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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. If a single person posts in a forest, can you see it around the trees?
  2. Why is it that when I post I'm the only one here?
  3. Oh, and Tex had a question. Do any of you remember a PBS show for the short people called "JoJo's Circus?" There was a mom on there. I liked her. She would make a great avatar. But, five years later, I still haven't figured out how to do that. :wacko: (Hmm. I use " :wacko: " a lot. Maybe that should be my avatar.)
  4. Important information alert. My inside kitty loves canned green beans. (And, yes, that also means that I am feeding my family canned green beans tonight. It's somewhat vegetal. Sort of. [DD considers S&W green beans to be a "treat." Seriously.] After an entire day of editing, I poured myself a glass of wine. Do y'all think that's sufficient for dinner? I mean, grapes are good, right?)
  5. Snort! I was going to say "Isn't that the one you just had pulled?" :laugh:
  6. First part: Yay! Second part: We'll make it a pitcher of margaritas, sister. I feel your pain.
  7. While we were on vacation in the state capital I bought a magnet for the white board. It says (and forgive the language, but I couldn't resist): GRAMMAR The difference between knowing your sh*t and knowing you're sh*t.
  8. We could have the Ativan for dessert. After the margaritas and salsa.
  9. This makes my eyes bleed. Now imagine that some idiot really-nice-but-poorly-educated person had already edited that mess. And was being paid for it (with benefits!)
  10. Bring margaritas. And real, close-to-the-border salsa.
  11. I am a contract writer-theoretically, I write content. The company has full-time paid editors (with benefits!) Because of the quality of the full-time paid editors (with benefits!), I now post-editor edit ALL of the content that goes out from our little corner of the universe (because my boss asked me to and he's really nice and I couldn't stand to see the mess they made of my work.) And it pays for our insurance. So I'm really grateful. Well, most of the time.
  12. I have been looking in the sky. I have seen no caped avenger coming to save me. Tex! Where are you????
  13. Life is full of unanswered questions. Like, " How is it possible that a freaking paid editor does not know to put a comma before a conjunction joining two independent clauses?" This is my monthly exercise is in bleeding eyes. And frustration. But it results in the monthly deposit of an amount roughly equal to our monthly health insurance premium. So there you go.
  14. This thread is really very weird. It is so very awesome. :001_wub:
  15. I prosecuted juvenile sex offenses for way longer than I wish that I had. My responses below are based upon my experience. This is simply not true. Actually, "reunification," IME, is frequently the goal. And I am speaking of secular, court-ordered counseling. The bolded is, IME, common practice during pendency of court proceedings and court-ordered counseling. If the offender "successfully completes" the program, however, the family is frequently re-unified. I'm not saying that I agree with the above, just that it was common practice. FWIW.
  16. Thank you, Jesus! Glad to hear to hear that he is stable and will continue to pray. *eaglei* Your faith in the face of this situation is an amazing witness. My prayers include gratitude for you; your strength is humbling. God bless and keep you close to Him. Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him." La 3:22-24
  17. New obsession here: The Egg Drop. The winning team's egg yesterday survived a 23 foot drop. Shielded by nothing more than 8 plastic straws and the contents of one roll of Scotch tape, packaging excluding. It was a magnificent sight. We are planning regular egg massacres here next year. We don't quite know what we'll do next WINTER; the cat-walk in the barn in only 16 feet up.
  18. Don't feel bad. You are the bestest, most awesomest Slash God has ever made. We :001_wub: you just the way you are!
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