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Posts posted by T'smom

  1. My sister has an 18 month old who has epilepsy. He is on fairly strong (I believe) anti-seizure medication and hasn't had a seizure for several months. They recently had a doc appointment that was positive, but obviously, my sister worries about him a LOT. I have a healthy, faster than average 18 month old. There is only 10 days between the two. Y'know how there is a vast range of "normal"? Like it's normal to start walking at 9 months or at 14 months? Well, my dd is the 9 month and my nephew is the 14 month. I think this causes her to worry more.


    We live several states away from each other and I just visited for a couple weeks (staying at my parents, but they live in the same town) and she and I seem to not really be connecting. I feel like if I try to be positive about his development (telling her that he does fall in the range of normal- which he DOES) then she feels like I'm not taking her fears and worries seriously. But I can't exactly be negative either! I don't know what to do to show her that I love her and her son. Well, see, she KNOWS that. She knows I would give her or him a kidney- I would do anything I could to help her. But I still feel like there is this disconnect where she doesn't feel loved even if she knows she is. I want her to feel loved. I want to be there for her, but I'm just not sure how. Any advice?

  2. I LOVE pinterest! I especially loved that thread a week or so ago where people shared their boards so we could follow them! I loved looking at them and followed several- and my page of 'pinners that I follow' has vastly improved! I was too shy to post my own- my boards need to be organized better. But some people followed me because I followed them! I hope they enjoy the stuff I pinned.


    As an aside, I'm not finding any cute homemade (well, okay, there are some, but none that I really like) Valentine cards......anybody have any cute ideas that can be done quickly?!?!?

  3. I really don't understand what there is to report. The had the same answers so she made them redo the test. How is that unreasonable? As pp stated she let them off easy as she didn't report it. There is no credence to the claim that they weren't sitting by each other, cheating is rampant in a variety of ways. It isn't just the looking over each others shoulders these days. In real life sometimes you are accused unfairly. They were given a chance to prove themselves and did. In college and real life not everyone is just going to *know* that your kids are innocent and pure. You cannot expect them to make that assumption and it would be wrong if they did.



    :iagree::iagree::iagree: I also agree with the PP that said she let them off easy. Yes, I realize they were innocent, but if she suspected them and filed a formal thing about it- it would have been MUCH harder to get rid of than simply taking a retest. 2 years from now, no one will remember this.

  4. If you know you're not sleeping I'd ask for a sleep study. This might tell you that you have sleep latency or many arousals/poor sleep quality but it won't tell you why nor fix it. You'd need a sleep study for that and a sleep study so insurance will cover the treatment too. I think this thing could be good to tell a person they need a sleep study or to confirm some treatment is working perhaps.


    My doc has talked about getting a sleep study done. But she admits that they will probably not be able to pinpoint a cause- much less be able to treat it. And it seems like an awful lot of trouble to go to if it doesn't have much chance of getting concrete answers. I really want to be able to see exactly how much sleep I'm getting over a period of time. It may push me into getting a sleep study done!

  5. I've never heard of this but I found this information about the sleep part. http://www.healthyobsessions.net/2010/03/putting-the-fitbit-to-bed-sleep-tracking/


    I wore a (doctor prescribed) wrist band (and some other stuff) to track my sleep in a home situation. The arousals from sleep do, indeed, indicate sleep issues--apnea, restless leg, etc. My home sleep thing was very accurate. Of course this isn't doing all that device did for me and won't be as accurate I'm sure but I think tracking sleep latency (time to fall asleep) and consistency of sleep/deep sleep could tell you a lot about sleep quality.


    Wow. Thanks so much for this. I know it couldn't tell me why I'm not sleeping, but I'm NOT sleeping and I don't think my doc really gets it. If this thing really tracks accurately, it might help me help my doctor figure it out!

  6. I have not heard of this one, but I have heard of an ap for iPod or iPhone that tracks your sleep. You might want to check it out. I believe it works by tracking your body movement during sleep.




    Well, I don't have an iphone (or even a smartphone) though my parents have been dropping hints about how wonderful they are......they want to be able to facetime with the kids!

  7. I saw this product today and really want any feedback that anyone can give me. It's mostly a pedometer, but also has a wristband thing that tracks your sleep- how long it takes you to go to sleep and how often you wake during the night. I would LOVE to have that information, but it seems too good to be true. It gets very good reviews on Amazon, but most people are mostly interested in the pedometer part, while I'm mostly interested in the sleep tracking. Does anyone have experience with this or know of a similar product that would help me track my sleep cycles? Does anyone know how exactly it works? (It doesn't really tell you this on the website- it tells you that it DOES work, but now HOW it works)



  8. We used to go to a church that had one baby shower for all the babies that had been born that year. They really made it a big deal and got one "big" gift/baby. They asked each mom what they could use and spent around $75/baby. They bought car seats, high chairs, stuff like that. They let people know how to donate money for it. There were 15 babies born the year that we attended there. It was a nice way to do it.

