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Posts posted by foxbridgeacademy

  1. I have a leather chair from Ikea. It looks brand new 18 years later. My dog has perpetually long claws and he's never scratched it. It also doesn't hold hair like my other furniture. I kind of wish I'd gotten the couch to match it.

    I'm not averse to leather, in fact I love it, but DD and DH would refuse to sit on it, animal production being bad for the environment (DH) and you know animals died (DD) also my 20 year old would probably refuse to visit, being a member of PETA.  I don't think I can feasibly get a sofa only 1/2 the family would be willing to sit on (and DS is a bit iffy too).  Fabric is a must, wash-ability is because of allergies and the fact that I hate animal hair (I've decreed all future pets will be hairless).


    ETA but really good to know IKEA holds up that long

  2. We're moving to an apartment shortly after the new year.  We don't need all this space any longer and it will save us a ton of money.  The apartment is small, just over 1300 square feet and my sectional won't fit, plus it's starting to look tired and I want something new.  


    I'm leaning toward the practicality of a slipcovered sofa.  We have a dog, and cat who has claws (so no leather) and while neither are allowed on the furniture  it is still covered in animal hair.


    I know about Ikea, of course.  The Ektorp is an amazing price but I don't like the style, I do like the style of the Brathult but the low price worries me.  I can't go to an actual Ikea, the nearest one is about 4 hours away so I'd have to order without testing it out.  


    Are there any other smallish to medium sized slipcovered sofas in the under $700 ballpark? I'm SE of Nashville.  I've looked at Ashley, Havertys, Rooms to Go, and some other small places.  They either don't carry them or they are over-budget.


    I've read all the reviews here and I'm feeling better about the Ektorp's durability and comfort, I'm just having trouble getting past those arms.

  3. I remember being terrified in the 80's that Russia was going to bomb us.  We lived near Crane Naval Airforce Base which I was told, by my clueless to my fear parents, was a possible target.  I spent years absolutely terrified.  I wish someone had done a better job of explaining things to me.  Instead they had us do duck and cover drills at school, like that was going to save us from a strike 20 miles away.

  4. There's no way either of mine could do a 2.5 hour class so it would be the 8am class or wait until next semester.  Since there's no way I could do the 8am class kiddo would have to wait.  I'd have them spend the time doing Thinkwell as a prep for the DE class so that it would make getting an A more likely. The only way I'd do just Thinkwell is if they don't need Calculus for College credit. 

    • Like 1
  5. Absolutely want to see it passed.  I'm also a gun owner and I've been shooting since I was six years old.  I believe in the 2nd amendment but we do NOT need to allow devices that turn semi-autos into full autos.  I have other issues with current law but since you didn't ask about those I won't comment,  ;) . 

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  6. If he's going 84 in a 75 it is highly unlikely he'd get pulled over around here (the rain makes a big difference though). Most likely he was just following traffic and being hyper vigilant about his speed can be a distraction and cause an accident itself.  Is there a phone app that will beep if you're going over a particular speed or something like that? Like PP said without knowing how long he was driving at the speeds I would be loath to punish to harshly, luckily for us I'm likely to be the only speeder in the family although I try to make sure I use cruise to control my speed.

  7. I've always thought it meant the first one but I much prefer the second meaning.  People can be such a$$holes 



    ETA: In reference to where the term was heard... I watch a lot of Australian and New Zealand TV and I don't think I've ever heard it used here in the Mid-West/Upper South U.S. 

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  8. I would have been angry and I would have let her know ASAP, totally unacceptable IMO.  I wouldn't ride with a permit driver on a 4 lane if he/she still requires being "yelled" at, let alone let my children ride with them.

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  9. I get mine at Sprouts when it goes on sale, usually $3 each but I once got lucky and it was down to $2 per carton.... now that we're eating so much less meat I need to find a good vegetable broth. 



    For making it yourself, after you render the chicken or beef you should roast the bones in the oven for an hour or two.  The additional roasting gives the broth a deeper flavor. 



    Exactly. I am not proud of my behavior when a well meaning acquaintance said that she didn't know what Top Ramen was, but if I couldn't afford it then I would just have to make something less expensive for dinner, like maybe some nice braised chicken breasts in lemon sauce, and then take all the leftover change out of my pockets when I came home from work and save them in an empty mayonaisse jar in my closet until I could afford enough Top Ramen to throw a dinner party for all of my friends to celebrate delayed gratification, self-control, and proper bootstrap pulling.


    I'm sure I would sound every bit as ridiculous giving advice about choosing a mortgage or hiring a stock broker.


    Socioeconomic class can also be a political issue and we need to keep politics off the main boards.

  11. Yes, both times.  The first one I was 17 and it was a huge mistake that took me 5 years to rectify.  The second was the best decision I've made and we've been together for 17 years (although it took 3 years after I said yes to actually tie the knot).


    _I'm also the only person either of them ever proposed to, which is kind of sad for the ex but he's not a nice person, so to be somewhat expected. 

  12. I've found that Boca Veggie Crumbles or TVP (basically same thing) works great as a ground beef stand in for tacos, chili, spaghetti, and Cottage Pie (not shepherd's pie which has milk). We also do Boca burgers, and Gardin Pork Bites are AMAZING.  Other options that make a decent stand in for texture (in chicken dishes) is sweet potatoes (in Curry) Portabella mushrooms and Eggplant.  I also really like black/beluga lentils, they don't get as mushy as the red/green ones do.  For dressing/sauces try Miso & Tahini they have that savory/umami  flavor with out the meat. 



