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Posts posted by T'smom

  1. This is completely unimportant- but the people in my life who I usually share things with are busy or dealing with things that are much more important and I don't want to bother them.

    We've been wanting to buy a camper/campsite at this place we like to go and one just showed up for sale that we really want and the owners are showing it to us and someone else tonight. We can pay cash for it- but not until we transfer the money from one account to another and it'll take 24 hours (dh started the process) BUT if the other people show up cash in hand......ugh. I'm trying to be calm and rational about it, but it's a REALLY good price and I really, really want it! I just hope the other people don't want it.......I know there are a lot of run-on sentences here.....you should see what it's like in my brain!!!!

    It seems ridiculous to ask for prayers for what is, in reality, a minor matter. But it doesn't feel minor at the moment. I want this SO badly!!!!

    Anyway, if you read this- thanks for letting me let off some steam.

  2. My son LOVED it at that age. He would play for a good couple hours and I would sit outside in the shade and read......wow, I miss those days!!! I didn't put sand in ours, even though it was one that divided- I just didn't get around to it at first and then he just loved the water so much, that I didn't bother. He's always been obsessed with fish and had lots of plastic fish to swim around in it. Boats were good too. Very, Very Messy- I only used it outside and I didn't even do sand!!! BUT- I think you could fill it with beans or rice or something (if they don't put things in their mouths) if you REALLY needed the distraction while older kids were doing schoolwork. I think it would work GREAT for that.

  3. Well, I wouldn't do it- but I like the book theme better....more original, I guess.


    Although not completely original- I saw a guy last summer who had scenes from Where the Wild Things Are ALL over his legs. I mean ALL over. And he was wearing a kilt. I remember wondering if he was the illustrator or something- I couldn't imagine anyone else being THAT invested in the book. I was too timid to ask though.

  4. Oh, a ball sounds like so much fun! How much time do you have to plan something?


    Something my friends and I did in college for fun was to dress to the nines in formal attire and then go eat at McDonalds or Taco Bell or something. (It seemed we were always having formal dances that we had to buy dresses for and we wanted to get our money's worth out of them!) It's one of those things that you look back at and you're like WHY did we do something so weird? But at the time it was a lot of fun.

  5. Ds has a once in a life time event coming up in June. I really want to go. Dh and I have been really working with him towards for months this and he's so excited. I'm so excited & proud. This is a big deal. I really want to be there (obviously) but can't because of baby. :( So I asked a family member if they would babysit and after a lame excuse of, oh, I have a meeting at ___. Whoops! Wrong, time, function is over 2 hours before then. ;) Then they just flat out said, "no, *I* want to see ____ do _____. :glare:


    Then I said the reserved seats are for family only (this is true :)). To which they said, well I am family since you won't be there, there will be a spot. :glare: :cursing:


    I'm mad, disappointed and hurt. I know that I have no right to expect family to babysit my kids. I had just really hoped that they would recognize that as the mother, perhaps I would like to be there. :(




    That's awful. Really awful. I can't believe your family member is so selfish. (Is it a MIL?) Is there NO ONE else you can ask to babysit? I know that I would bend over backwards to help a friend attend an event for their child. Even something that was not once-in-a-lifetime. How old is baby? How long would you need to be away from baby? If the event isn't too long, maybe you could hire a teen to carry baby around outside during the event so you could nurse or whatever directly before and after. I don't know- I'm just trying to brainstorm ideas for a difficult situation.


    I know this would be a petty and immature reaction, but I would NOT let that particular family member have my seat.....I'd give it to someone else if there was NO possible way for me to attend.


    ETA: Others posted while I was typing. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who would NOT let that family member have that ticket!

