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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. A book I bought about food storage and emergencies suggested you first (after water) stock up on oatmeal and applesauce, and canned beans and canned tomatoes, because you can eat those things without heat. Oatmeal is one of two (?) grains that can be eaten raw, and the other is much more expensive. You can eat it with/in the applesauce for one meal, and the beans and tomatoes for another meal, and you can live off just that for a month without suffering nutritionally too much.
  2. I would go to a Civil War Ball for the beautiful period dresses! The "Southern Belle" imagery is close to American royalty, imho. I also love the period dances! Can't that be enough of a reason to do it? I would also go to an American Revolution ball, but then again, I'm American and not English :tongue_smilie:
  3. I guess I meant the initial contact, whether or not positive communication happened at the beginning of the visit. I also have a problem with hugs and people touching me, though not as bad as Impish described. I was hopping for her that good boundaries could be set right away.
  4. Would you explain this a little more, please? My ds4.5 narrates his life. He says what he's doing, when he's doing it (not all the time, but a lot when he plays.) And he repeats what he's saying 2 or 3 times. Since the comments are often directed at me, I thought he thinks I didn't hear him the first times, since I don't respond to every.single.sentence, but now I'm wondering if it's what you described?
  5. http://www.zazzle.com/im_not_buddha_dont_rub_my_belly_tshirt-235479949238753288 http://www.cafepress.com/maternity.146599610 Or you can make your own :)
  6. My mother is 45, I am 25. As a kid I also thought grown-ups who couldn't remember their age was weird, since I could have told you how many months it was to my next birthday :001_smile: But ever since I turned 21 I have to think about it when asked. I guess after a certain point, you stop thinking about your age...
  7. School starts here next Monday, but ds4's friend started Kindergarten today as part of a ''Jump start" program to get the kids used to going. I know we're not "official" until we turn in the paperwork for kindergarten, but this makes it seem so much more real! Next Monday will be our first day not taking him to school. :willy_nilly::svengo:
  8. Former President Clinton elected. I remember seeing the adds and not liking him. I was 6. The O.J. Simpson murder case. I was 9. My grandparents/guardians didn't talk about the news very much.
  9. I saw ds2, a big Mickey Mouse Clubhouse fan, stuck getting down from his chair. Instead of calling for help, he called "Oh, Toodles!"
  10. So, what do you crave? Playdough/Fun Dough Recipe Without Salt
  11. SOMEONE STOLE A COOKIE! Forum Game How did I end up with such a rude child?
  12. What to expect from the Woodcock-Johnson? This reminded me of the "When NOT to hyphenate your name" list... http://curtislowe.wordpress.com/2008/01/28/when-you-shouldnt-hyphenate-your-name/
  13. I think I was unclear. I take the melatonin myself. I have never used it on my own children (never needed to.)
  14. I completely understand needing the nap-time for school for the oldders. It's the same thing here. I can't think of anything that you probably have already heard of and tried :confused: Maybe music? What put my ds#2 when he was little and didn't sleep was the second half of Pride and Prejudice (A&E.) But he was a baby then.
  15. :grouphug: Strong little bugger! :001_smile: Melatonin is nice, I use it myself, but some people have bad reactions. Search for threads about it to learn more. Have you tried no nap and exhausting her physically? Not right before bedtime, but perhaps right before or after dinner?
  16. To say I have a brown thumb is an understatement. It's more of a black thumb. I call my line of plants "death row.":tongue_smilie: But I really wanted to try to keep something alive, so last year I got some mint plants because I understood they are hard to kill. They're still alive! But my dh insists that I actually do something with it. I tried putting it in our iced tea, but it didn't add much taste :confused: What else can I do with it? I don't cook anything that uses mint.
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