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Posts posted by foxbridgeacademy

  1. I didn't go see my grandmother when she took a turn for the worse because there is no way I want to remember the most wonderful person in the World that way, she would absolutely understand.  We went the month before and had a great visit (even though we knew she'd be gone soon) and that's the last memory the kids and I have of her, which makes me happy to think of.  Also her children (she has 7) were more than capable of providing around the clock care and comfort, we'd have just been in the way.  


    We went to visit my mom's favorite grandmother days before she died when I was 10.... it still affects me mainly because it's the image that first comes to mind when I think of her. 

  2. Look at Saint-Mary-of-the-Woods College in Indiana. It's Catholic, but the nuns are really big on the environment and social justice. It just went co-ed in the last couple of years, and it has a really supportive environment.

    :iagree: It has a really good reputation and while it is Catholic the culture there isn't overly restrictive... students do tend to behave a bit better (I'd only known it as a Women's College that several friends went to/ I visited them at). 

    • Like 1
  3. I'm not sure if this would work in your state but couldn't you just let him test out of certain classes? So Eng 1, 2, 3, (shouldn't be an issue to pass EOC's with a 34 ACT) take a World History and US history EOC if he thinks he could pass or double up on those at home/online then take a test (again EOC or CLEP). If he knows the material why does he have to take a course in it?  Honestly he already has the test scores to get into College, I'd call him graduated and let him move on before he loses motivation. Bright students shouldn't be held back just to check a box, my opinion only of course.

    • Like 1
  4. Yeah, we've gone through it and are coming out the other side too for my youngest.  What really helped (and I'm sure you do similar)  is I told her regularly that "I am not your enemy, everything I do I do for you (and it's 100% true) I would never purposefully try to hurt you or keep you from doing what you want out of spite or meanness." I always let her see my face and eyes (usually tearing up) so she knew I was serious and honest.... that I truly believed that making her, or not letting her, do something was what I believed to be best.  I also made sure that when I was wrong or reversed a decision she knew why (not because of a fit she threw).  She is fast becoming a friend and I expect one day we'll be best friends.  

    • Like 7
  5. Me, but I've tried to make DH the Principal, he refuses to assume the position.  After a very short period of concern way back in 2007 about HSing he's been pretty much hands off.  I've tried to talk to him about curriculum, his eyes just glaze over and he tells me to buy whatever I want.... yeah, big help.

  6. I'd probably figure out a way to take all the kids but for me and DH it's no fun without all our kids.  We'd never go on vacation without them (it would be boring).


    Or you could Just do what my mom did when she and my sisters (16 and 12 at the time) went to Cancun, tell her(me 22 y.o.) she has to pay her own way..... I did get to drive them to the airport  :glare: .  20 something should have a job and enough in savings to at least pay for a good portion of their part of the trip.  At the time I was disappointed and felt it was unfair but it did spur me to get off my butt (I was between jobs) and get out there and make some money ( I found a bar tending job).  



  7. Congratulations to your son!  Such a great milestone.


    May I ask what sort of job it is?  Did he have to apply online?


    My son has also been job-hunting, but only one place out of about 20 had a paper application.  Everyone else said apply online, and when he tried to do that, he couldn't get anywhere unless he agreed to accept unsolicited emails from about a dozen irrelevant organizations AND agreed to accept automated phone calls - but there was no info regarding the content or purpose of those calls.


    So the job hunt here is currently stalled out.   :(  I'm planning to send him to some independent businesses instead of chains, but there aren't many of those around anymore....

    It's a fast food place, the same company I had my first job at actually.  He went through snagajob.com and yeah they were all online.

  8. This is so exciting! Congratulations to both of you! I remember when my oldest got his first job around the same age. He got hired on at the Lego Store so while he was putting on his big boy pants and working he still got to be a little boy inside and play with Legos. First jobs are so important. I saw so much growth and maturity happen with that job. It will be so much fun for you to watch the fruits of life education.

    That's so cool, I wish that had been my first job.

  9. Two teens at a time, max, because of the age gap. FWIW, I enjoy mothering older children much more than I did little children. Thankfully, my "UGH! TEENAGERS!" Events have been few. Although I would rather potty-train ten kids than teach one to drive.

