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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Umm, Slash? I know you've said your parenting examples were less than exemplary, but still...Why on earth have you fed the poor child pillow? People don't eat pillows, silly.
  2. So? What's your point? You probably don't really want to come in this thread with that attitude, missy. We're a bunch of FABA Ninja Elephants; it'd be best not to make us angry. You wouldn't like us when we're angry. :toetap05:
  3. Congratulations? (I think you should add a thought bubble to that last photo. "Are you okay? Do I need to run over and catch you? If you break something, you're going to ruin the whole vibe of this audition, kiddo." )
  4. Hiding between two sheets of paper in the wrong file? (which, sadly, will likely turn out to be the last file in which you looked) Old purse or travel bag? Or it may be hiding in Outer Mongolia with ours.
  5. Ooooo! On a lighter note: Renai, your older daughter can be BDG. You can tell her that she has an acronym nickname, BGD, on the Fabu WTM ITT! :wacko: , FABA Sticky
  6. :grouphug: :grouphug: (One for you and one for Beautiful Dancer Girl)
  7. One more time, for Renai's dancer girl: ETA: Make her watch it, won't you? She is so, so lovely. It's heartbreaking that she doesn't see it.
  8. Oh, eaglei! I am so sorry. I cannot imagine how much you are hurting. Please know, I am praying for you every day, throughout the day. Your faith has been so beautiful to see; your witness during this trial will have impacts that you can't begin to imagine. I will continue to pray that God fill your son with His peace and strength, and for healing. I am also praying that the Holy Spirit fill all of you with the comfort and peace of His presence. :grouphug:
  9. Ugh. Poor Renai. We live in an area that generally doesn't get hot enough for air conditioning, but we live in one of the hotter parts (it's flat and on the valley floor-horses don't much care for clinging to mountain sides.) One of the few things we really liked about the house-part of the property was the very rare air conditioning unit. So, when it gets really hot, head my way, Renai. My DD would snatch up your 4 year old and love her 'til she 'sploded! And DD has a 14 year old dancer friend (not in your DD's league, but still-company). And your husband can drink beer and look at all the tools in DH's shop. And you and I can look at reams of homeschool materials in the air conditioning! Can I party, or what??
  10. See above re. marathon, all day editing session. But I'm halfway through a nice glass of Syrah, so things are looking up. :thumbup1:
  11. I have finished my marathon, all day editing session. I am going to have a glass of wine.
  12. I fix it, too. Thanks, Renai! :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: Cuz Renai's not here to provide a head pat smiley. :001_smile:
  13. It has been explained (for the-ahem- umpteenth time) that the Original Booya Babeâ„¢ has decreed the proper spelling to be "Booya." Any exceptions must be obtained from the OBB herself. You're welcome. (Nice zombie btw.)
  14. And I'm working. So I'm a grumpy frump. Or a frumpy grump.
  15. It's nice here, but there's a chance that we will hit triple digits at the end of next week. That Does.Not.Happen. here. I am Not.Looking.Forward.To.It.
  16. DH frantically chased one around the bedroom at 2 am once. He broke so much stuff. I have no idea where the mouse escaped to. Her Majesty The Cat looked up from her nest in her blankey at the foot of the bed and said, "Could you keep it down? Trying to sleep here." The barn kitties terminate their toys, thankfully.
  17. Thanks, Renai. Stupid phone. Now can you come extract me from this bench? 9 more minutes until closing time. Thank goodness. Then an hour home. I'm having wine for dinner when I get there. Dessert wine. With chocolate.
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