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Everything posted by cherylw

  1. My plan of attack at this point is to go through the DB series (due to much praise) but if it doesn't work then I plan to invest in Barton. So... I am just about ready to order for my ds10. We have just recently started using Apples and Pears and I really think it is going to work...I have high hopes anyway. Right now we are reading book 1 of the Christian Liberty Readers for fluency. He is doing well with it. My question is how does DB help with fluency? I'm concerned that the cursor will be a hindrance to him. How will that makes his reading flow smoothly? He consistently misreads sight words but will usually correct himself if it doesn't make sense. He also reads through punctuation or stops before he gets to it. Thanks! Cheryl
  2. I feel your ADD pain. I have been overwhelmed lately. I can at times get organized but staying that way is a huge problem. I'm also the worst procrastinator. I also jump from one thing to another. January/part of Feb. I was all about couponing. Coupons were everywhere!:tongue_smilie:Now I've moved off that and now I've doing nothing but curriculum/dyslexia research. Once I've filled by brain full in a few weeks it will be something else. I've even been considering medication.
  3. We are using Recipe for Reading and Apple and Pears (for spelling). We aren't very far into either program. Recipe for Reading is supposed to be a OG program. I have only had his eyes checked by a regular optometrist and that has been a 2 years ago. Just recently with the evaluation done the administrator didn't not see and visible eye problems. I will check into it further. This is my second year to homeschool. We pulled the boys out when ds10 at the end of 2nd grade. The test center is at a college. I do not know the extent or depth of their testing. This is where they referred me after the evaluation.
  4. Hi, I've just started reading Overcoming Dyslexia. I have skipped ahead to the end though and then I will come back through it. Although I am finding it very informative part of the book is troublesome to me because she states that parents should never be the primary teacher. The author states that only highly trained teachers skilled in scientificly based reading programs can do it effectively.
  5. How do you make sure your dyslexic child... has all he/she needs for academics, personal growth, and overall confidence with their "gift". How hard do you push with academics? Have you read any informative books that have helped you? At this point it really doesn't seem to bother ds10 about his issues with reading. I have noticed him avoid any reading if in groups but sometimes he tries if in a small group. I haven't really discussed in very much detail with him until today about why his has a problem with reading but told him that there have been very prominate people in our history that had dyslexia. That they were very smart but just had to learn differently. I want him to be challenged but not feel like he can't do it. If something is challenging he shuts down and argues about having to do the work. __________________ I was told it would be better to post this here. A few op wanted to know if was has beed tested. He has had an evaluation from the ps special ed office and although it's not an offical diagnosis all indications show that he is dyslexic with ADD tendencies. I am planning on having him tested through a dyslexia center this month to get official results.
  6. has all he/she needs for academics, personal growth, and overall confidence with their "gift". How hard do you push with academics? Have you read any informative books that have helped you? At this point it really doesn't seem to bother ds10 about his issues with reading. I have noticed him avoid any reading if in groups but sometimes he tries if in a small group. I haven't really discussed in very much detail with him until today about why his has a problem with reading but told him that there have been very prominate people in our history that had dyslexia. That they were very smart but just had to learn differently. I want him to be challenged but not feel like he can't do it. If something is challenging he shuts down and argues about having to do the work.
  7. I'm just across the state line from you. My brothers live in your area. We had some damage from strong winds here in our community. Hope everyone stays safe.
  8. I'm glad I read this...makes me really want to clean. I go through stages of cleanliness/clutter. The past few weeks I have gotten bogged down...pretty messy but not nasty. My biggest problem is staying on top of the laundry and maintaining consistency. I've fall down on making the boys pick up after themselves too. But I've have noticed when I have the house really clean then I feel like I'm constantly yelling or griping at them...dh included to keep it picked up. He will be going out of town for 2 days this week so that will be my chance to get it back together. It's amazing what I can accomplish when he is gone:001_smile:
  9. Well after much thought I have decided NOT to do it. Thanks for all your thoughts..good and not so good. Ultimately, I'm just not a good sales person and never will be. I've got other income avenues in the works that I can make money with, but when she called it got me distracted from our originals plans. Thanks again ladies
  10. There's a lot in Chattanooga to do...the Aquarium, Rock City, Incline. The Space Center great. I go to a used book store that is really close to the space center. It's called the Creative Learning Connection (CLC). It's a hole in the wall kind of place but I can usually find stuff there. Google it and if you can't find it let me know and I will get you the info. I do know they are only open 3 maybe 4 days a week.
