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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. You don't need WINE, cuz you've got WHINE, bay-bee! :P
  2. Err...the above MIGHT have been wishful thinking on the part of a pathetic parent of an only who seeks to live vicariously through the fertility of another and claim those babies as practice grandbabies. Some other person. Who isn't me. Because I'm not pathetic. In case you were wondering.
  3. I have absolutely no memory of my one and only. That's what hospitals are for, right?
  4. Umm, Slash? I kinda started a rumor about you on that other thread that doesn't exist...
  5. Yep. She's having twins. For me.
  6. Someone apparently likes Renai best. Or at least likes Renaimost frequently. :)
  7. I worked with two different women whose first pregnancies were post-40 twins. No complications.
  8. No. Same "high risk" as moms over 35. Just a generalization.
  9. The babies-my precious, practice grandbabies Numbers 3 and 4, do NOT like dryer sheets. They want FOOD.
  10. Tsuga, sugar, who really cares what anyone thinks if we are making each other smile? ;) PS Good news about the house!
  11. I know, right? Some people have an inflated view of their thread's importance, don't you think? Flounce!
  12. I like butternut squash when the preparation is savory, not sweet. When one someone else makes it. Because squash incompetence.
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