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Everything posted by Blossom'sGirl

  1. I gathered about 5 different encyclopedia about animals lying around the house along with several more specific books on just certain types of animals. I really cannot justify buying a curriculum which will make me buy more books. Although I am thinking of getting the one small square books as they focus more on habitats. My best bet for a spine (that I already own) is the DK 1st book of animals which classifies them by type and has an easy to read layout. I am thinking of 5 weeks for each of these topics: Plants Mammals Birds Reptiles & Amphibians Creepy Crawlies Fish Body Book I tend to try to do too much or nothing at all when I plan my own. I am definitely going to use some of the WP books if I can get them from the library. The Apologia Zoology books also call to me but it seems like spending an entire year on birds would get boring. I used the astronomy book a few years ago but it got old after awhile. I appreciate all the suggestions. I also looked at the God's Design for Animals book but I thought it might be repetitive of the encyclopedias.
  2. After going around in circles I figured I would just ask them what they would like to study next year for science. They both said animals. I am looking for something that would interest them both and is scheduled. I know I could put together my own study but I have enough of that with history. I am also oping to add in the Body Book (where you trace the body) and an Evan Moore plant book that I have packed away somewhere. I looked at WP's animal study but it is very $$$. Is their any other programs out there or free schedules I could use? I don't mind tweeking but I don't want to start from scratch. My oldest (6th grade) is not at all interested in animals so he will be doing some Prentice Hall books possibly Earth Science. He did SL Science 5 this year independently with no problems.
  3. For now, I am using one from Laurel's Bread book. It is made with plain yogurt and has a longer rise than the Bosch recipe but I think it has a better flavor and texture. I have linked to one of her older books. My recipe is almost double of what she has so I can make 4-5 loaves at once. If you scroll up, she gives very nice bread making instructions no matter what recipe you use. http://books.google.com/books?id=TsChEsPHL5cC&pg=PA65&lpg=PA65&dq=laurels+yogurt+bread&source=bl&ots=yP9-M5LdJ9&sig=ukyKFA2-lwxFUW8h9MbOui8CWwU&hl=en&ei=82TASdeJG8agtgfywZRb&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=1&ct=result
  4. I ordered my stuff Tues. of last week and UPS dropped it off on Friday. I got worksheets and tests for the boys English, pre-k books, 6th grade Bible, and a couple extras that weren't part of the sale. My 4yo was absolutely thrilled with his own Pre-K books. I let youngest DS do older brother's "F" book because it was too easy for the older guy. I wouldn't have believed it but the Bible coloring book is the biggest hit. My older two never really colored but these guys chase me around with the Bible reading book so they can color the coordinating story. They are a great company to order from.
  5. I bought my RS stuff from Rainbow Resources. Out of the items listed, we've used the colored tiles the most. I rarely remember using the 1" blocks and I believe the RS manuals have a copy of the pattern to make the thousand cubes and abacus tiles in back (I'm not positive about this). You would need to copy the pattern onto heavy paper. If you could find 1" tiles in a store you would be fine. The ones I bought are slightly smaller than 1" so they are frustrating for measuring with.
  6. I really love the website that tells about the used book sales. DH told me I need a hobby. I wonder if going to book sales would count? I went to a book sale last fall on the last day and I overheard the lady running it telling someone that they give or sell the leftover books to people with outdoor burners who .... burn them. I have an outdoor burner and I could just see myself out there struggling to chuck each book in. Nope. Unless they're mildewy, we would have walls of books.
  7. I'm not sure if I'm up to the hassle but I'll check these ideas out.
  8. I have made him do the workbook this year. He spreads a lesson over 4 days and on day 5 we go over it together. I think he is at a point where he needs to start writing answers. My purpose for using this program is to get Bible into him. I don't expect great insight or love of it yet but I know he needs it. He hasn't shown great resistance to it this year so he must not think it awful and he seems to have good retention. I had to laugh this past Sunday as he dragged the KJV Bible to church. I informed him that we do own several "more readable" versions but he said he likes the KJV.
  9. Is there a website where I can make a list of used books to get from one place? I have bought books from Amazon's used marketplace but the $4 each shipping is a lot for buying a whole bunch of used books. I am trying to get together what my library doesn't have for Biblioplan Ancients. Headed to bed but hopefully I'll get some idea tomorrow.
  10. It was a bit of a challenge setting it up at first but now it works great. Our windows desktop is directly connected to the router. A few weeks later I got my Macbook which found the router all on its own and set up. I have had no problems. I have the router password protected but not the network. I haven't been able to figure it out yet. We also have a windows laptop that works fine with the router.
