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Everything posted by Perry

  1. Have you had your blood sugar tested? Yeast infections that don't clear up with treatment can be a sign of undiagnosed diabetes.
  2. In general, I like kids, but I am not comfortable with them. My only sibling is 10 years younger than me, so I wasn't around kids much when I was growing up. I'm also an introvert, and I like peace and quiet, so being around kids makes me stressed. But I don't dislike them. Although there are some kids that I don't like at all.
  3. Well, not right now he isn't, but ex-governors have power and influence and often continue to hold political office. I put politicians in a different category than Hollywood people, whose lives I could not care less about.
  4. :iagree: Salon It's important because this is a guy in charge of public policy.
  5. :lol: Don't worry, I bet she already knew he's a jerk. ;)
  6. MCT Lit? Really? :hurray: Where can I find out more? Does anyone have a link to the thread? I can't find it.
  7. Where did you find that number? When I go to the members list, it says 23011. Is there another list somewhere? 10729 of 23011 (47%) have 0 posts
  8. This is how I do it too. Make sure you rinse well under running water if the leaves aren't tight, as sometimes there is some grit in there. Drain upside down for a few minutes after steaming.
  9. I agree with everything you wrote, except that the kids I know who are really involved in extracurriculars and sports still have plenty of time for school if they manage their time wisely. They do it by minimizing those things you listed above. My girls spend hours at dance every week, but they still have plenty of down time. I'd much rather have them busy at the studio than sitting in front of the TV.
  10. It isn't necessarily about doing MORE, it's about doing better. The kids are reading, but they're often reading junk. Here's a post I wrote last year. We did MCT poetry this year. She actually learned about poetry for a change!
  11. :iagree: Great kids. It infuriates me that they're being cheated out of a good education.
  12. I am very impressed with the quality of the extracurriculars at our ps. We have award winning music programs, outstanding athletic programs, a nationally ranked dance team, great speech and drama programs. When I attend these activities I am always amazed at the talent among these kids. If the school had the same priorities for academics as they do for extracurriculars, these kids would be receiving a fantastic education. Unfortunately, it doesn't and they aren't.
  13. They're in dressing rooms, backstage, practicing somewhere...They usually have to be ready and backstage about an hour before their dance. So, for example, if they have a dance at noon, 1:30, and 3:00, you might not see them for 4 hours. After each dance, they would go change for the next dance, then run through it together, then go check in for their upcoming dance. My girls didn't have cell phones when we started, and it was nerve wracking because it was impossible to find them and you knew they probably wouldn't be able to find you quickly if they needed something.
  14. It really depends on the studio. Have you talked to any of the other competition moms there? My youngest dd started competition when she was 9, older dd when she was 12. There are different levels at our studio, and we've done both. The lower level does 3 out-of-town competitions per year, and the higher level does 5, all within a 3 or 4 month period. At the higher level, we traveled farther, and it almost always lasted the entire weekend (including Friday evening). Since we were driving to Chicago or Minneapolis during the winter, it often turned into a 4 day weekend because of snow. We spent quite a bit of money on travel. For the kids in competition, our studio requires 2 technique classes per week of ballet and jazz, and one class per week of tap, lyrical and modern. In addition, there are the actual competition classes, which are 2 hours during the week and ~5 hours each weekend during competition season. My girls were at the studio at least 5 days a week. The schedule is much easier for the younger kids, but it still can be tough. At our studio, if you are in competition, you are required to attend all the competitions. You don't get to pick and choose. It really messes up the choreography if everyone isn't there. My girls love it. It has been a great experience for them, and it's a great group of kids. I would not have wanted them to do it any younger than age 8 or 9 though. They are apart from you for long periods of time, in unfamiliar places with tons of people around. They are always with their teammates, but I just would have been very uncomfortable with it if they were younger. Some studios are very, very competitive, and would expect a large commitment. Other studios are much more relaxed and flexible. From talking to other parents at competitions, our studio seems to be in the more competitive than average range, but a long way from the highly competitive studios. You also might want to see if you can find some pictures of the costumes they've worn in the past. Our studio director insists on tasteful, age appropriate costumes. I've never had any concerns about the costumes my girls have worn. I have been appalled and disgusted at some of the costumes and dances I've seen from other studios. And I am far from prudish. Good luck!
  15. Yes, we did that. Dance team has been a great experience. Academics, not so much. But I don't regret it.
  16. It probably would kill most bacteria, if you left it in there long enough. However, some bacteria structures (spores) are heat resistant and wouldn't be killed. Also, some bacteria produce toxins when they grow, and heat doesn't inactivate many toxins. You did the right thing. Microwave Kills Germs in Sponges
  17. It is not taught correctly. It hasn't been taught properly for many years, although it got much worse when whole language took over. Here's an excellent, but long article. Whole Language Lives On: The Illusion of Balanced Reading Instruction A few excerpts:
  18. I recently finished reading a book called Losing Our Language by Sandra Stotsky. I loved this book. I also recommend The Schools We Need and Why We Don't Have Them by E.D. Hirsch, and Left Back: A Century of Failed School Reforms and The Language Police, both by Diane Ravitch. Amazon Review:
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