    DD is Vegan(almost 2 years), the rest of us are flexitarians(about 1-2 months) with DH leaning more Vegan.  I keep a bag of pre-cooked chicken in the freezer and I make carnivore food about 1X a week when I can't take it any more but that's getting less frequent.  We have given up ground beef entirely (even though I have about $50 worth of grass fed in the freezer) because it just tastes gross now.  I'm hoping I can use up the chicken and pork in freezer before we're completely turned off meat.

    • Like 2
  13. Hulu

    The Good Place

    The Orville

    Bess of Both Worlds

    Will and Grace



    Dark Matter






    The Leftovers 

    and basically treading water until Westworld season 2 comes out


    CBS All Access


    The Big Bang Theory




    The Heart Guy

    and anticipating Second Sight (just hope it's as good as I remember).


  14. Just a curiosity thread with three questions if anyone wants to share.   :coolgleamA:


    1)  What are two foods you are glad you like?  (Can go broad, of course, to just "name" two.  None of these need to be specific.)


    2)  What are two foods you wish you liked?


    3)  What are two foods you're glad you don't like?

    1. Salads, LOVE salad (although it does cause stomach issues). I can't decide which I'm happier about liking eggplant or sweet potatoes(and not just as "sweet potato fluff")


    2. Carrots- my life would be so much easier if I could eat carrots.  Soy milk/cheese, I would LOVE to quit dairy.


    3. Swiss Rolls from little Debbie. DH used to bring them home and back then I was a sweet-aholic but I couldn't eat those. 


    4. I wish I didn't love meat.  DD is vegan, DH is flexitarian leaning toward Vegan, DS leans toward vegetarian me? I LOVE meat although with all the plant eaters I guess I tend toward flexitarian too out of necessity.   

  15. John Mellencamp, but it's not rare to have met him at a school football game back in the late 80's early 90's especially since I went to H.S. with his daughter and my Aunt lived down the road from him.  I also worked for Cellular One and he called a couple times and came in the office once.  Like I said not rare running into the old sourpuss.

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  16. Like you said the cats there need homes you have a home that could use another cat... why you would choose that cat over a different cat makes very little difference to the situation.  I would get Luna's opinion (do a trial run?) first though because what she loved in Thor may not be okay in a new cat.


    A trial will also help your DH get used to the idea.

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  17. So in your situation I'd find an article about how much food/calories kids their age need daily then say something like "so I read this article the other day and it said an average 10 year old needs XXXX calories and XX amount of that is fat/carbs/protein. Can you believe it?  I never realized that, it's like XX cups of veggies/grains/meat. I'm going to go broke, not really but I'm going to have to up my grocery budget".  Have the article handy where you printed it out to show your DH or someone else who you thought might benefit.  If she sees through it then admit right up front that you thought that she like yourself didn't know that info.

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  18. I have a good friend who is having a hard time right now. Dh don't live physically close to her and aren't in any way able to financial help her (not that she asked). But I have a two part question: First, how can we help her? Mostly I think just listening is good, but if there's other suggestions I'm open it them. But second, what would YOU do in her situation?


    Friend is close to graduating (she is 6 credits shy), but defaulted on her student loans, maybe 7 years ago. She can't go back until she pays off the debt ($70,000).ebfore that, as she was prepping to graduate she went on intern. She took out a couple of credit cards and went spree shopping for business type clothes. Racked up a large bill, that she has been not paying. Her wages have been garnished for the past many years for the student loans. About 4 years ago, she became horribly dangerously sick and was hospitalized. She had no medical insurance. They ran test after test and kept her for 4 days. After she was released, she told us she had no way to pay. And no intention of paying. That the hospital would just need to write it off. Earlier this week, the police served her papers.

    At her last apartment, the previous tenant was arrested and put in prison. But they never shut off his utilities. When she moved in, she didn't correct it. For 12 months, the bills went to him. Then the company realized the problem and shut off the utilities. Since she couldn't pay for the past year, she simply moved out.


    She lost her job mid August. She didn't file taxes last year-because, in her words, they will keep all the refund to pay the student loans.

    To prove to the judge she is having a hardship, to defer the hospital bills, she needs to provide those tax papers.


    Her life, and her choices, are so very different from mine. I don't know how to advise her. Or what I would do. What is the wise choice? How do you overcome the debt? There may be additional debt that I don't know about, but those are the major ones.

    First she needs to file the taxes, refunds help pay off the debt and also help show she's trying (you don't go to jail if they owe you, btw). Next she needs to look into bankruptcy and get that process started immediately. Her student loans can not be included in the bankruptcy but since she has been making payments they may be out of default and she can go back to school.  Which is what I would do.  It will give  her a fresh financial start and hopefully a new direction in life.  I hope my suggestions are helpful and answer a few of the questions you actually asked.

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  19. Just tell her.  "Bob doesn't like me.  I'd rather not feel like this meal is awkward and forced.  Please come alone."


    It may mean she won't come either, but that's a risk you have to take.

    :iagree: but she won't likely come and it will only hurt your relationship with her more.  The more you push him away the tighter she will cling to him even past what would be the normal extent/length of their relationship. 

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  20. My great grandparents lived in an assisted living apartment for the last years of their lives.  Grampa had Alzheimers and granma had diabetes.  She took care of him with regular (2-3X per day) visits from a nurse.  Even end stage for him, she was right there doing all the non-medical stuff but she had time to go shopping, sit out and have tea with the neighbor.  She cooked their meals (until he went on a feeding tube) cleaned the apartment.  It was still hard on her having to leave the huge farm they had raised their children on for an apartment but after he died and she started getting worse (heart disease) her daughter, my grandmother, was able to move in and take care of her until the end. No hospitals, no separation from family, regular nursing care and still the feeling of being independent and "at home".  

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