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Posts posted by foxbridgeacademy

  1. So my parents are benignly neglectful, too busy with their own lives to care much for us (my mom tries but it's out of character for her so it comes off as stilted).  We haven't talked to DH's mom in 14 years and only recently started talking to his dad.  What helps me is reminding my kids and myself that we, DH and I, are going to be the most wonderful involved grandparents in the World.  We're going to do and be everything I wish my parents would do.  In the end that will matter to my children more (that their children are loved/happy) than if their own g-parents paid attention to them.

    • Like 6
  2. Yes, contract in writing with the estimate and they both signed it. Plus, at the contract signing owner had to pay a percentage of the estimate up front, and the amount of the check matches with the estimate.

    This is what would make me side with the owner 100%.

    • Like 1
  3. As for their responsibility if the lease is broken that varies by state law, some it's only 2 months, others it's until the property is rerented.  I'm pretty sure in most states once the property is rerented you can not charge them rent too.  In your situation I might see about working out a shortened lease option for them.  Weather being  an issue, no one wants to move during a snowstorm (we did it once and it sucks) then if you offer them an out in the Spring maybe they will stop being PITA's.  I definitely would not be renewing their lease.

  4. Let's start with DH's parents, they are recently (3 years ago) divorced.  We haven't spoken to his mother in 14 years so no worries there.... also you couldn't pay me enough to live with her.  His dad we only recently started speaking to, after the divorce.  Dh would like to buy property and build his dad a little house on it near our house.  I think his dad will end of living with his daughter like he did after the divorce unless his ex-wife beats him to it.... but I really don't see DH's sister putting up with her mother either (woman is npd). So we might end up with him.  He's a nice man who hides the fact that he doesn't like me fairly well. 


    My parents, well they're both married to other people.  My dad will probably work himself to death but if he does ever need care my middle sister has already agreed to be the one to take him in (assuming his wife were gone) if his wife were still alive it is unlikely that her daughter would let anyone else care for her mom so it would be a package deal, I would think.


    My mom, who I love dearly, is the opposite of me in almost every way.  There is no way we could ever live under the same roof.  Luckily my youngest sister or even much younger brother live nearby and can help out.  If my mom got to the point where she couldn't care for herself she says she'll do what our old dog did, walk off into the woods to die.... yeah, taking care of her in her old age is going to be FUN!  She's married and they own a small farm so likely my sister will go live with them, she's probably the only one who can get along with them on a day to day basis. She lives about 1/2 mile from them now and her youngest is 7 so I wouldn't think it will be an issue.


    We do not live near family, no jobs in the area, so unless they want to move to where we live I think we'll be parent free in our retirement.

  5. Wow, I haven't read any of the authors mentioned on this thread, except Agatha Christie. Lots for me to check out. :)



    OP, would you be interested in J K Rowling's crime thriller series featuring her detective, Cormoran Strike? She writes them under the pen name Robert Galbraith. There are three books in the series so far, and they are available as audio books. The first two books were dramatized by the BBC last month.

    Where can I find this! Love Cormoron Strike books.

    • Like 2
  6. I like

    Donna Andrews

    Lisa Lutz (Spellman)

    Alan Bradley (Flavia, I like her so much I feel like I'm on a first name basis with her)

    Charlaine Harris (more or less mysteries... Lily Bard, Aurora Teagarden)

    Joan Hess (Maggody and Claire Malloy)

    Ann Charles (Jackrabbit Junction and Deadwood are both good)

    Of course I LOVE Janet Evanovich but I'm not sure if these are true mysteries but still has a mystery element.


    There's a ton more out there, what you can do is search "books like _________________________" or "authors similar to __________________"




    • Like 3
  7. Also, there was a chart I saw (I'll try to find it) that showed the steady increase in healthcare premiums before and after Obamacare. The trend for premiums was going up regardless. I do think that the implementation of Obamacare bumped premiums a bit, but now they're following the same upward pattern. And I agree that the concessions made in order to pass the healthcare law contributed to this.


    ETA: I wanted to comment but forgot, that I thought we were moving in the right direction by passing Obamacare, though I really hoped for a single payer system. Access to standard healthcare needs to be a right for every citizen, not a dream. We have chosen to take our chances, paying for healthcare for our family out of pocket, with a backup catastrophic policy, as we are both self employed and can't afford the premium plus the deductibles.

    Yep I saw this too.  I'm thinking the bump was a simple act of greed on the parts of the insurance companies.  They took advantage of a change to wail and moan so they could hike premiums.  

    • Like 6
  8. We have an Oster that's also a toaster oven, I liked it okay All the pieces could go in the dishwasher so that just left the oven itself to clean and as long as you used the drip pan cleanup was fine.  My problem and the reason it's in storage is because it takes up a lot of counter space and made really dry toast.  I think I only paid $35 for it at Walmart, it was on clearance.  It will be one of the many things I'll be donating before we move.

  9. I love them on a salad, or on toast with boiled egg.  Also you can use them in brownies and other hidden food recipes.  As much as I like them I can't eat them straight (texture) and need something firmer to go with them.  Make sure it's ripe, unripe avocados are inedible IMO.