  11. I use this recipe all the time but usually with chicken. The crust is not a puffy one although I love them too. It is a very easy crust. http://jas.familyfun.go.com/recipefinder/display?id=40880
  12. At least I think that was the movie name. They said it was a grass.
  13. all you can buy is the Ebook. It is a download not a cd. You could call them to be sure. I have heard they are very helpful. I have bought the Lively Latin and Biblioplan ebooks and have been happy with them.
  14. I plan on using the Ancient History Lessons next year for my 6th and 4th graders. We will be studying ancients in history so I am glad to have a plan to reinforce it with writing. I haven't bought it yet but will probably get both the teacher and student books. As far as the 2nd student thing, I am purchasing the e-book so I'll just print 2 of the needed pages. E-books are just downloads of the printable books. There nice if you can print affordably and there is no shipping charges. I also have the TWSS dvds. I watch them while folding laundry and have just finished the 4th dvd. I like seeing the big picture first and I find they motivate me. I am looking forward to the structure of the pre written lessons. I just don't have time to make them up myself.
  15. Did he do the pre-alg in 6th? Is it fairly doable for an average student? I watched the sample video on the website and the teacher definitely takes his time explaining concepts. I could see where this could frustrate a real fast learner but I'm thinking it may be good for my guy.
  16. Oldest is doing Singapore 5B and will then move into 6A. I have heard a lot about Chalkdust Pre-Algebra and Russian Math 6. Could either of these be used along with SM 6A/6B or should we go through SM 1st? Also, I would really appreciate any opinions on those Russian Math and Chalkdust. I am really starting to feel the challenge of teaching multiple kids and am thinking a video course may be helpful for oldest but maybe he should wait till 7th grade for Chalkdust pre-algebra. He is average at math. Thanks bunches.
  17. I actually called our local factory store in Corning ( Corning Inc. is the original maker of Corelle) and asked because I am always looking for new dinnerware. She confirmed that Hearthstone was made in China but the Corelle plates are still made here. There are some Corelle accessories (like matching salt and pepper shakers) which are made in China but ours broke years ago. I keep eying the square Corelle plates but I don't know.
  18. I know many who avoid Chinese goods so I thought I would let you know. The thin Corelle plates are made only a little ways from me here in NY. I like the look of the Hearthstone but I refuse to buy anything I eat off of from China. I don't care who the parent plant is.
  19. With 4 boys we also have thousands of well used Legos (yet we still keep buying them). I had a Lego jail for awhile where they would pay me a nickel to get their parts back but they have so many now they don't care. We have one huge tote with all the general Legos and then each boy has a box for his own special pieces and a shelf where they can keep some built creations. The Legos are to be kept in their rooms but manage to make their way downstairs quite often. They really love it when we drag the huge tote down and dump it and play Legos as a family. I do find Legos everywhere. The other night I had a fleet of Lego tanks and airplanes parked next to my side of the bed. I also find them all the time in the van, bathroom and even outside. I am accepting as a stage of life.
  20. and we use Rightstart. I picked CWP because well .. I just like it better. I thought Zaccaro's was good too but I like the coverage and yearly levels of CWP. My 2nd ds is in RS D and is working through CWP 3. CWP introduces the bar method which really helps the child (and me) visualize the problem.
  21. The life science is free .. http://www.eequalsmcq.com/Elem%20Life%20Science%20info.html
  22. I think my guy has enough to do between the workbook and the CWP. I decided to save the IP for summer practice and even then we will probably just do some of the problems.
  23. I just placed my order with them Sunday. They are not entirely organic but definitely GMO free. They also have a separate tuber ordering site. I like to order from north eastern seed companies because they relate closest to where I will actually be growing the seeds. I have ordered from them for years.
  24. DH surprised me big time for my B-Day and took me to the Apple store. They are great and after speaking with the guy I ended up getting the one TracyS/Fl linked to. The gave me a $50 educational discount plus a discount on the AppleCare. I also got a wireless printer which will be $30 after rebate and i-Work that was $50 instead of $80. The desktops look great. The screens are huge and easy to read. If I was in the market for one I would have went with that but our desktop PC still works and there is no where else to keep one. This is my 1st post with my new Macbook, I still cannot believe I have my very own laptop. I guess I didn't help you pick a number but I just wanted to let you know that with the educational discount the new white Macbook is the same price.
  25. Michelle strikes me as a positive person who really trusts in the Lord. I had to laugh last night as they showed her husband pouring on the hairspray. I cannot imagine my husband ever using hairspray but then again he doesn't have Ken-doll hair. The older girls are really starting to blossom into intelligent, fun-loving women. I hope they get to make some choices for their future.
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