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Everything posted by madteaparty

  1. I can't believe the law hate. I'm going to resist becoming an apologist for the field; everyone is entitled to their truth and all that. To that end, it has worked out just fine for me and the majority of my classmates.
  2. I'm not wise enough to steer one way or another. My DS is impressionable and no way do I want that on my shoulders. I'm certain I will be blamed for plenty as it is ;) ETA: I do advise in terms of "whatever you do, do the most complicated/skill intensive version of that particular work" and encouraging intellectual curiosity and lifelong learning. Fields are way too broad to steer into or out of: a finance lawyer structuring complex derivatives has a different existence than an IP lawyer and from the trusts and estates lawyer. Similarly in finance: banking? Research? Private equity? Corporate finance? The blanket term basically means nothing.
  3. Not particularly. Boring white cotton. It's not as fluffy as it used to be due to age/washings.
  4. DH and I drove down to Death Valley last time we were in Vegas. But we did not have our kids with us and it was a day trip. Not sure if that qualifies... I love dry heat myself but I have everyone else to think about as well.
  5. Sewing huh. I haven't touched a needle since I left my grandma's continent...I am happy to hear there's a solution though. Maybe the laundry place seamstress will do something for me.
  6. I'm full of trivial questions today. But one's bed is not trivial! I have this pretty ruffled (so a bit heavy due to all the ruffles) cotton duvet cover from Anthropologie whose look I love. It looks cloudy and dreamy. But my (old, washed many times even though we are not supposed to) down comforter bunches up immediately once inside. We have utilised the ties (there's only 2) to no avail. Do I need a new (lighter, not down, not old) comforter? I so like the ruffly look I hate to give it up. I know Anthro is not the best quality when it comes to house stuff so maybe it's the duvet cover's fault...
  7. Only 20 min, wow. I usually also do an hour. Thanks both!
  8. How long do you boil the chicken/bones? I'm always winging it with my pressure cooker, but I thought my broth today was particularly clear... Thank you!
  9. yeah this. The American thing of one being magically 100% independent at 18 (for what? So they work a minimum wage job to be able to afford a car so that they can drive to said minimum wage job to earn enough to be able to afford the car payment? That's the golden standard?) baffles me to no end. And we have these huge houses. To the OP, it would have to be something very extreme, like others have said.
  10. I agree the reading voice matters! I've never set eyes on Tim Curry but I adore him :) (he's narrator for the Lemony Snickett series. We almost quit mid series when they used a different narrator for a couple of books).
  11. Is that madness? I'm trying to plan a road trip to coincide with a Vegas wedding. Thanks all
  12. We are actually huge fans, but my DS is not a natural reader. By that I mean, if he has empty, unstructured time, his instinct is not to pick up a book. There have been a few books in our reading history that he has dropped everything else for, but I can count them on one hand sadly. If he read for hours a day on his own, I'd feel less inclined. We are also rural and drive an insane amount of time. the fact that we finish a book a week in the car makes me feel better about that. I don't know if anything is being retained at all. Reading aloud helps us go through books that he states are too hard for him to read (he just told me Black Beauty is one he wants to do as read aloud now instead of independent read). So I guess, we are fans, but it fulfills a specific function for us...
  13. So doing things in typical backwards fashion, I am having him try the AOPS pre-A class after a run through traditional pre algebra program, so I had been saving alcumus for that. That's good to hear though
  14. Yes we love these but have finished 5b, the process skills book and the "70 wordProblems your [5th/6th] grader must know". I think we have a bit more of CWP 5 though, I need to dig that out. Thanks
  15. I need more word problems where he needs to build an equation (or two) and solve. Where might I find? We have a goldilocks situation going here. I don't want 30 examples of how dividing both sides with the same number is cool because he already knows how to solve equations, even ones with two variables. Stick it out as it gets more complicated soon? We are learning valuable things like equations with several negative numbers but he actually asked for word problems today and I don't think of this kid as a math lover particularly. Thanks all.
  16. We are doing the entire series as an audiobook. We're on the penultimate one. Much loved, which says something as there's so many!
  17. If you've gone through the process of selecting an indoor trampoline, could you let me know which one you picked and why? I think this will be my kids' (10 and 3) joint gift this year. We have long winters...Many thanks!!
  18. I have this one (I have no dryer at all), and it works extremely well for us except for ... sheets. I cannot imagine what drying rack would work well for sheets though...
  19. Gregor the Overlander (The Underland chronicles) remains unmatched in this house (we did the first as a read aloud and he read the rest) One he read on his own and loved was Holes. And Hatchet.
  20. Yes this. I think it's a little ridiculous people are repeatedly chiming in with the tip that she shouldn't be tired, as if she is choosing this and it's such an abnormal thing.OP, I only homeschool one, I do not wake at 545 on days I don't commute to work, and I take a nap everyday I homeschool. :) We are getting 5th grade done but not doing an excellent job on each subject. Some subjects are kind of second class citizens, we get to them, but we half-ass it a little. See for example my posts on "how much time for foreign languages" etc. He is maintaining a solid B in his online classes, and that's with our help. I guess we are embracing mediocrity? We do work a little on the weekends to help keep up. And his piano practice is more 5 minutes vs 45. I mean to speak to his teacher about that...
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