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Posts posted by foxbridgeacademy

  1. We eat hot dogs about 2X (grilled out) per year and DH likes the Ballpark brand (I like Nathan's but I care less).  I almost always do mustard, dill relish (cause sweet relish is  :ack2: ) and raw onion.  If I take my life in my own hands and get a hot dog from a vendor I go full on chili and onions.  Ok, now I want a chili dog and we just had fillets for dinner, there's something wrong with me, lol.


    ETA- I like Chicago Dogs but only when I'm in the Region they don't make them right anywhere else.



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  2. I don't think my ds would have had a problem with that at all. In fact, he probably would have enjoyed the statistics. He grew up with four sisters and was more comfortable with girls than boys for a long time. He was actually looking at a college in our state that only recently converted from all girls to both genders, but is still 90% girls. He maybe would have gone there but it didn't have his major. But I think what others have said about making sure the girls there would be accepting of him was all okay. I'd want him to spend the night and a couple days there on a trial.

    DS is also the only boy with 4 sisters.

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  3. I think DS, who is also hetero and cisgender, would do fine at a Women's College. He's so easy going and friendly that everyone just feels instantly comfortable with him.  Plus he doesn't have any hangups about appearing feminine or masculine.  I think I would also insist on a couple visits to get the feel for the place and how they would receive him, he would not want to be an "outsider" or to make others uncomfortable.

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  4. I thought the same thing the other day, our house is 2400+ (more like 2600) and we have so much stuff, a big yard for the area, plus it's crazy expensive!  2 of my 4 teens have moved out and I don't need a 5-6 bedroom house. So we went looking at apartments and townhouses last week.  We've narrowed it down to 2 places, one that's in the middle of our town's shopping district and the other is close to DH's work and while the shopping isn't as nice/upscale there's still a Target and Starbucks so DD is happy.  We're moving in March.


    I am both looking forward to and dreading the massive book purge that will be happening here round about Valentines Day. 


    *I have about 30 linear feet of book shelves packed full plus an additional 4 big totes/bins of books... which is about 1/2 of what I had before I moved here.   :leaving:

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  5. When learning to twist balloons the sword is one of the first things you learn because 1) it's incredibly easy and 2) a lot of kids ask for them.


    So unless you have a reason to think the shape was deliberately intended to be something other than a sword I would give the decorators the benefit of the doubt.

    :iagree:  It's the only balloon thing I can do well, my doggie always ends up weird and lopsided.  As for DH, women often flirt with him (he's so out of my league, lol) but he rarely realizes and has no interest.

  6. Probably not what you need but it occurred to me to ask...is he raising it only to play or because it helps him in some way? For better posture, hand placement on the table etc? I worked with an ergonomist for some time and based on what she taught me, I'm wondering whether raising the chair is more helpful to him. If he's doing it because it's more comfortable, could you get him something to rest his feet on instead? 

    :iagree:  I'm short and I HAVE to sit high up in my office chair, higher than most people would think is comfortable.  If I sit low it's difficult to work on the computer or write and ends up straining my neck, arm, and back.  I rest my feet on the sub-woofer of the computer speaker system or on a small box. 


    ETA- if this is just a twitchy, can't sit still thing then fixing the chair won't fix the problem, he'll find something else to distract himself with.

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  7. Also not there yet but the plan is that DC, after College, will continue to live at home pay all personal expenses (but no rent etc...) and save a bunch of $$ so they can have a big cushion when they go out into the real world... if they can find a job locally. This should be no issue for DS who is very tight with his money (just started a job last month and already has saved $450) and his chosen field is in need around us.  DD on the other hand will probably require us to practically hemorrhage money for the first few years after she gets out of College.  We'll likely be supporting her financially while she travels with Non-profit groups and I'm sure we'll end up being contributors to whatever her current "mission" is.  When she lives at home I'll expect her to pay for her own personal stuff. 

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  8. Peach and blackberry are my favorite, but I've pretty much never met jam I didn't like.  I don't think I've ever had rhubarb (anything) before.

    I don't like pie, mushy fruit is just so wrong but rhubarb pie (not that gross strawberry rhubarb stuff) is amazing.  Tart and sweet plus while the rhubarb is mushy I know it's not fruit so it doesn't trigger my "yuck" reaction.

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  9. My parents have never given us $$ without having been asked but they will tell me to not worry about paying them back. In that instance I will use the $$ to buy something for the kids and say it was from g-parents.  So in your place, I'd cash the check and either buy the family a gift, save it for future gifts (including really nice ones for g-parents) or just save it for when they might need help later.

