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Everything posted by Greta

  1. Has anyone ever tried Dr. John's candies? I was looking for some sugar-free candy that does NOT contain maltitol, and found this: http://www.drjohns.com
  2. Love butter! I'll try it. :)
  3. Thanks! That sounds like a great way to do it! Personally, I'm not wanting to go quite that low (to induction levels). But I gather there's a new Atkins 40 plan that's a little less strict. I should take a look at those guidelines.
  4. I have no doubt that I could do that 20 minute run on Day 3 of Week 5 . . . if only I could do it all downhill. :lol:
  5. My appetite was weird again yesterday. This has been going on for a few weeks now. I think it's the heat. But I barely have enough of an appetite to eat *half* of my usual amount of food at breakfast and lunch, and then a little less than usual at dinner too. So that doesn't sound like a bad thing, because I could definitely stand to lose a few pounds, so a reduced appetite is great. There's just two problems. First, I haven't lost my appetite for sweets, so it's like the ONLY foods left that I am hungry for are sweets! And second, after dinner, late in the evening, that's when I get hungry! It can't be good for you to get the bulk of your calories an hour before going to bed! So I'm trying to fight this tendency. I stayed strong last night and didn't eat anything else after dinner. I did a tooth whitening treatment, and told myself that I didn't want to mess up my freshly whitened teeth with food. :) So that helped. I'll try that again tonight. My hope is that since I probably got less calories overall yesterday (since I resisted that temptation to eat late in the evening), maybe I'll be hungrier at breakfast this morning, and I can kind of interrupt this cycle.
  6. Do you also have a list of foods that are permitted versus banned? If so, I'd love to know where our lists are similar and where they are different.
  7. Great, thank you! Yes, whichever "one per day" food that I choose, I know I will have to remember to dish out a TINY serving of it, and limit myself to that. It's definitely not going to work if I approach it like "all I can eat of this one food", though I'm sure the temptation to do that will be there! :lol: Aerial classes?? Wow, I'm impressed! Very cool!
  8. Greta


    This guy sounds worse as more details come to light. He has been disrespectful to you, and mistrustful of your son. What is your dh's response to all of this?
  9. Greta


    I'd make sure that my son understood that the guy was out of line, and that he (son) had done nothing wrong.* I'd be a little peeved with my husband for not understanding that his friend treated me with blatant disrespect and that I have every right to be livid. I'd avoid the friend. But that's just me. :) *ETA: didn't see your most recent post when I posted. You had already done this. That's the main priority, to my mind.
  10. Awesome, thank you! :)
  11. Thanks! Yes, I agree that high-quality animal fats are also very healthy. Unfortunately, my husband and daughter don't care for them, so I don't use them very often. They prefer coconut oil, I prefer lard or tallow. I also like red palm oil, but they hate it. Oh well. Just realized - I forgot to include any LC sweets such as dark chocolate or sugar-free desserts in my plan! Funny that I would forget something that important. :lol: How often do you think I could safely include them?
  12. I am so sorry. I don't really have anything to add to the great advice you've already been given (I strongly agree with it: get a lawyer, procure some cash, and start documenting everything) and I know that hearing "I'm sorry" is of no help to you right now. I just wanted to say it anyway. You will be in my thoughts. :grouphug:
  13. I'm typing up a little chart to post in a prominent place to remind me of my plan. I'd love to get your feedback. My goal is to keep my carbs in the vicinity of 50 grams per day (more or less) without having to count. I tend to be able to stay in ketosis at 60 or less, and that's my goal. By "good fats" I mean butter, coconut oil, and olive oil. The "one per day" foods would be SMALL servings. I just put "dairy" as one category to keep it simple, but I tend to only eat those dairy products that are quite high in fat and low in carbs (cheese, creme fraiche) and not the higher carb ones like milk and yogurt. Anyway, here are the four categories into which I'm dividing the foods: Unlimited Meat Eggs Non-Starchy Veg Good Fats One Per Meal Dairy Nuts One Per Day Berries or Citrus Fruits Beans, Peas, Carrots, etc. Banned Sugar Grains Potatoes Other Fruits So what do you think? How would you tweak this? Will this keep me under 60g per day?
  14. Thank you so much for your concern! I'm really not sure what to do. It's just a twinge, not really even an outright pain. So it's probably nothing, but I am afraid of it getting worse. I appreciate your advice. :grouphug:
  15. Not bad, thanks! Not perfect, but not bad. I tested ketone positive yesterday, but haven't checked yet today. But I think it will still be positive because I ate well yesterday. I did have a glass of wine, though, so I wonder if that will affect it more than carbs do. Hmm.....
  16. I've been scared every single week of what I was supposed to do that week! :lol: Honestly, I'm shocked I haven't had to repeat yet, but this week is going to change that anyway.
  17. I know - it's brutal! But I noticed that the first day of week 6 kind of drops back down again, to shorter intervals instead of one long run, and then ramps up to one long run again by the end of the week. So, maybe not so bad? I don't know. Maybe pretty bad. :lol:
  18. I wouldn't either. I know it's a very common, normal thing to do, but it makes me nervous. We've worked hard and sacrificed to build the equity we have in our home. I'm not willing to give it up!!! :)
  19. Creekland, I am so sorry. It is an absolutely horrifying disease. :grouphug:
  20. I just did Week 5 Day 1. Every day of Week 5 is different, and it ramps up pretty fast! I haven't decided for sure yet, but I suspect I'll be repeating Day 1 all week. I'm not sure my ankle can take more than that right now. It was feeling fine before my run, but started hurting during and still hurts now. So I'll just have to play it by ear and see how it's feeling on Wednesday morning.
  21. Wow, Bill, you did an amazing thing. I've always wondered if I would freeze up in a situation like that, or keep my cool. Now you know you can keep calm and stay focused. I can only imagine how grateful your neighbor must feel!
  22. I used to make a MEAL out of a bag of microwaved popcorn - followed by dessert of course. No wonder I ended up insulin resistant!!!
  23. I think that part of what's going on there is that the people who are having children now were themselves vaccinated (for the most part) because the anti-vax movement didn't exist in any significant way when we were kids, and our parents knew enough about the diseases that they were eager to have us vaccinated. But now we have a generation that grew up without understanding the devastating effects of those diseases, and thus the anti-vax movement was born. So for the most part (general trend here, not universal truth) the parents have been vaccinated, but the kids are more likely not to have been. The issue of whether or not adults need boster shots is of course another matter entirely. I'm just saying I think that's the impression that people have (adults have been vaccinated, children might not have been). And that impression, whether accurate or not, informs the way they approach this.
  24. Week 4 done! Whew! It was a tough one for me today. Humidity is higher than usual, so it was very hot and muggy feeling, even though the temp was the same, and harder to breathe. Those of you who live in humid climates - I don't know how you do it!!! I think I can take high altitude better than humidity - but when you have both it's pretty rough! (Not that this is all that high, just right at a mile. My husband has run the Pike's Peak Marathon - I can't even. The air is so thin up there that I was lightheaded just walking around and hanging out, after riding the train up. Can you imagine running up?!?)
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