  6. There's tons of music focusing on singular verses, but I don't know of any that are whole chapters. Your post did make me think of the song Jesus is the Light by Carman- the first verse is kindof a paraphrase of John 1. It's really bugging me now, because I looked up the lyrics and I can only find them for the first verse- I KNOW there's another verse! I can remember part "In John Chapter 3, only begotten was He and proved it when He rose from the grave" I'm going to have to break down ane watch Youtube videos to see if I can find it- It's driving me nuts!!!!


    Here's a link to what I did find-



  7. Well, I'm not the person you wanted to answer, but I've seen/heard people announce that they aren't doing fb for a certain length of time. (Is it ironic that I've seen this ON fb?) I actually appreciate knowing this- I would go straight to email if I did want to send someone a message.


    I've just got to say though- I think it's crazy how people talk about negativity/mean-spiritedness/pointless updates, etc. I'm sure it's true because I hear so many people talk about it, but 95% of my newsfeed has cute stories about kids, insights/encouraging quotes, bible verses, interesting tidbits about people's days- (NOT I'm hungry) things that I WANT to know about my friends. Oooh, and announcements of births/pregnancy. Every time I check it, I literally laugh out loud at something someone has posted. It's a very positive thing in my life and I'm so sorry that other people don't have the same experience.

  8. I don't have a cross-cultural marriage but we discussed everything under the sun before we got married. Yes, people change and not everything can be anticipated, but at least you get started in a good place!


    I am always amazed when I find out that people didn't discuss major things before getting married. My aunt and uncle found out after they were married that they couldn't have kids. Her attitude was "okay, point me in the direction of the adoption agency" His was that he didn't want to adopt at all. He finally came around 10 YEARS later and I know my aunt cried every day of those 10 years. At one time she told me that they did not discuss that beforehand- I find that shocking, but apparently it hadn't occured to either of them that they wouldn't be able to conceive.


    I didn't marry a guy that professed to not want kids. I was pretty sure he'd change his mind, his brother told me he was sure to change his mind- but I couldn't take a chance on something like that.

  9. White People, you will never look suspicious.


    by Michael Skolnik










    I will never look suspicious to you. Even if I have a black hoodie, a pair of jeans and white sneakers on...in fact, that is what I wore yesterday...I still will never look suspicious. No matter how much the hoodie covers my face or how baggie my jeans are, I will never look out of place to you. I will never watch a taxi cab pass me by to pick someone else up. I will never witness someone clutch their purse tightly against their body as they walk by me. I won't have to worry about a police car following me for two miles, so they can "run my plates." I will never have to pay before I eat. And I certainly will never get "stopped and frisked." I will never look suspicious to you, because of one thing and one thing only. The color of my skin. I am white.








    Read more: http://globalgrind.com/node/828497#ixzz1pmWY5DLO


    I haven't had a chance to read this, but I will when I have more time. I wanted to say that I have a teenage boy neighbor who is scary- and he's white. His friends are also scary, they're white too.

  10. Go. Just go. Besides, if the appointment is tomorrow and you cancel now (less than 24 hours in advance) you'll probably have to pay for it anyway!


    I went to see a therapist a few months ago. I've been on anti-depressants for years, (bi-polar type 2 is very prevalent in my family and I have had docs that say I have it and docs that say I don't) I didn't really think I needed 'talk therapy'. I knew what was wrong, what I 'should' do, there was nothing traumatic in my life, there was nothing that a therapist could say/do to change anything.


    I was wrong. She was wonderful and even though all my 'reasons' were true, she made me feel empowered, talking with her gave me strength to fight the battle that I have to fight. It really helped a lot. I saw her every couple of weeks for awhile and another thing that helped was that I knew I was going to see her, I knew that she was going to hold me accountable for doing the things I needed to do and that was huge- friends let you make excuses, they won't tell you to get your butt in gear.


    I hope that your therapist is a good one and that she helps you gain insight and get some real help.

  11. One thing I do wish realtors would teach etiquette to the potential buyers and then watch them like hawks.


    Since it was a neighborhood and not some house out in a rural area with no close neighbors, it's not acceptable to make negative feedback or an animated scene in the driveway during the day when other residents are out and about.


