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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. That's okay. I read on the Internet that you only need to shower once or twice a week.
  2. Soiree. And thus concludes our French lesson for the day. (Note: We have again touched upon an educational topic. Yay us.)
  3. I think it was, and I was wondering the same thing, hoping it not to be true for the reasons above. Somehow I didn't think you'd want to unleash the ninja elephants (plus one bazooka-totin' pachyderm) on your very own DC. Well, at least for them being sick. For teenagers there might be other possible justifications.
  4. Well, it might also be an aftereffect of the mind-numbing experience of being on the telephone all morning. But I liked my first response better.
  5. Well, that sounds like positive progress. :001_smile: And YAY on the ultrasound. Knowing the baby's (babies?) sex will help with gift planning!
  6. I'll let you know. It may take a while for me to get around to it, though.
  7. Perhaps you should add "Life Skills: Independence" to today's agenda. As in, "Today, darling children, you will practice independent time management. Here is a list of things each of you must accomplish. I will be in my bedroom and will give you an hour to do it. You may not ask questions or seek direction during that hour; remember, today we are practicing independence." Then, during "Life Skills: Independence," you can practice "Batteries: Recharging." Me, I'm going back to work on "Laziness: Justifications."
  8. Thank you for caring about me, but I actually live in the most beautiful place on the planet (except maybe for the Kenai peninsula of Alaska-in the summertime.) And I actually like winter. Remember, I'm kinda weird unique. :wacko: :001_tt2:
  9. (Whispering to everyone except Susan: Does the use of "poop" degrade the quality of the flounce?)
  10. Well, great. There goes the whole reason I got up early this morning. I thought you said that you needed reminding?!? :toetap05: (I'm going outside to shovel 23 degree poop. Flounce.)
  11. I think maybe we should ship a case of duct tape to Oldest to kept dh from waking you up. If you were well-rested, perhaps the evil numbers would come down.
  12. And I would chime in on the pregnancy/childbirth/how to get everyone to dote thing, but I would win and Slash would be scared. So, no.
  13. Verdict from DD: Pan 3D is EPIC. Which, I presume, is good. :p
  14. I was wondering about his age relative to my DD's. I was thinking about suggesting she take a look at it at the library. :o
  15. I had to google it. I must confess, it sounds interesting. I love allegory, though. How old is DS?
  16. :grouphug: What a rotten situation. And I'm really sorry that you now have to face a bureaucratic battle to address a problem that never should have been created. Thank you for sharing, though; I suspect that many of us will be paying much closer attention to diagnosis codes in the future.
  17. Seconding the recommendation of Ambleside Online as possibly a good fit. I have no experience with MEP (although I know others have used and loved it.) We used and loved Math Mammoth for elementary school math, and I wholeheartedly recommend it. Good luck to you, OP!
  18. Having finally picked myself up off of the floor, I agree with the posters above who advised notifying your insurance company, the state medical board, and the HSLDA and who suggested a new doctor. I'm pretty cynical and hard to shock, but that one completely gobsmacked me. I'm so sorry that you're having to deal with this, OP.
  19. Thank you for the information, Julie!
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