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Posts posted by foxbridgeacademy

  1. No i don't have an issue with it in fact like a PP mentioned it helps with the accents in my head.... but I also watch a lot of British, Australian, and New Zealand TV shows so reading/hearing other English dialects isn't a problem either.

  2. 19 is still really young and he's been working at this College thing for 3 years?


    In your situation I'd worry that my kid was "burnt out" and needed a break.  So for the next semester-year I'd back off. I wouldn't pay for anything (other than housing and food I made at home), he'd have to have some kind of job. But I'd just let him "be" for awhile.  I'd give him an end date when he had to either go back to school or start looking to get out on his own.

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  3. The end result of this health insurance is..it is just bad. That dollar amount was a deductible to be met before they started to pay. The copays kick in after the deductible is met. I had a doctor appointment last week and had to pay just over $170. I am supposed to have a procedure next week, outpatient, and turns out, it is going to cost me $2500. I told them I thought there was just a copay and was told they checked with my insurance and the copay only kicks in after I meet my deductible. I am paying $900/month for this insurance.


    Here is the real kicker. IF we had no insurance, we would pay the self-pay rate which is lower than the insurance rate. So it is costing us for not just the insurance, but also for higher visit rates as a result. Last weeks appointment would have been just under $100 if I was self-pay and the procedure next week would have been $2025.



    I need the procedure, but I had to cancel it. I won't be having it. Bottles of Ibuprofen and other painkillers and limiting my physical activity is cheaper than that cost.

    This is me.  Our deductible is $4500 and the insurance pays NOTHING until we've met it. Now my monthly premium is significantly lower but not low enough to cover the $4500.  I need to have my heart looked at again because 2 doctors have now told me I shouldn't be in this much pain unless something is wrong.... can't afford it and won't be able to for another couple years.  I had to go to the local clinic for low income because I can't swing the $120 my previous doctor charges.... if I was cash pay he'd have only cost $75.

  4. I spoke with our local 4 year University and the only thing they require from homeschoolers is a transcript and ACT score.  The only thing the transcript has to include is 4 years of Math, 4 of English, 3 Sciences (2 with lab), 2 Social Sciences, 2 Foreign Language, and 1 Fine Arts.  No actual Diploma required.  They are very homeschool friendly and the admissions guy said the transcript could be handwritten on a napkin, lol, but he'd prefer typed on paper.


    Another option for OP is to Homeschool the last semester of 12th grade.  Or at that time DD may have enough credits to either graduate with her class or do 1 more semester (summer school, online options?) and graduate from P.S.

  5. If it were me I'd pare school down to just the very basics and then join in some of the daytime activities.  If there's still not enough time on school or it doesn't work out because of other children then yeah, I'd send him to the Christian school, and we're atheists.  We considered a non-denominational place when DD first was experiencing anxiety but wanted socialization (its that 10-14 age range). Smaller classes and teachers that aren't hampered by the one size fits all mentality (usually). 

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  6. I would think room assignments need to be changed when one or both were uncomfortable with the current situation. Since neither is I think they should be allowed to carry on until they decide otherwise.  If and when P decides he is ready to move into a M/M dorm situation then P should be allowed to do it. Until then I again think it's no one else's business and they should be able to carry on. P might not feel comfortable yet sharing his space with another male or may not be fully comfortable with his gender expression (which I'm told by DD is different than gender identity). If the housing people start to get fussy (cause you know someone will complain) then it is up to them to make accommodations to house P and  D in gender inclusive dormitories.  Honestly I'd tell both kids that they should either 1. ask for new room assignment in the other dorm (and be willing to fight for it) or 2. keep their heads down for a bit until they get to know their floormates and can gauge if it's going to even be an issue. 

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  7. The main reason I got an ipad was for the ibooks in particular the itextbooks, they are amazing. 


    I had my mini for 3 years and never broke it (kept it in cheap case).  I gave it to DD 14 last month.... cracks all over it now.

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  8. I think I started having mine do things around 10-12.  Unloading DW and light cooking (some children were better at it than others). Laundry on their own only recently, but that's because prior to moving here the door to the laundry was off my room.  They've helped clean and prep since they were little.  I don't expect them to have to truly fend for themselves until after College (they'll be living at home until then) so we're progressing slowly along the road to independence. They are responsible for their own b-fast and lunch but I make sure there's plenty of options (DS usually cooks himself bacon and eggs or pancakes).

