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Posts posted by T'smom

  1. DS will be 5 in 1 month.(exactly!) He has letter sounds down pat. I tried OPG a few months ago and shelved it for a while afeter we got past the initial sounds and into blending. He just didn't get it. I tried again over the last few days. Same exact same thing. He can look at the word cat and say "c a t" but he can't for the life of him put them together. When we try to say the sounds without stopping, he gets all confused and will throw out another word completely.


    I'm going to move to AAR in the spring when preschool is done. Do I just wait a ew months and try again? Or keep painstakingly sounding out AT words over and over? I am having problems understanding why it is so hard to go from "c a t" to "cat" for him!



    I could have written this post!!!! I have no suggestions since we haven't gotten over that hump yet, but I wanted you to know that you are NOT alone! My ds has known his letter sounds for at least a year- but canNOT blend at all! We've been doing the same two lessons in OPGTR for 2 weeks (at and an words).

  2. I used to not be much of an outdoor person. Then we moved far enough north that I don't get enough outside/sun time in the winter. I hate that and crave summer. I have to get as much outside time as possible when it's nice out- because for so much of the year, it's not. (And I HATE cold- like, really, really, REALLY hate it).


    I think when I lived farther south, I got enough sun just doing things like walking from the car to the store. But now, you get out of the car all bundled up and run to the store as fast as you can....... there's zero sun time!

  3. Ugh. I feel your pain. I was just telling a friend yesterday about a remarkably similar experience that we had. The newborn hearing test people were "out of network". I made phone calls and wrote letters and it was all denied. They didn't care that we hadn't been given a choice of providers and since everything else at that hospital was covered. Ugh. If I were you I'd argue as many times as possible. Maybe calling up that particular doctors office (instead of the ins.) might at least get you a discount or something. Maybe you could work out payment directly with them and maybe they'll let you pay $10/month.

  4. I think it's interesting that there are people who are not okay with it. Most of the time, it's not really a choice. Maybe, sometimes, there is a business trip that different people at the company could do and there might be a choice involved......but, if he needs the job, and the job says he goes......well.....


    Now, my dh rarely travels for more than a week. When he does, my mom comes to visit or we go to visit her. (we'd go with him if it was feasible, but so far it hasn't really been- even though his company is paying for the hotel and stuff, we'd still have to pay for our plane tickets, etc. and the locations haven't been worth it- if he was going to be near a beach or something, bring it on- but CO in the winter? no thanks!) I think it's fabulous that we've been able to have extra time with my mom. Sure, she comes when he's here too- but it's great that she can spend lots of time with the kids without feeling like she's intruding on his time with them.


    I think this is a pretty easy "when life gives you lemons make lemonade" situation.


    Oh, also- the kids and I travel to see my parents 3-4 times a year for 2 weeks at a time. Do we miss dh? a LOT But he doesn't want to use up his vacay, the trip is sooooo long and there are so many relatives to see once we get there......I miss my dh and the kids miss their dad, but I want to see my grandparents as much as possible, before it's not possible anymore. Not too mention my siblings and nephews, cousins, aunts/uncles, etc.

  5. My boys would range from hurt to outraged.


    To be honest, the idea of my husband buying a Valentine for our girl but not our boys kind of makes me think "ewww." Either you are giving valentines to your kids because you view valentines as a time to say "I love you"--in which case all kids get one. Or you view valentines as a romantic gesture, in which case it's completely inappropriate for a dad to give one to his daughters.



    :iagree: Dh leaves for work before we get up. We got up this morning to a nice array of boxes of chocolates for everyone.

  6. Meet my youngest. DH didn't go back for his check either. I am honestly so glad he didn't because I can not imagine our family complete without her, but it was definitely a shock at the time.


    Edited: Sorry that pic is huge! I tried resizing to no avail. :P



    OMGoodness! She is a cutie! (Remind me when the time comes for my dh to get a v that I should try to make him miss that recheck!)

  7. I'd go! Pack up toys in little boxes and have him open a different box every few days. Will this location be warm at all? If you have a car (if you only have one, would it be possible to drop dh off and then go pick him up so that you have use of the car?) Pool in the hotel? Swim, baby, swim!!!! That will wear a toddler out! Are there any interesting things around the town? Small museums or such? Even if there is not, you can walk around and discover things! All the parks will be new to him, so you'll be able to use lots of time exploring them.


    It would be difficult, no doubt. But I think it'd be worth it!!!!

  8. I would ask him to make a plan regarding his education. Tell him to set some goals and a plan for reaching them. You might be surprised with what he comes up with! Let him know that the plan must be accepted by you but that it IS his education and ultimately he is responsible. If he comes up with a plan that you agree with, great! If not, tell him what has to be changed (say, must have one foreign language, complete one math course/year, etc) Some kids are MUCH more motivated when it's their own idea.

