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Everything posted by UmMusa

  1. I just picked this book up about an hour ago from the library!!! Is it depressing?? Keep in mind it was a sunny 80 degrees here in TX today :)
  2. Oh my 3rd and 4th graders read about a dozen Geronimo Stilton books a week. And they have to put them all on "hold" at the library b/c there aren't any on the shelves! They're always ALLLL checked out.
  3. Thank you for your input! WWE is Writing With Ease is Susan Wise Bauer's writing program. Do I find the audio lectures on the Peace Hill Press page? http://www.welltrainedmind.com/store/audio-products/audio-lectures.html?
  4. Thank you! We're going on a road trip this weekend.
  5. I'm pretty new to homeschooling and didn't realize it was a Christian curriculum, or to what extent it was. As some other posters said, I do like the reference to God being the Creator and having that concept in our studies, and that's why I was wondering how much Scripture there was.
  6. I've been reading through my Rainbow Resource book and am wondering just how Christian-heavy is the content in Apologia Science? Are there verses from the Bible? References to Jesus? Is merely stating that God has created everything. As a Muslim I obviously don't mind a Creationist view, but I would rather not have to deal with Bible verses sprinkled throughout the lessons. We've been using REAL Science (Life) and, again, I feel like we're not doing enough Science for 3rd and 4th grader. Again, I might just need to learn to be a better 'teacher' and incorporate more reading and writing to the lesson for the 4th grader.
  7. I'm one of those who has asked if LLATL was enough for my kids even though I also use GUM Drops and SWO to supplement grammar and spelling. Now that we've completed 3 months I feel like my 4th grader should be writing a lot more than he is. Maybe I just need to get better at incoporating it in our existing routine, or maybe I need to hop on the WWE train many of you are on. It looks tempting and I feel like we're missing out on something. I have a 3rd grader about whom I feel the same. There nothing guiding them to write well. Do you recommend I go for it? I am ready to start it in January when we come back from our one month break. Please advise.
  8. Appreciate the recommendations. I've checked a couple out from the library to test them out :)
  9. None, actually, this year! I celebrate two Eids during the year, and that date changes on the Gregorian calendar b/c it follows the lunar one. So now holidays for me this year except that we're taking one month off of h/s'ing so we're travelling by car for a week :)
  10. Super fine! I put my pecans in a little electric bean grinder I have and pulse it till they're very finely ground. You don't want any pieces in the cookies. Just don't overdo it... then you'll end up with pecan butter :)
  11. I like the idea to limit what's in there in the first place. Make sure there are clearly known spots for things to be returned to. Last week DH started a new 'program'. Mom will check your room at 10am every morning. If it's not in good shape (bed not made, clothes not in hamper, toys/books on the ground) then you lose 30 minutes of your one hour of electronics for later that day. I give them a little 10 minute warning, but they've been on top of the game since this new thing started!
  12. I found this interesting. I've always cooked rice stovetop and also wondered why you'd buy a cooker. When you set it up ahead of time, does the rice sit in the water till it's time to turn on? Doesn't that interfere with teh cooking time since the rice would've soaked up so much water by then? Either way, I'll stick to stovetop for now. Still trying to find more uses for my new-ish crock pot.
  13. Haven't read replies, but I think it's a detachment from the natural flow of life. Being more in nature, raising some of your own food, having low lights at night, not having internet at 2am if you wake up and can't sleep.
  14. I've learned so much from reading here in the past few months, and I've gotten interested in WWE. So far we've been using LLATL, and I'm just not sure if the writing is enough. I saw some books at B&N, and I realized I didn't know how the levels went. I have a 3rd and 4th grader. Which WWE level would we start with? Thanks!
  15. We typically eat cold cereal. DS9 and DD8 know how to microwave a bowl of minute-oatmeal (not from the packet, they have to measure) I make some type of egg once a week Toast with butter or cream cheese. We get our fruits in at snack times, normally. They love either fruit or green smoothies as a snack. I don't allow sugary cereals and waffles are only on Saturday morning.
  16. Sorry, had to LOL @ your description of BIL LOLOLOL
  17. Mimm, I don't think you're being negative. That's exactly what I want to hear. When I had the last baby I kept saying how I would like for my older children to have a 'normal' mom instead of crazy, pregnant, and emotional mom. I dreamed of feeling good so that we could go on outings, parks, and get our hands into projects. I can't do that with a newborn. Being the only adult responsible for that many kids most of the day leaves little room for anything besides the basics, in my opinion. I need to keep reminding myself of that. However, like MamaT said, you wouldn't trade those memories for anything, and I get that, too! IF I were to find myself pregnant again (without having 'tried' for it) I would be happy and would know it would all work itself out.
  18. I'm always thinking about more babies, and I would love to hear how you handled the addition of #5, #6, and up. I'm sure by then your oldest one or two were near 10, if not older. I know this is a big deal compared to having, let's say, 3 children ages 5 and under, or 4 children ages 5 and under. (I've been there, done that) My last pregnancy and postpartum months were so difficult (health-wise) that for once DH and I have said we'd rather not do this again. He's usually very open to having more, but now he and I are both wary! How do you handle 5 other children when you're in those newborn weeks? How do you have patience for the toddler, the preschooler, and the adventursome older ones? If you'd like to share please do! I feel envious of those with so many children (in a good way) b/c I'd love to do it. However, I don't feel good during pregnancy and for a few months after. I know the only reason I'm thinking about this is b/c now that my baby is about to turn 2 I am feeling human again! Now that I'm feeling good I'm full of high expectations that I could do it again :lol:
  19. It's http://www.timberdoodle.com/ and it looks fun! Do you order your materials from there? When I first looked into homeschooling I ran across Rainbow Resource, loved their catalog, and ordered our books from there. Is this just the same/similar thing? :bigear:
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