  11. I have a friend that sells 31...She made a director within one year. And she is not pushy either. We have been financially strapped for a long time and she new I couldn't buy anthing and I didn't feel it changed our relationship in anyway. She does post alot on fb but that is her business. I just ignore it. IF I do it, I will not depend on my close friends to build my business. It seems I've really peaked some interest on what the product is:D. I really wanted input on direct sells in general..not a critque of the actual product. So now that I have that I will share and will even provide a link to a website if your really curious. I'm sure you've all heard of Proactive. Well, the two dr.'s that developed it have come out with a new line called Rodan + Fields. They decided to change their business model with this and do direct sells instead of informercials. Some of you may have heard of it but I have not. It's relatively new in the area I'm in. My acquaintance is the only one in this town. Go ahead and look and see what you think..would you consider buying this product? Don't worry I won't hunt you down:001_smile: https://michelleshelton.myrandf.com/
  12. I like Owen too...but when I mentioned it to my husband he immediately said no and referred to the movie "Throw Mama From the Train":001_huh: I also like... James Emmerson or Emmerson James for a boy Ada or Lyla for a girl
  13. Could be:) I can completely understand with many of your comments but for some reason I just really want this to work. I really want something that I can do around my own schedule. At the same time I do want to be realistic about it and myself. I haven't tried the product yet..never heard of it until she called me. Basically the company wanted to change their business model from infomercials to direct sells with their expanded line. I WILL try it and MUST like it before I would try to sell it. My thoughts are lots of people are willing to try something new and will be buying skin care anyway. But I do have a problem asking all my friends...there would be a few that would probably help me and still be my friend. I'm very careful in this area. Parties are not necessary but making lots of contacts is. So then I would then have to try to make new contacts.
  14. Well I honestly wasn't sure if that would be against the rules but it's a skin care line only..no makeup.
  15. 1..it is consumable 2..it is not something you can get at walmart 3..I believe its a good value..but still not cheap 4..this will be challenging...I'm ADD:001_huh: 5..I'm not sure about this. I would have trouble asking people to invest their money. Maybe I can overcome this.
  16. I've been approached by an acquaintance with about a product that is fairly new on the market about becoming a consultant for the company. I looked it up and it sounds interesting but I'm just not sure if I want to get back into the direct selling...I've tried it several times:001_huh: with different companies over the past 15 years! I know they work because I have a good friend that has done really well with her company. We really could use some extra money right now. I tried working a part time job last summer but when school started I just could not keep it all together so I quit. Here's the pros and cons I've come up with.. PROS I can make some extra $$ fairly new product /get in on the ground floor so to speak can create good residual income will be around people respected/proven company name small investment I will get some adult interaction I could make enough to hire an house cleaner!! CONS Can I really make the money will need to have customers maintain customers/create new ones Product is not cheap I'm not organized it's better to do a large investment
  17. Thanks ladies...I think I am going to try it!
  18. After rereading your post, could I try this as well?? We are currently using the Christian Liberty Nature Reader (book 1).
  19. Thanks for the insight. As I was looking at the samples it did look strange to me as well, and I was quite disturbed when I noticed beer being mentioned in one of the stories. But at the same time, its much easier to get ds to read if he likes the story...and he likes the weird stuff.:001_huh: I was looking a Apples and Pears too and it seems like their isn't a flow to how they have system set up. But maybe I'm just not seeing it as a whole from looking at the samples. I don't see a definite pattern to spelling rules??? As for db would it be possible to mark out the things I think are inappropriate (like beer) or is it too much? Cheryl
  20. Has anyone used this for their child with dyslexia? It looks good..but would like some feedback if anyone has used it.
  21. I would do it for a couple of years to become completely debt free...then our homeschooling would be so much more fun and less stressful on the family. We have always struggled financially...not fun!
  22. I have the same situation with ds10...same reading issues that you are having. He was having trouble in ps so we pulled the boys out at the end of 2nd grade. Over the past year of reading on it and working with hiim I just had that "gut" feeling that he was/is dyslexic. We made little progress last year with fluency but he does have a good awareness of phonics in isolation. Ex...he knows that "ph" makes the "f" sound but when he came to it in a word he would have trouble recalling that info. Once I point it out he gets it most of the time. He will also say one word for another. He was reading yesterday and said "humans" when the word was "people". Just recently I was able to get a free evaluation from the public school special ed dept. I actually met with them this morning to go over the results. All indications show that he is dyslexic in reading and math. I just reccommend to listen to your "mommy gut" and do what you think is best. FWIW I am using Recipe for Reading with him. I think lots of repetition is what he is going to need. We have been working on ending blends for a week. To work on fluency we are using the Christian Liberty Nature Reader (book 1). I like this series because it has very few pictures...less distraction for him. I took different colored highlighters and colored each syllable in a word a different color. I underlined blends and marked diagrahs. I also have him reread the passage 3/4 times. It makes for a colorful page but seems to be working great so far. By doing this he doesn't have to stop and think so much about the words. My thinking is to do less markings as we go along. Good luck! Cheryl
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