  9. Which child are you looking to use it with?


    I can only speak to Right Start A and we haven't been using it very long. But my son (4) likes it a lot. At this level there is hardly any writing which I LOVE- he's ahead of his age in math, but behind in writing. It is not a "hand it to them and go away" program. When we do math, we sit on the floor with our box of stuff and go through the lesson together. He doesn't do anything on his own. (But that's the way I expect to do it with one so young- if you're looking for one of your olders, I don't have any ideas!) We keep all the manipulatives in a plastic bin (with a lid that snaps shut so the littler one can't get into it if I forget to put it away!) I don't find it difficult to just pull out the bin and go.


    So far I have no complaints!


    (oh, wait- I do have a complaint. One lesson wanted me to bind two popsicle sticks together to make sticks of different lengths- there was NO WAY I was going to do that. I cut straws into different lengths instead, but it didn't work very well. We were supposed to be making triangles and quadrilaterals and you had to be really careful with placing the straws or they would roll. But that's my only complaint!)

  10. So do you time taking it earlier, so that by the time you usually want to go to bed it starts working?


    Do you who take it feel groggy the next day? Do you take it every night?



    I have never slept well. The couple different kinds of sleeping pills I've tried do absolutely nothing to help me sleep! :glare: I'd thought of Ambien, but not sure I want to go that direction if it has crazy possibilities! :001_huh: But then again, I'd probably be like you and be wide awake hours after taking it!



    I take it regularly and (usually) it works. Last night was an aberration. There does seem to be a "window". I usually get in bed, read for awhile, take it, read a bit more and then go to sleep. But that's because I don't want to lose my 'read before bed time' not because I'm afraid I'll do something weird if I'm up. More likely, I'd miss the window of opportunity to fall asleep. I have MAJOR sleep issues. MAJOR. I've taken Ambien regularly for a couple years and have never had a weird experience. 5 or 6 years ago I went through a couple of years where I could barely stay awake. I would fall asleep every time I sat down- now I can't sleep at all! I don't feel groggy the next day. In that respect, it's much better than the over-the-counter stuff I've tried (none of which has worked- and I STILL feel groggy the next day) HTH!

  11. The only thing I can think of that no one has mentioned yet is pattern or attribute blocks. They're different shapes/colors- I have a set that has small/large circles, small/large squares, rectangles, two types of triangles, 1/2 and 1/4 circles and maybe a couple others I can't think of. I think mine came from Discovery Toys. It has cards that have pictures that you can make using the shapes, but the shapes themselves can be used for a million different things. My 4 year old loves them and has played with them at least since he was 2.

  12. I just started doing some "school" with my 4 year old and we're LOVING Rightstart A. We have a lot of fun doing it, it's easy but seems to stretch him at the same time. He likes it enough to do 2 lessons sometimes! I just ordered the A kit from Rightstart. I like that MOST things that you need are right there in the box. I was a little irritated that for one lesson they wanted me to use rubber bands to put tally sticks (popsicle sticks) together to make different sized sticks to make shapes. I thought I'd use straws cut to different sizes instead, but it didn't work great- we had to set them very carefully or they'd roll around.


    I have looked at Pre All About Reading and didn't think it was worth the price tag. It's mostly recognizing letters and letter sounds. I didn't need to spend money to teach that. (and generally, I like to spend money on curric!) We're using OPGTR- we skipped the letter sounds since he already knew them, but we're taking the next section very slowly.


    I don't know anything about the other stuff- but please share what you end up with!

  13. Thanks everybody for the ideas. I can't personally do anything to give her a break (like babysit) because we live several states away, but she has my parents in the same town and her in-laws just a couple towns away and they both take care of him.


    And I don't want anybody to think that I'm the one bringing up milestones or comparing or anything. She brings it up, sometimes asking if my dd is doing 'such and such' yet or expressing worry that he's not doing something. (For example, walking at 14 months) I have said "Don't worry about that- it's perfectly normal for kids to not be walking at 14 months." And it IS. But I totally understand what people have said here and I won't say that anymore. (He's 18 months now and is walking- though very unsteadily)


    It's really hard for me to not say much......she's my baby sister and I've been bossing her around her whole life! :D But I WILL do this!!!!

  14. Yep. Baby beanie in flesh tones with a pointy tip. :)


    My BIL got all huffy about the Facebook posting of this (my brother posted it on my wall because he knew I'd laugh). I am so tempted to make one for my baby. :tongue_smilie:


    I probably wouldn't be brave enough to put that on my kid- BUT if someone in my life got huffy about it, it would certainly push me in that direction!

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