  9. Under normal circumstances it wouldn't occur to me either, but if I had guests that took advantage of my hospitality, I would be thinking of alternatives next time. My MIL often cooks at my house (drives me crazy, but that's another thread entirely) and uses an obscene amount of oil. I use olive oil for all my cooking, which is expensive. There is nothing more frustrating than going into my cupboard to get oil to cook a dessert, thinking I have 1/3 of a bottle left, only to find barely enough oil to cover the bottom of the bottle :glare: I imagine that's how the OP felt when she went to get herself some coffee and there was none left. For awhile I started buying corn or vegetable oil and hiding the olive oil when MIL came over, but after cooking with it once and complaining about how crappy it was, she went through all my cupboards on subsequent visits until she found the good stuff :glare:


    OP, if you hide your K-cups, hide them well!!!!!!


    You'll really have to hide them well! My il's came over one time and I hid my prenatal vitamins because we hadn't announced the pregnancy yet......way up high and in the very back of a cabinet. Apparently not well enough though. When we announced it, they said "oh, yeah, we figured, because we saw your the prenatals when we were at your house last month!"

  10. Well, the scene that I keep imagining is girly frou frou doorprizes and hosts making jokes about shopping and manicures and then transitioning to the speaker. I really don't know what the speaker will be like. It's Liz Curtis Higgs.

    I have the privilege of knowing some outstanding, talented, intelligent, change-the-world women from here in the south, but sometimes when women here get together, they don't show themselves in a take-me-serious light.

    I think I'm just being a baby. :tongue_smilie: I just need to listen well enough to learn some nugget from the conference and enjoy my sisters in Christ as they enjoy the things they enjoy. kWIM? No one is going to give me a hard time because my hair is frizzy and I didn't wear lipstick (and continually reapply it throughout the conference.)

    Yeesh. Insecurity in a woman who is almost 40 is ridiculous. :001_smile:


    I've really enjoyed the women's conferences I've been to- although they've mostly had a "mom" focus which might be different. I wouldn't be scared to go, though......and I can't remember the last time I wore any make up at all. I'm sure there will be plenty of women there who don't!

  11. I had a dream very, very similar to that just a couple of weeks ago. And it did kindof cast a shadow over my day. The only difference- I'm nowhere close to being an empty nester. In my dream, I was the one that was younger- I was in high school and my daughter (18 months irl and in the dream) belonged to someone else. I remember so vividly the desperation I felt in the dream. I HAD to have her. Like your dream, when the parents weren't around I was whispering to her about how wonderful/precious/special/beautiful/smart, etc. she was. I was plotting ways to kidnap her. It was the desperation that bothered me so much, even when I woke up and knew it was just a dream- I couldn't shake the stomachache and the post adrenaline-rush that accompanied the desperation.

  12. I have finished all of the published books. There are 2 left in the series. According to his blog, he is only about 100 or so pages into writing the next book. It took him six years to write the most recently published book.


    I think those story lines are for 1. contrast and 2. revenge motivations. There might be other reasons as well.


    ACK! I don't want to wait that long to find out what happens!!!! Oh, well. I got the newest Koontz at the library so I'm taking a break after #3 anyway.


    I hate it when I get into a series and have to wait for the next book- more often than not, I lose interest and never finish. I never read the last of the Hunger Games trilogy.

  13. This is the only time I've been tempted to type OMG. Because, seriously- OMGoodness! Not only have I done that- I did that EXACT same thing LAST night!!!! Are you on book 3? I'm about 3/4 of the way through and I could NOT believe the people he killed off?!?!? WHY? If he kills many more people there's not going to be a story left!!!!!!

    I wish I knew you IRL, I would totally call you and talk about this.....I was just wishing for someone to discuss this with.

    ETA: There was also a time when I was reading book 2 and I just couldn't believe that a couple characters had died.......I kept reading and it turns out they didn't! (I had a sneaking suspicion, because he didn't show the scene of their deaths)

    ETA2- I just saw that you had plowed through 3 books.....does that mean you're on 4? Do I have more of this favorite character killing to dread?

  14. Not beginning many things early enough, like Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. I would have done these informally, learning with dc as we went. There were programs out there (Wheelock's, Athenaze, not sure about Hebrew). I just didn't know it was possible or even what the programs were.


    Done a lot more logic, a lot earlier.


    I also thought one book should be sufficient for any subject (my holdover ps thinking ... 1 book/subject/year). The reality for our family has been that it usually takes several books to flesh out a subject in things like math, logic, science, etc.


    Taught them to 'play with the ideas' much, much sooner and more deliberately than I have. Little kids can absorb so much more (informally, mostly) than I realized.



    I'd love to hear what you have used and liked. (What books did you use together?)

  15. Oh, I enjoyed your descriptions! Made me laugh.


    I'll never forget the entire weekend my husband spent attaching special safety latches to everything with dd #2 in tow. He had searched and searched for something truely Houdini proof. These latches required all kinds of hardware and a power drill to install.


    When he was finished he called me into the kitchen to try and open a drawer.

    He had to show me how- it was hard to work and not intuitive. As soon as I shut the drawer the two year old solemnly, quietly, and deftly re-opened it.


    Then there was the one year old who decorated his entire room including his book collection during nap time with the only " finger paints" available.


    Um, the "fingerpaints" weren't from his diaper, were they? Yuck!


    OP- I completely understand.

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