    I LOVE babies but my next favorite age is without a doubt teenagers.  I have been lucky that none of mine have given me much trouble.... so far.

    • Like 2
  10. I'd really encourage him riding the bike to work. That will get him to be even more responsible about the job and be even more independent. That independence will make him feel very good in the long run--even if it's hard on you because he's growing up now.


    Get him a good lock and if needed reflective gear for visibility. If riding both ways puts him in bad traffic, put a rack on your car and just leave it on for now so you either drop him off with the bike or pick him up.

    That's a good idea about the rack, thanks.  We're going over there today for him to drop off some paperwork so I'm going to look at his route. 99% of it is fine, it's the crossing 6 lanes of traffic that's freaking me out.

  11. Yeah - congrats! He is a man now. ;) Well...almost.

    Ds's first job was being the driver for a nearby blueberry farm.

    That would be a cool job, but I can't get him to get his license, he's a penny pincher and the insurance is more than he's willing to pay so either I'll be driving him or since the job is close enough he can ride his bike.

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  12. I step outside and start cussing.... but I do that in Winter too :glare: .  But seriously, I feel like it's truly Summer when my tomatoes start turning red.


    ETA: and like PP said Fireflies, I LOVED chasing them in our big front field when I was a kid, it's one of my favorite memories.

  13. I would have picked him up. It boggles my mind that anyone wouldn't have.

    I would have picked him up no hesitation, my mother (who really does love me) would have made me "tough it out", lol (she thinks I'm a "wuss" because I buy the antibiotic ointment with painkiller instead of the plain stuff.... I need therapy :lol:  :lol:  :lol: ).

  14. So my just turned (a couple days ago) 16 y.o. applied for about 10 jobs yesterday. One of them called him back first thing this morning and hired him this afternoon.... he forgot to ask the rate of pay he was so nervous!  DD and I were sitting in the car and it was making us nervous, lol.  I'm happy for him, the kid has been wanting to make money for years now but I'm sad too, he's so grown up.  I'm sure I'll get over it when I'm juggling driving him and DSD back and forth to their jobs every day, I'll be to busy and frazzled to be sad.

    • Like 26
  15. DS13 turned 13 today, so we now have five teenagers in our family. Four live here and DS19 is living with DS27 this summer. Fortunately, we will have all seven children home on Saturday! :)


    In October, four of our five teenagers will have learner's permits. I warned my neighbor, "If you see us coming down the road, IT'S NOT US!" :ohmy:


    We had five in diapers once upon a time. Teenagers are MUCH better, IMO. :thumbup1:


    What was/is/will be your "teenager high-water mark"?

    We also had 5. My 2nd DD was 19 (but she lives in our home state), DSD was 16, DN was 15, DS was 15, and DD was 13 (I also have a DD 21).  My nest is starting to empty.... DN has decided to live with his mom for now :crying: , DSD will likely move back to her previous town when she turns 18 (her brother and friends all live there).  I am hoping to convince 2nd DD and her brand new husband to move down here but right now her dad is paying her bills while she finishes school and I don't blame her for sticking around up there.


    (add 1 year for current ages)

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  16. Also what happens when theses kids all turn 18 (which is soon right)?  Do you expect them to continue to behave the way you've ordered?  I'm actually curious.  Do you think they won't start dating/texting?  I was very restricted as a teen and went absolutely crazy when I got out from under my parents.... and I was a good kid prior to that.

  17. Well. I don't know. She and ds liked each other first. And no one thought dss should get ds's permission before he decided he liked her.

    That was 2 years ago and he chose to honor the father's request.  But yeah, dss probably should have made sure ds was cool with him texting.  You all made dss and the girl stop texting, so not their choice and who knows what would have come of the relationship.

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  18. In Phoenix they've had to ban dogs from hiking trails in temps over 100F because too many people are too stupid to figure out that it's not a good idea to go hiking (with or without a dog) in desert temps.


    85F, a dog needs access to shade and water and would be fine outside 24/7. You were certainly just fine on your walk, that woman is an idiot.

    :iagree: and would have probably told her so. 

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