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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. It is supposed to be a town hall style. They are accepting questions from Facebook and Twitter, I believe, as well as from audience members. I am sure the moderators will also ask some questions.
  2. GOP Presidential Primary debate is today! CNN at 8pm ET...I hope you watch, no matter how you vote. It is important to make an informed decision. :001_smile:
  3. I was homeschooled for one year, and was IQ tested. I don't believe I was ever tested at the other schools I went to (public, private, DOD). I imagine we will test my kids when they get in high school or so.
  4. The local community, which could include churches, charities, etc.
  5. Ugh, that's disgusting! Sorry you have to experience that. I have never had the misfortune of seeing organized racism like that.
  6. Thanks everyone, it really means a lot to me.
  7. To Carpe: No, I just mistakenly assumed I was dealing a bunch of adults who could interact with people that have different opinions than they do and rationally discuss things. I see that this is not the place to do that.
  8. Well, call it what you will, but that is my assessment of the situation. I don't know what else to think.
  9. What is that supposed to mean?? I have posted in this thread. I am not engaged in the argument, because I believe I specifically asked for none.
  10. Thank you. Hopefully everyone else accepts as well.
  11. I just wanted to offer a sincere apology to anyone and everyone I may have offended. Specifically anyone who I offended enough to put me on the ignore list. And anyone who removed me from their friends lists. Good day.
  12. I bet specialmama won't see this, but I believe she is overreacting to a joke she doesn't get.
  13. I used to fall off the top bunk at least weekly when I was a child. We got bunk beds for my (at the time) 1 and 3 year olds. We said, "Don't go near the fan or it will hurt very badly."
  14. except I did. It is 100% about reading material...
  15. Was definitely a joke/parody. I certainly hope no one responds seriously!
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