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Everything posted by happygrrl

  1. We eat tofu once a week (often less) and organic tamari soy sauce several times a week. My real concern is soy milk, as we drink a gallon of Silk soy milk a week, and that is mostly consumed my two ds. They don' drink it straight, but we cook with it and they eat it on cereal and breakfast grains. I put it in my coffee... I used to be addicted to Silk creamer, but now that I am on a no-added-sugar diet I use unsweetened soy milk instead. No as yummy, but I am used to it now.
  2. These a great responses! Thanks so much. I keep looking for that rep button.... know I have repped you all in my heart.
  3. In the healthy foods book I am reading soy products are included as a "good" food. My mother-in-law just got back from a natural doctor with a pamphlet about how *bad* soy is: indigestible, damaging to intestines, and full of estrogens that will adversely affect my kids. I have dome some research but right now the opinions seem to fall evenly on side or the other! What says the hive??? TIA!!!
  4. I watch it, but since we don't get TV my mom records it and mails it every week. What a great mom! So, since I am weeks behind you guys I am now placing my hands over my ears and saying loudly "LA LA LA LA LA".
  5. I would like to add a thought.... Those of you who, like me, have had to sit in the lobby of a public building while waiting to get your food stamp approval will know what I am talking about. It is a completely demoralizing experience to be in a position to receive government assistance. There is a great deal of shame involved... the prayers that your children won't remember the experience of having to sit still while mommy explains every dollar to a stranger.... the sinking feeling of stepping out of the office to run into a neighbor who's countenance changes when she realizes... the condescending stares of the people in the grocery line, as they quickly assess every grocery purchase to make sure you are spending 'their' money wisely... the times I would have done *almost* anything to provide my children with something normal so I could pretend we were like everyone else... the fears that there would possibly be no success for them in this life....I could go on. Thankfully we no longer need assistance. My husband's business is doing better (and btw we did not pay income taxes during that time, sure, but we did pay self employment taxes and social security taxes to the tune of thousands. Another thread, perhaps). I now have so much sympathy with anyone who dies not fit into the WASP structure... I had NO IDEA what it felt like to be outside the blessed majority. I am ultimately thankful for the experience for that reason. Anyway- all that to say most of us (thankfully) have no idea of the paralyzed mind that comes when you are in that position. While waiting for government to respond to our voices, let's simply smile at every person in the grocery line using food stamps. Let's *give* them bright spots by commenting about something nice. Maybe if we give *more* than money lives can be changed.
  6. The New Organic Grower I have quite a few gardening books, but this one by Elliot Coleman is the one I open most frequently. Even my husband, an experienced gardener, learned quite a bit from this book.
  7. Thanks for posting this. Interesting. Nothing surprises me any more. (HEY! That should be a new thread! What *would* surprise you in this race?;))
  8. Well, different stoves, different prices. It is sorta like asking someone for a price on a car... the next question has to be "what model?". A good first move is to go to your local wood stove store (they usually also sell spas). You will find better options and also be able to get a baseline price. They are usually pretty informed. Like car dealerships stores have certain models they stock, so going to several different stores to get second opinions is a good idea. Then you can check around on the internet, though shipping costs can make internet purchases expensive. Most home insurers require the stove is professionally inspected if not professionally installed; be sure to talk to your insurance agent to see what they require before you buy. That said, my neighbors got a stove for $900. Mine (top of the line model to heat 3000 sq ft.) was $3000....*without* the stove pipe (another $800). You just have to decide what you want. The salesman can usually give you info about your local temps as well as the BTUs needed to heat your space. HTH!
  9. Every stove has an efficiency rating. The more efficient, the less wood you need to heat the same space. High efficiency stoves are more expensive, but are cheaper to run in the long term. Of course, that is if you are using it daily as your sole source of heat. The newer stoves put less particles into the air of your home; important for those with lung conditions or asthma. There are tons of forums about wood heat that I researched last year. I don't remember any of them off hand, but I found them through googling "wood stove review" or "wood stove comparison". We ended up with a Fire King, but that is a pretty pricey stove that can only be justified in certain situations. We LOVE it, but it is not for everyone! Our stove is so efficient that a burning log emits the same carbon as it would if it had fallen naturally to the forest floor and rotted there. Since we are in a valley, the outdoor air quality was important to us. We are also concerned about indoor air quality. Dh is interested in how much wood he has to split :). All in all, the Fire King was the best option for our needs. It will outlast me! (Important as we have been through 2 stoves in 10 years).
  10. Do put me on your list. Though I live several hours away I do find myself in the Vancouver area (and Powell's ;)) about every other month. If I knew when you were hangin' out I could adjust my visit dates and join in.
  11. Ooops! I forgot to sign my real name!


  12. Laurie- That sounds great; goodness knows we need all the support we can get :) Contact me any time, please! I am pretty busy for the next month, so don't hesitate to write first.