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  10. This one's been in my head for the past 3-4 days 

    Hamilton Leithauser + Rostam - In a Black Out


    I love the song but I'm not sure how much longer I can stand to hear "Midnight in a nameless town" playing on a loop in my head.  This happens to me all the time.



    This is one of my regularly appearing selections, especially when I can't sleep, lol. (has the f-word 1X so don't follow the link if that is offensive to you).

    • Like 1
  11. Wow, lots of options, thanks!


    Rosie- I didn't marinate the Tempeh.... maybe that was the problem?  Everyone else liked it okay it was just me and the texture was just all wrong.  I'll have to give it another try in the future.


    Nutritional yeast makes me sick to my stomach so vegan alfredo is pretty much out, it's okay I'm not a huge fan of cream type sauces anyway.


    I'm not going to be able to do all vegan for a couple reasons, one being eggs, I couldn't imagine baking with out them (especially since I do bake with out them for DD- egg replacers kind of suck).  Also I still have to drink cow milk for heartburn, it's the only thing that works, yes I've tried everything else.  But I definitely can cut out all meat and cheese and we only do organic pasture raised milk/eggs so that helps a little.  I'm not really ethically motivated, I mean it bothers me, but for me it's more about it just being gross/unhygienic and unhealthy. 

    • Like 1
  12. I watched "What the Health" and it wasn't the viewing of the Doc so much as a few of the facts (what is on the meat you're eating) that in retrospect I should have realized.  I was already headed that way to cutting out meat.  The smell and taste of meat had started to turn my stomach and I've found a few meat alternatives that work pretty well.  Boca Burgers/Crumbles, Gardein pork (the beef tips are gross), morningstar sausage is almost as good as the real thing and for the most part I only use bacon as a garnish so Baco's should do fine.  I've tried Tempeh and didn't like it, seitan was kind of gross, not as bad as the "beef" tips but still yuck.  TVP is of course the same as the boca crumbles but lacks a little something.  We (except DH) do love, love Indian cuisine and I already use a lot of lentils and other meatlike veggies (sweet potatoes, eggplant, mushrooms) in meals, it's just going to be getting used to there being no chicken.  My issue with a lot of recipes is that they are complicated and require a lot of work, I'm over the work part of cooking, I just want to do the eating.


    • Like 1
  13. I'm looking for Vegan or even just vegetarian websites-


    DD has been vegan for about 2 years.  About 2 months ago DH watched a TedTalk by a Vegan at just the right time (he'd just consumed about 6 huge cookies at work) and decided that he needed to get healthier.  IMO we ate fairly well already, at home, lots of veggies, not a lot of empty carbs, probably to much meat but very little junk.  Anyway he does a 90-95% vegan diet now and has lost 25 or so pounds.  The weight loss is enough to tempt me to switch but I've been dragging my heels, I LOVE meat.  He did mention a particular Documentary that I should avoid if I wanted to keep eating meat..... I watched it tonight, suffice to say I'm done with meat/fish.  I think I can still do eggs and a little milk(if I don't think about it too much).  My problem is while I have been cooking vegan for 2 years for DD I only about a dozen dinner recipes that I rotate for her.  I need a few more options, especially ones that use meat replacement or remake standard recipes into vegan meals.  I'm not a big bread eater so GF is fine (especially since DD is gluten intolerant).  We do like ethnic cuisine, a lot, and the simpler the better.   

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  14. Would be a loose but large gathering, outdoors, probably a cookout/potluck thing, with beer (my mom throws "shindigs" my dad's family has "get-togethers", no beer.).  I'm from Southern Indiana which is culturally more like the South than the Midwest.


    ETA- I looked through the replies and it seems that most mid-westerner's have a similar view.

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  15. You might be compressing a section of your intestines and causing it to move/shift.  It might then take a bit to get back in place and for the soreness of it to wear off.  At least that's what I assume is happening when I have similar pain from similar activities.

  16. Thanks everyone. I have seen the farlov and it is much closer to the look I prefer but it is at the top of the price range so getting a different cover would be out of the question for now.  My main concern was not being able to test it out, I'm not the kind of person who just "wings" it.  So I did a search on ikea and Nashville, thinking I might find a used sofa I could go sit on.... instead I found a place that sells new ikea merchandise and had the ektorp and a couple others (not the farlov) in their showroom.  I made DH drive me up there and all 3 of the sofas were comfortable enough for me!  I'm going to assume if 3/3 were fine then whichever I choose will be fine too.  Big weight off my mind and will make moving much easier.




  17. IME, limestone is porous and it would be difficult to get splatters to come off it, but it really depends on how it is milled (rough versus smooth) and if you have it polished.  You can also do a veneer, like tiles.  I'm from Southern Indiana and everything down there is covered in limestone but I don't think I've ever seen a limestone backsplash. 

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  18. Do you mind buying gently used? There is a store called Finder's Keepers, they only have 1 store now in Brentwood. We bought our furniture there for years. All of it is still in good shape. I know Sears outlet will usually have furniture as well.

    I'll look into it but yeah I usually stay away from used "soft" furniture since bedbugs have become an issue.  We've never had them but we also can not afford to have them, cost of treatment can be expensive.  I didn't even think about Sears, Thanks!

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