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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Renai, I'm so envious that you get to play in the garden. I'm holding off for a while. We're still freeze-prone right now. And if you don't want to drink, let me know. I'll have a glass of wine for you tonight. It's the last night that DH will be away, so I'm making a special dinner for DD celebrating our last night "just us girls." She requested stuffed Cornish hens and I have a crisp, yummy white wine that should do nicely. I really think you'll like it! ;)
  2. Life. That which does not kill us makes us stronger, right? Well said. Exactly. I think I've said this before, but I never drank before I had DD. I haven't stopped since.
  3. Umm, Quackers...do you think, maybe, perhaps...you're spending a bit too much time here? Where exactly are the ducklings, anyway?
  4. You have such a way with words, Queen Ellie. My thoughts exactly.
  5. Fab.U.Lous. Hey, AMJ! Looks like you need a new avatar!
  6. Welcome back, Your Majesty! The thread was really feeling the lack of a monarch. And the lack of hula. I haven't slept in days! : )
  7. :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5: Oh, my gosh! I crack myself up! When DH finally gives me the heave ho, he's gonna go nuts trying to find the "Too freaking many textbooks" box on the "Reason for Dissolution" form.
  8. Seriously? People do this? How odd. Personally, I carefully research each subject beforehand and then purchase quality material used at a very good price. I have always acquired the perfect fit for my DD in each subject. And then I sell the material used at a slight profit. I thought that's what every Well-Trained Educator Mom did. Hmm.
  9. Apparently, I am a pangolin. Whatever that is. :blink:
  10. You are SUCH a brilliant duck. Probably from reading and participating in this thread. :hurray:
  11. Oh, and Slash? You'll always be Slash to me. I don't care what you put on your profile. So there.
  12. "Standard," "typical," "normal," "average." They only apply generally and to groups. All those averages and norms and what-have-you can completely fall apart when applied to individuals. We human beings are pretty amazing creations, I think. Your DD sounds like an interesting little person, Slash. :001_smile:
  13. Wow, you ladies are wild. Talking margaritas at 2:30 in the afternoon; I wanna party with you, babe! ;)
  14. Good morning, everyone. I am declaring this "Stalk Ellie Day." We must track her and find her and follow her around the boards. I had no hula video and couldn't sleep and it's all her fault. I'm totally not weird so it must not be just me so I'm sure that the rest of you were just waiting for a plan. So now you have it. (And if we can't find her, mayhap the lack of punctuation above will call to her. One can only hope.)
  15. I've checked out some prior posts, when the individual and I seem to be teaching the same child and I'm looking for insight/curriculum/whatever. But to want to review all of a person's posts? Why? That's weird.
  16. Actually, this is why I try to avoid anything that might qualify. I've prosecuted stalkers. Stalkers are scary people. And many of them appear totally normal, aside from their psycho-stalkerish tendencies. It's one of those "It's probably nothing" situations. Unless it isn't.
  17. OOF. Dat widdle face need-ums some smoochie-woochies! I think I may be road-tripping it to Texas on a kitten hunt.
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