  9. I'm on several meds for medical conditions and my bp med definitely alters my mood (I don't feel crazy or like I'm about to have a stroke). I drink tea which has caffeine but we usually do 1/2 cafe. I take ibuprofen pretty much daily but it doesn't alter my mood just helps with the horrible headaches caused by my bp and blood sugar issues.  I do occasionally use a vape pen when not being a smoker (started in 1989 quit in 2014) really starts to get to me.... not daily but probably weekly.  I figure people do what they do and take what they take to get through the day and I don't think there's any shame in it as long as it helps, not hurts, ourselves and our loved ones.

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    That has always bothered ds since he learned to read. There used to be a store that sold handmade crafts, called Kountry Krafts. He hated seeing it every time we drove by. Then again, he's a millennial who can't stand text speak. His friends use it on him and he responds with complete words and sentences. I guess I did something right in our homeschool. :)

    This is DD.  We used to pass a billboard almost daily that had an apostrophe where no apostrophe should go.  She constantly threatened that once she got a license she was going to "fix it".  She also refuses to text-speak with friends online. 

  11. I like our neighborhood giants. They're an especially welcome sight when we've been on a long trip; the string of red lights means we're almost home.

    :iagree: I think I would enjoy the sight of them too, I know I loved looking at the ones in East TN.

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  12. Ken's actual Facebook post about it says "The rainbow is a reminder God will never again judge the wickedness of man with a global Flood—next time the world will be judged by fire." He's taking back the rainbow to remind us we're going to burn. It's so touching.

    OMG, LOL  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  Now I have to bookmark this page so I can show DH when he gets up for work.

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  13. Ooooh.


    Another: the way that yell sneezers can sneak up behind you, do their jump-inducing extremely loud noise, and then act like it's normal, and the person who has nearly suffered a heart attack is over-reacting.

    Not only am I a yell sneezer I'm also an almost fall down sneezer, I promise scaring the carp out of people is the last thing on my mind.... I'm usually hoping I don't bust a blood vessel, lol.

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  14. unloading the dishwasher.  I don't mind loading it, I don't even horribly mind hand washing dishes what I hate is putting them away and I have no idea why.  Luckily I have 2-4 teens in the house at any given time, I haven't unloaded the dishwasher in years.



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  15. Im just reading through all replys as I only have littles right now and yours made me giggle. Do you know what I would have had to do to come up with something to say that my grandma would have found embarassing to read?? She has made me feel embarassed a lot, but not the other way round. Omg I miss her so bad.

    Awww, sounds like my Mimi who passed away on Christmas.  I could tell her anything, even the really bad stuff and she just hug me and pat my arm and tell me she loved me.  Then she'd tell me a story from when she did something outrageous when she was young.

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  16. I could probably guess what my kids passwords are but I would never check.  I hope that I raised them and taught them to be reasoning and responsible in their behavior.  I'm really not concerned, they have both been astounded with DSD's online behavior and derisive of her choices/actions.  Seriously the kid has issues with online social networks, her mother never let her have any access then she came to live with us and we don't censor/restrict but she has me tempted to break all our parenting codes and put her on lockdown (she's almost 17 so that won't work).  I think if you raise them with lots of talking and explaining and make sure they understand all the really bad parts you won't need to snoop/restrict them later... well it's worked for us so far.

  17. VERY! I just won an ebay auction yesterday and the seller actually got it in the mail today! It won't be here until the 26th or 27th :glare:  I didn't expect it any sooner but still I have to wait?! (very whiny voice).

  18. Under furniture that you wouldn't think they could or would move.  We have a stand fan with a base, DSD was keeping.... stuff... under it.  In pockets of clean clothes, behind dressers (or in them, pull out bottom drawer see if it is behind it), inside of rolled up socks, I kept things in all these places as well as bed frame, inside shoes, under the couch (since I was the only one who cleaned the living room), I never kept anything illegal just stuff I wanted to keep from my nosy sisters.

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