  13. I learned about this book from this board, and WOW! is all I can say. I am almost through with it, and DH is about 1/4 the way through it. I am implementing some of the beginning steps and I cannot believe the difference (already!) in my ds. I am eagerly anticipating my dh finishing so we can really dive in!
  14. Please read my original post. I am actively pursuing answers to very real questions I have about *all* candidates in this election. It is certainly not an attack do that; my goodness! We had better be asking questions! No personal offense taken, just hope you can see past the ulterior-motive-that-is-not-there.
  15. I guess I could be a little more specific about my concern, but I did not want to risk sounding negative. Really, I am trying to consider all sides. With that disclaimer.... My mother in law is 75. She is really active (still working at a medical office, makes all the food for church socials, in various groups and committees and has a perfectly kept home). However, I have noticed a shift since she turned 70. Her frame of reference is no longer the present but geared slightly to the past. She more often brings up what she did, who she knew, rather than who she knows now. It is subtle, but once I see it I notice it. Also, she just gets more tired, and even though the grandkids don't notice it I do. It is the ever so slight inability to take in new information when she gets overwhelmed. She also has a difficult time relating to her g-kids that are in their 20's; they are so globally oriented and truly see no borders but those of Facebook. It is just a different paradigm. (Not that I think the new president needs to intrinsically "own" a post modern outlook; I am just trying to give words to my thoughts of the generalizations maybe one *can* make. Or can we? That is my question. I think.)
  16. As I think about the election, I am trying to answer a few questions of concern to me (about both parties). I need help with one of them. Mr.McCain is 72. Are any of you 72, or have parents (or grandparents) who are 72? Would you mind giving me descriptions of their health and abilities? I don't want to get into a discussion of Mrs. Palin; I think a death or illness in the White House would be traumatic regardless of who is the VP. I might be making a mountain out of a molehill... after all, I thought 30 was old until I got there ;). Really, without being Repub. or Dem., talk to me about being 72!
  17. I have Born boots in black and brown. They feel a-ma-zing! (I have really bad feet). Plus, they don't look like a 'comfort' boot, KWIM? They look stylish. I get compliments constantly. They are $$, but worth every penny. I have never worn any Born shoes or boots out (I have at least 6 pair now in sandals flats, heels and boots) and they hold up fashion wise season to season. Wow! Can you tell I love Borns???:D
  18. Just a quick response as I am headed out for piano lessons! Manic Depression as a label is coming back in vogue, and I say 'vogue' tongue in cheek:). I believe it started in the Mad Pride movement, and (i guess obviously) they also use "Mad" frequently. Now let me also say that there are lots of things in the Mad Pride movement that i disagree with, but a few things stick... I guess I am grateful that it opened my perspective to find out what was *good* about the part of me that I feared and disliked so much. It is easy to love certain states (you wrote about that in your earlier post and man, do I know what you mean) but to begin to accept *all* of me??? Wow. Also, there is a study showing that for *some* women, especially women with a particular childhood history, the symptoms can lesson after mid-thirties. I will try to find that for you. It is not the case for everyone of course but for some. There are so many different 'strains' and factors that it is difficult to predict anything, rather I am just saying how it has been for me. My family (oh, bless them!!) I so supportive and aware and is certainly vigilant. I think it helps them, that they have something to do! Ha! I would certainly go on meds if I needed to. I believe if we ever moved to the city I would need to, and I am not yet in menopause so make no predictions about that. Now, however, I make lifestyle choices that, while difficult sometimes, keep me on the path with out needing the meds. I have had plenty of medical advice LOL. Not to mention my best friend's dh is a doctor and my mom is a therapist. Sometimes I feel like I am looked after *too* much! ha! You are right in that L.O. cannot handle a full blown attack. I initially took it to help with cluster headaches, and my dh noticed the change in my other symptoms. It does stabilize my moods, and keep me from depression. It merely "takes the edge off". Perhaps it keeps those attacks at a lower level, but who knows? I do know that when I am off it my cycle swings further from baseline. My dh can tell within 3 days that I have not taken it. There is mostly only anecdotal info. about this as a supplement, so that is all I can give you as well;). Perhaps it is a combination of all my actions that helps. This is such a sensitive issue for all of us! Please do not feel I am judging any one who chooses a different path than mine. I am thankful when I am functioning well, adn would do most anything I needed to do to make that happen. I am sure you are in the same boat. OK- I really have to go to lessons now! I don't have any time to re-read this- I hope I wrote everything down OK! I will check in later in the afternoon in case there's more. See y'all!
  19. Pleasant Hill Grain! You can click the link (blue letters) in my first post, or just go to pleasanthillgrain.com Just don't blame me! :auto:
  20. Oh no. There is a combo sale going on at Pleasant Hill Grain. New Bosch Universal Plus Mixer... free blender attachment... and a Nutrimill! I have wanted both of these things for a while, but I don't *need* them. With all the talk of the economy headed for a tailspin, is it silly to buy these? Would cheaper alternatives work as well? Is this really a good deal? Yikes!!! I am getting all sweaty. Does that happen to you? :tongue_smilie:
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