    Things I've had happen at my home during a showing and the realtor did nothing about:


    1. A two year old child was allowed to make large crayon marks on my $25,000.00 piano.


    2. All the toilet paper was taken...all ten rolls from the bathroom closet. How this escaped the notice of the realtor, I will never know.


    3. Fresh baked rolls for supper, which were not in plain view, were eaten.


    4. One man went to the next door neighbor and asked if either of us were perverts because he wasn't going to live in a pervert's house. Did this with the blessing of the realtor. :confused: Our neighbor, a great guy, told him, "I hope you don't buy this house. I don't think I want to live next door to someone so ill mannered." High Five the neighbor!


    5. A large bunch of my roses were cut with a pair of shears they retrieved from my kitchen draw - so yes, they must have been going through our drawers - and I came home to rather scalped looking rose bushes. They tracked mud through the kitchen and were brazen enough to leave the shears on the county with dirt and leaves stuck to them. :001_huh:


    THIS is why I would rather be shot than have to sell a house ever again.


    We sold our last by owner...marked it way down since we just didn't even care about the money anymore and wanted it off our hands. We priced it so it would absolutely sell quickly because it was such a major bargain for such a good house. DH's sister is a realtor and sent a PDF file of the standard contract for us to use. The title company handled closing. It went like clockwork and only took three months from the time we placed it on the market to closing. Since we were outside waiting at every showing, we could confiscate stolen items and we always made one round of the house after the couple had time in the house without us, to look for graffiti and damage. It worked. No problems.




    These are all horrendous and you have every reason to throw a fit to the realtor about them. But to expect people to not point at trees or the road or talk animatedly is a bit extreme.

  12. I'm confused as to why you would send that to your realtor? The husband and the wife each are entitled to have an opinion on the house that you are selling. You were basically eavesdropping on their showing. What do you expect your realtor to do about it?




    Basically, some people looked at your house, the wife liked it, the husband didn't. That happens ALL the time. They had every right to express their opinions as they saw fit. They had no idea that you were watching- maybe the husband would have tried to not hurt your feelings if he knew you were watching, but he shouldn't have had to worry about that. And all the realtor did was talk to them? What could the realtor have done differently? At least you have people looking. And someone liked it.

  13. I am an American, for several generations. I was expected to do a fair amount of chores (and imo, an unfair amount of babysitting) I had a LOT of conflict with my parents when I was in high school and I couldn't WAIT to get OUT. I went away to college and found reasons to not come home in the summers. When I graduated, I did not immediately find a full-time job and was mortified to have to "go home". I worked two part-time jobs while I was there- but seemingly miraculously- my relationship with my parents improved dramatically. They were no longer trying to tell me what to do. We related to each other as adults and it was wonderful. They knew that it was hard for me to be a "failure" (because in American society/values- that's what I was) so they told me every day that they felt blessed to have "extra" time with me. I did get a full-time job and moved out after a year.


    I'm STRIVING to have a different relationship with my kids. I don't want them to feel like I did. They're still little, but I think I'll want them with me as long as they could. I'm not sure how dh feels- though I know he wouldn't kick them out.....I don't know if he'd actually prefer they be here.

  14. We donated a car one time. Our pastor at the time, often mentioned needs in the community and one time he said that someone needed a car, and we were like "hey, we have a car!" So we gave it to the church who then gave it to the person who needed it. If you are part of a church, I would ask the pastor if he knew of anyone who could use it.

  15. I have heard it mentioned on here before plenty of times..... and each time I think- hey I should do that. I haven't got around to it yet though. I'm almost afraid to start. :glare:


    Do you have your own spiral kit or do you take it to a kinkos sort of place? If you take it somewhere to have it done for you do you mind giving me a ball park figure. What would something like OPGTR cost?


    I had OPGTR spiral bound for less than $5. I LOVE it.

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