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Posts posted by T'smom

  1. Also, if you verify that her semester grade will be a D and there is no way to change that between now and the end of the semester I'd inform the principal she will not dress out then for the rest of the semester. NO point to it, she can't pass. She'd be better served to sit and do homework for her other classes each day.


    :iagree: Although I know your dd loves gym and wants to participate, I'd definitely throw a fit about this. A lot of times I think kids should fight their own battles, but this is one where I think a parent should get involved.

  2. Risks and benefits need to be weighed carefully. Not getting any sleep doesn't exactly lead to long life...... I take Ambien and- trust me- when I take it I AM more rested the next day. When I don't take it, I get maybe an hour of sleep and if I go without it for several days I feel almost drunk- unable to work things like folding up the stroller and my response to stimulus is so slow that I wouldn't drive.

  3. I absolutely would. But I am a library addict.


    You should be able to use interlibrary loan wherever you are. I'd ask a couple different librarians about it. (not all will be as well-versed in the procedures) I've lived in several states and worked in two libraries and both sent/received books from ALL OVER. Now I live in MI and they seem to only do ILL within the state, but that's still a lot of libraries and I can almost always get what I want. The only time I haven't gotten what I wanted was when a book was shelved as reference......even though I didn't really think it was reference.....

  4. I agree that the economic realities are such that paying more for childcare would make working impossible for many.


    But there is still something a little bizarre about entrusting the larger part of our child's awake hours to minimum wage level employees, often with a high turn-over rate.


    The fact that this is how our system is set u says something about our priorities as a culture.


    Exactly. Lots of us here do not choose to do that, but our society does.

  5. I was comparing prices; not comparing it to private home care. If I were looking comparatively at day homes -vs- private school, I would obviously choose the private school.


    Also, you're comparing those who do not need or use daily child care to those who occasionally use a private, in home sitter.

    I cannot be held accountable for what others do or do not pay their child care providers.


    Also, if we say "child care is child care" we may also say "education is education"; yet most of us sacrifice to homeschool because we, on an individual basis, feel the benefits of a one on one education maybe outweigh that of a group centered education (among other reasons; which is why I said on an individual basis, lol).


    No one is trying to hold you accountable for what other people pay their child care providers. :confused:

    Personally, I agree with you- I do not think that the quality of an institutional education can be compared to the quality of a homeschooled education, but clearly there are those who do. But yes, I do think "education is education". People need to educate their children and they can choose how to do it. Homeschool, private school, public school, private tutors- the possibilities are endless. People must have child care- they can do it themselves, send their kids to a daycare, have a sitter come to their homes, trade with friends/family- the possibilities there are also endless. It's the quality of child care or education that I'm comparing here- saying that it's worth more than what people usually pay.

    A car is a car- if it's a Ford or a Jaguar. People seem to want to pay for the Ford, but have Jaguar quality.


    ETA: I read back through this and I'm not expressing myself well, but I'm really, really tired and just trying to make it to bedtime. (Dh is "playing" with the kids but it's still SO LOUD that it's not really restful.

  6. The care given isn't the same - it can't be. Not really. Private, one-on-one (or two on one with my two children to one sitter) cannot be compared to a multiple child facility. If it is important to me that my own rules and discipline procedure be followed, it is going to be important to me that child care be done in my own home, not elsewhere.

    I'm not saying that good care can't be given either way - just that I can't see how the two types of care are really similar.

    Also, as a stay at home mom, daily child care isn't necessary; a night out or help during appointments is all I need.

    As I pointed out, if a day home charges the same as I pay my private sitter, I might as well put them in private school full time - it would be far more cost effective.


    But if you put them in private school, they'd be with other kids and not in your home. And they sure as heck wouldn't be following your discipline procedures.


    I understand what you're saying. I don't use daycare either. But I think that if you want your child well taken care of, you'd better be willing to pay for it. And people (in general) aren't. Or, as Impish noted, they're willing to pay high collar for childcare when they go out to dinner/movies/etc. But not when they go to work on a daily basis.


    I think childcare is VERY valuable and few people could afford to pay what it's actually worth.

  7. Group child care is not the same as private, individual care. I'm not sure how the two can be compared.


    Oh, I think the two can be compared. Caring for children is caring for children. I actually think it's more important to have quality childcare on a daily basis than a once in awhile weekend evening. But I have friends and family that complain about the cost of both. it irritates me either way. In my opinion, you generally get what you pay for. The people that I'm listening to (ie, those in my social circles) don't skimp on paying for quality anywhere else in their lives- but they seem to have expectations that don't fit with what they want to pay.

  8. I honestly struggle w/what the 'going rate' is for sitters.


    Maybe b/c I ran a dayhome, and worked out that I made about $1.75/hr once all was said and done.


    There's no WAY a parent would pay a dayhome provider $9+, and yet, w/out the dayhome, they wouldn't be able to work.


    Yet, for entertainment purposes, folks are willing to pay $$$.


