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Everything posted by Rosie_0801

  1. Housemates can be great for company and helping you transition to a new place. And they can be annoying people who are okay with mouse dirt all over the dishes and let their boyfriends eat your food. I live alone and it sucks, and I'd rather live alone than return to my house sharing with strangers days. Eventually you have to learn to detach because when they move out because there's nothing you can do to control anything. I'm saying that as an Aspie someone who has been empty nesting since my eldest Aspie was 9, so I am quite aware that that is easier said than done and takes a lot of practice.
  2. Well, if you'd like another, I just finished a book last night called 'Two Steps Forward,’ by Graeme Simsion and Anne Buist about walking the Camino. 🙂
  3. We already have candida in our bodies. Over carbing can raise their population above optimal, which is easy enough to do when we're busy or tired.
  4. It's not something like a systemic candida issue? Something like that can creep up on you.
  5. For cuddling? Definitely the soggy!
  6. I am shocked! What if that strange teddy bear needed you? It is a teddy bear. It can't call its own taxi, you know. I am not shocked after all. I've just remembered that a strange teddy bear in the woods is probably soggy. I wouldn't cuddle it either. Sorry for cuddle-shaming you.
  7. That has been said upthread, but I don't suppose helpfulness is something people worry about, so that might be why it hasn't been a major focus in a question about fear.
  8. Hmm... Obviously for me a bear would be a novelty. On the other hand, all kangaroos are vegetarian.
  9. They're the only kind of bears we have here, so I'm not being brave when I say I'm not scared of them at all. 😛
  10. Are you scolding me for not caring enough for imaginary men?
  11. A woman was killed by a man in the woods in the town my daughter lives in just the other week. We all know some men kill and some bears kill. We all know not all men kill and not all bears kill. We all know some women kill and not all women kill. I assume we all agree that we won't necessarily know which is which soon enough to avoid being killed. Now, is there a reason to leave this thread open?
  12. Can't say I've ever seen blood on shelf at a supermarket, but I do know where to buy a blood cookbook if it ever happens...
  13. I have cooked it in Chinese style soups, but unless I find myself with an iron deficiency in the middle of, say, a pandemic related, supply issue problem and this is about all that turned up at my local supermarket, I wouldn't bother again.
  14. WWOOFing is volunteer, and you only get paid in food and board, so the bosses may not need to be so efficient. If you choose property owners that aren't actually commercial farms, you might find a suitable fit. When my aunt had property, she used to host and often had jobs like pulling nails out of planks that needed doing but didn't care how long it took.
  15. Well, if that's how they feel, I guess we needn't scold ourselves if we feel the same.
  16. Nah, none of the above. No need to be sorry. He's quite good value most of the time. It's just strange to have a big guy afraid of me when he's got even less to be afraid of me about than I have to be afraid about him.
  17. Fear is an interesting topic, though. One of my neighbours felt threatened by the way I asked him a question over the fence and yelled a bunch of accusations at me that didn't have any basis in his experience of me and felt perfectly justified about it. Now he is much bigger than me, better trained and can shout longer, louder and nastier than I can. What threat am I to him really?
  18. So, do men trust other men more than they trust bears?
  19. I had mine out as an adult and wonder that my mother didn't ignore my fears and make me have it done when I was a kid.
  20. The culture of the trades has changed over the decades. One can read books about them, back in the day, gathering in pubs to discuss left wing political papers. Now they vote for right wing parties who spout pleasing nastiness about people who aren't like them, without noticing that those parties don't like them either. I don't think we should blame feminism for what Capitalism has done.
  21. I'd tell him I've listened very nicely for (however many weeks) and now my ears are full. Then I'd walk off. Or you could record it and play it back to him. 😛
  22. I've noticed my smoking mates roll their own unless they're particularly cashed up.
  23. I know an YA who does that and it is because he does not want to be healthy.
  24. Anonymous would have been a far better choice in the scenario I outlined. I don't know why she chose him. Maybe she thought he was enough of a slob to keep to his own lane. Or maybe her hormones were entirely running the show and believed everyone who said he'd be "such a good daddy!" Anyway, now I need to go and scrub that memory out of my brain... Anyway, this crap certainly isn't limited to any one generation.
  25. I knew of one. An established couple wanted a baby, man joined, made the baby, abused the mother's partner, the mother sided with the man because he was her baby's father, and that destroyed the original relationship.
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