  10. It would become a for-profit industry just like some of the prisons, and abuse would rampant, education non existent. There is more money to be made pocketing money AND not doing the job, than actually providing an education.


    And of course the disparity from wealthy areas to poor areas would get exponentially larger.


    The oligarchy is not inclined to watch out for the best interests of the common man.

    :iagree: X1000

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  11. Yep, because he knows what I like/don't like and he's very unselfish, likes to make me happy.  I think the only place I'd have issue with is property/location.  He wants something "manageable" and I want a farm(or at least an acre or two!), also he's not worried as I am about the neighborhood "look".  I want a vintage house in a vintage neighborhood on a quiet street, he keeps sending me listings that while vintage are often in transition neighborhoods with either newer, badly built houses or commercial as the neighbors.   

  12. I am making jams this weekend.  The poll are most of the types of jam I'm making.  Just for fun, which one would you most prefer?  If I didn't list your fave jam, what is that?


    I'm also making Saskatoon jam and gooseberry jam, but most people won't know those, so I left them out.  However, if you know Saskatoons and gooseberries and they happen to be your favourite, please do shout out.  :D

    I like gooseberry, but I think I'd prefer Plum or even rhubarb. particularly because it's difficult to find in stores (plus I LOVE both).

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  13. Mine's been pretty much daily for the last 20 years, since gall bladder removal, so I feel ya.  Everything except meat will trigger it, heck NOT eating used to be a trigger.  The only time it got better (1-3X week instead of every day) was when I was pregnant. Then again a couple years ago when I entered pre-menopause (also developed diabetes :glare:).  I don't think people who don't suffer from it can truly understand.  The best way I explain it is: "it's like a moderate case of food poisoning that NEVER goes away completely".  

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  14. I have seen them worn without bras as OP describes.


    I assume the wearers are intentionally being edgy as this does go against standard dress norms in our society.


    I personally wish the overall hypersexualization of the female breast would go away, in which case clothing choices like this wouldn't matter much one way or another.

    :iagree: Absolutely, I shouldn't have to tell my daughter that she can't wear her brothers old "tank" top with open sides because it's not socially appropriate.  It was appropriate for him but not her?  

  15. I can put my fingers under my toes with my knees locked. If I bend at the knee slightly I can put my palms flat on the floor.  Back when I wasn't fat I could "rest" my head against my legs while standing.... my family is very flexible, DS did not get it but the girls are all fairly flexible.

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  16. I've experienced more racism and confederate flags in Iowa and Indiana than anywhere else in my life and I was born and raised in small town Texas. We have to pass two homes daily that fly the confederate flag just to get to school. We also see trucks flying them often. This is most definitely not just a Southern thing. Dh was born and raised in California and he's often discussed how ridiculous his education was regarding confederate soldiers (meaning it was too much and they were way too revered). 

    I've seen significantly more Confederate flags in my family's area of Southern Indiana then I have in Murfreesboro TN.  The difference is that where my family lives it is rural and the demographics break down like this= White Alone 93%, Black alone .7%, two or more races 1.2%.  Where as Murfreesboro is much more racially mixed (thankfully).  I promise in towns like Corydon (0.5% Black), Loogootee, (0.1% Black), Paoli (0.5% Black), and other small rural towns racism is alive and kicking.  I refuse to visit my mom's house during holidays because her husbands friends and relatives might visit and the things that come out of these people's mouths.... I don't want my children to ever hear those words spoken.  There is so much more to say on the subject but this is the Chat Board not the Political Board so I'll leave it at that if you haven't seen them (the flags) in S. Indiana then you must not be paying attention.

  17. DD who has anxiety will probably be looking for a job at one of the local grocery stores, she'd prefer and pretty much only be willing to do stocking type stuff.  Other than that I'm as stumped for ideas as anyone else.  Everywhere I go I look for teens and possible opportunities but while there are a ton of jobs in our area there's not much that doesn't involve extensive customer service.


  18. Well, clearly some do, because I see Confederate flags in the north all the time. Oh, wait, maybe it's not really about the Civil War. Maybe it's a thinly veiled message about something else. Gee, what could it be...



    If you were to drive through Southern Indiana (south of Bloomington) you could easily mistake it for the Deep South because of all the flags on porches, bumper stickers, t-shirts, tattoos, vanity plates (in the front, we are only required to have rear state plates) and picnic blankets.  

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