pay back loans. My dad (who is a pastor) worked as a pastor while still in school. It was a tiny church in a rural area and he was given a percentage of the offering. It wasn't much, but I'm sure it helped. It was also experience. (The main way his schooling was paid for was by my mom working while he went to school!) This was also a really long time ago.

    If God wants him in the ministry, He will open the doors that need to be opened.

  5. DD is 3B curl and incredibly thick. Chi-Enviro (not regular Chi, but the Enviro specifically) made her hair perfectly straight and it has stayed straight except as it grows in. Also, no damage that we could see! It looked beautiful, not dry. The lady who did it though was very experienced at it. She said it's tricky. We got it done in Denver.


    I missed this thread but to me this sounds ENTIRELY different than- "I spend $350 to get my hair done". I'm one that posted that I hardly spend anything- BUT I do have very easy to maintain hair. I never even blow dry. Total wash and go. If I was unhappy with my hair, I would try and find a way to be happy with it. If my DAUGHTER were seriously unhappy about her hair and I felt her self image was hurting because of it- I would Darn well find a way for her to be happy- and if that meant spending $450, then that's what I'd do.

  6. another question....if Netflix is all you have, what do you do for local programming? Or what if your husband is a huge sports fan, how does he watch the sports he loves, without cable??


    We don't watch local programming. Dh is a huge sports fan- sometimes he watches on the computer (I don't know where- I don't watch it) once in awhile he's just out of luck. Fortunately, he's more of a cheapskate than sports fan so he wouldn't get cable just for that.

  7. I haven't started TOG yet (but have bought it just to play with until my kids are bigger!) but those quotes you gave ARE very concerning. I would either not give that book to my kids OR use it as a springboard to serious discussion about what the author believes and how that lines up with scripture.

  8. We have the Peltor ones in bright pink for dd5. She has sensory issues and they have worked great for her. She wears them to events like fireworks but also around the house for vacuuming or the blender. We have always, AND I mean Always, been complimented on her use of them by strangers. We rarely ever see other kids in them (even at loud events) but people stop us randomly, and say positive things about her using them.


    If they aren't cutting enough noise, on very rare occasion, we will add the foam ones into her ears also. It is usually only when she is trying to sleep while fireworks are going, or something like that. They are both not usually needed, but those shows can be so very loud, I would take both just in case..


    Oooh, I love the pink ones (I admit, I love pink everything!) but ds probably wouldn't. I'll look for the blue ones for him. It's always more fun to have things in a fun color!

  9. I don't have a large family but one thing that has helped me is to not sort it. Everyone has a hamper in their room and their stuff all gets washed together. Sometimes we're rooting through laundry baskets to get clean clothes- but at least you know what basket it's in!

    For my 4 yo, I fold his clothes into 'outfits' jeans, t-shirt, socks and undies. I put them in a closet organizer with the days of the week. I can make sure that nicer clothing is put in the days that we're going somewhere and he's not digging through a drawer to get socks leaving clothing strewn all over this room in the process. When I get it done- it helps a LOT.

    I also do marathon folding sessions while watching a favorite show on netflix! That helps too, I can almost look forward to it!

  10. Dh is taking our monster truck obsessed 4 year old to see monster trucks next week. I'm worried about his ears- he seems to be slightly sensitive to loud noises (unless he's the one making them!) Anyway, does anyone have suggestions on what to use on a 4 yo? My husband has earplugs from where he works, but I'm not sure a little kid will be able to keep them in. Thanks!

  11. No. As far as I'm concerned it's required.


    So what would you do with the name/account number? If you call the bank, will they give you any information? (Since the name/account number appear on checks, I would assume that the bank would NOT give out any info- otherwise all you would have to do is get ahold of someone's checkbook and call up the bank and find out whatever you wanted to know?)

  12. I don't see where race or gender have anything to do with this. It is unacceptable to alter another's appearance without permission! Esp. on the job...


    Um, instead of "playing," how 'bout working for the paycheck you are earning?


    :iagree: Though I guess gender has something to do with it because it's being called "sexual" harassment. I don't know what else was involved in the "playing" but I would be pursuing something (either legally or with human resources) against a person of either gender who had the nerve to cut my hair!!!!

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