    Just always seemed wrong to me, somehow. A dayhome provider is with the kids for 8-12 hrs a day, you'd think that they'd deserve to be pd better than a teen who is there for a short period of time.


    Esp when a licenced dayhome (which I was) is required to have first aid, CPR, provide balanced meals, activities, home inspection, receipts, etc.




    A little off topic, but you hit on my biggest pet peeve. I hate listening to people (especially friends and family of mine- who are well-off) complain about the cost of childcare. And preschool. It's the one thing that people should be willing to pay top dollar for and it's the one thing that they won't. These are the people that are caring for your children. I certainly wouldn't watch kids for the prices they want to pay.


    On topic- I just voted for what seems to be the norm around here. We almost always use family- and we drop the kids off at their house, so it's not really an issue for us. If I had a particular sitter that I wanted, I'd do what it took to get him or her!

  9. I am not quite sure how to respond. I am a priest wife. A homeschooling priest's wife. I was burned in our last parish. We held open houses often. I was a Sunday school teacher. I did a LOT! I was invited into five family's houses. Five. In a large church. It hurt.


    In my new parish, nobody expects anything. They hired my husband. They knew they were hiring him and not me. And I am grateful. We have had people over. We have had open houses. But, it is not expected. My family also has baseball parties, karate parties, birthday parties, and lots of friends over. We do have a life outside the church too.


    If you want to get to know your pastor, please invite him and his family over to your house. Please don't expect it out of them. And we all know, in reality, dinner at the pastor's house is more the wife's responsibility than the husband's. Your church hired him. Just him. Please don't expect her to work. If she does, great! But, don't expect it.



  10. I recently bought a Fitbit which is pretty cool- but I don't know HOW you are managing that many steps a day!!!! I'm only getting around 8000 and that is if I WORK at it. The only day I got more than 10000 was a Sunday that we went hiking at a nature center- several trails! (It also tracks flights of stairs somehow- and the hills on the trail = 33 flights, so that was good!) Anyway, any tips on getting more steps in?!?!?

  11. My twins will be 4yo next month and I agree with you about the first year. I remember telling someone that I was just about recovered from the lack of sleep when they were 2 1/2 yo.


    My favorite memory is when the were about 12mos and crawling around on the floor in the family room. Twin A was crawling after twin B then twin B turned around and babled something only twin A could understand. Then Twin B started crawling after twin A. I knew I was in big trouble after that. :)


    Since then they have worked together to knock down gates and move chairs to get food, candy, or whatever they want.:glare: It amazes me how they can just get what the other one wants and they are not identicals. But it is an adventure everyday.


    My dh is a triplet and my mil loves to tell stories of when they were little. One of their favorite things was for one to get down on all fours, so the others could use him as a step stool to climb on things. When they were 2, she went to the bathroom and came out to find that they had done that and two of them were standing on the kitchen counter holding sharp knives that were kept up high!


    I'm sure it will get easier AdventureMoms! And think of all the stories and memories you're creating. Besides, if my mil could do it.....so can you!!!!!

  12. Welcome to my life. We've been round and round about this with our youth pastor. Violent video games, inappropriate boy/girl games, the list goes on and on.


    Good luck getting anything changed. We've talked repeatedly with the staff at our church and are reassured it will stop, only to have it be something else a few weeks later. There seems to be a huge lack of discernment among youth group leaders and I feel like there is no supervision by the senior staff.


    Our daughter does not attend youth events at our church. It makes me sad but I wouldn't even let my daughter befriend our jr high youth pastor on FB because of his links to inappropriate stuff. How terrible is that?


    Why on earth are you still attending that church?!?!?

  13. Also, I don't think a toddler bed would really be all that safe for her. She often wakes up and talks/sings to herself in the middle of the night. If she could just hop up and do whatever..........who knows what she might decide to do at 4 am. If I could take EVERYTHING out of her room, that would be one thing. But she shares a room with the 4 year old and it's a BIG room (supposed to be the master) with LOTS of stuff.

  14. Ah! Sleep sacks! Surely I've got one of those somewhere and that will at least work until I can figure out a more permanent solution. I don't really want to put the mattress on the floor because I can't be positive that the 4 year old hasn't left anything tiny laying around. They share a room and it's the biggest one- lots of toys are stored in there. I had never heard that crib tents were unsafe......guess I'll be researching options!

  15. ACK! My 17 month old is climbing out of her crib. And not safely. She's done it several times and we'd moved things to make it more difficult, but she keeps rising to the challenge. The crib has an attached set of drawers that she can get on top of. (the side of the drawers makes up one side of the crib- it's designed to become a twin if you take the drawers off and use them for a night stand) Anyway- Babies R US doesn't seem to know what a crib tent is. I can find it on Amazon, but I'd rather be able to go out and buy it today. Any ideas of stores that I might find this at? I live near a decent sized city where I can find most chain stores. Thanks!

    Oh, if anyone has any other ideas on keeping her contained, that would also be fantastic!

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