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Everything posted by JoanHomeEd

  1. DC received an email about the schedule to access the scores https://apscore.collegeboard.org/scores?ep_ch=CO&ep_mid=11265490&ep_rid=150330516
  2. BTW, I forgot to mention that you should probably check back around end of the year or early next year for the lists to be updated to 2017.
  3. This link has internships for both high school students and undergraduates: https://people.rit.edu/gtfsbi/Symp/summer.htm#skip DC tried the "Opportunities for High School Students" list and was offered 1 internship. However, DC had to reject it because it was hard to find any suitable housing close to the research university. HTH
  4. Ways to do free checked bags (with/without credit cards) https://www.nerdwallet.com/blog/credit-cards/airline-credit-cards-free-checked-bags/ The other day I was able to get a really good deal on bonton.com ($50 off $100 purchases + free shipping with email list signup). The promotion might come back again. Also, look out for similar promotions related to Father's Day.
  5. Not for United in my experience. I chose my seats online including emergency exit seats.
  6. Recently, United gave me a complimentary Economy Plus subscription until Jan 2017. With the subscription, I can reserve an Economy Plus seat with extra legroom and room for bag free-of-charge. But I don't really know why they gave me the free subscription. I do accumulate miles in their frequent flyer program and have a credit card with them. Many airlines do offer very generous miles when you apply a credit card with them and do a certain amount of spending. http://thepointsguy.com/2016/05/top-10-travel-rewards-credit-card-offers-may-2016/
  7. Mine also accelerated in certain subjects, so in the School Profile, I briefly mentioned stuff like: - Self-studying AP Chem and Cal BC and taking the exams in 8th grade. - Completing EPGY high school math (Honors Beginning Algebra, Honors Intermediate Algebra, and Honors Geometry) in middle school. - Starting a high school foreign language in 7th grade. They were mentioned in the context of the different modes of learning used in our homeschool (self-studies, online classes,and DE). But I didn't include a few classes in the School Profile (high school social studies and DE math) taken before 9th grade mainly because it would have become "too much". In the Counselor Letter, I briefly talked about certain perfect scores in 7th & 8th grade SAT & ACT (Reading & Math). It was in the context of DC's love for reading and math. Most of the descriptions were elaborated facts that can be easily verified (by AP/SAT/ACT scores and transcripts issued by outside providers) and also found in the official high school transcript (by subjects). HTH
  8. Yes, and we haven't finished the Freedom Trail. Next time I shall go with better walking shoes :)
  9. I hope so. Like a lot of situations in life, there are pros and cons. May all our kids thrive no matter where they land!
  10. Since your son's present address is in Chile, I think he would need the country code. The code for Chile is 115 from last year's AP Student Pack. Hopefully the admin/teacher/proctor will instruct him to get the country code from this year's AP Student Pack.
  11. Bulletin for AP Students and Parents, page 5 has a list of what to bring/not to bring to the exam room. https://secure-media.collegeboard.org/digitalServices/pdf/ap/2015-16-ap-bulletin-students-parents.pdf In the past years, for mine, some teachers collected all the cell phones and gave them back later after the exams. Some did not. In which case, mine kept it (turned off) in the backpack and did not touch it until after the exam and outside the classroom.
  12. You might want to read Post #2 and #27. From the 2014 AP Online Provider Code List http://media.collegeboard.com/digitalServices/pdf/ap/ap-online-provider-code-list-2014.pdf "...the Online Provider Code, should be completed by anyone who has prepared for this exam by taking an AP online course or exam review. By completing Item G, you grant the College Board permission to share your exam score with the online provider." From what I understand, AoPS Calculus is not an AP online course. Also, when my DC self-studied, DC didn't put any provider code either. If your son has already been accepted and is going to enroll in a certain college, then he might want to send the AP scores to the college, in which case, he will need the college code. HTH.
  13. In my case, it is so obvious (I mean, I posted only 1 school in the acceptance thread), I was wondering whether is there a need for me to post it here as well. But maybe some people can benefit from it. Yes, DC has comMITted. Why MIT? (Mom's POV; DC's POV might be different) 1. Financially doable (THANKFUL!). In case anyone is interested, MIT released this financial news back in Mar. http://news.mit.edu/2016/increase-financial-aid-benefit-students-families-0304 2. Research opportunity and additional source of $ from 1 guaranteed term of UROP (Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program) funding (THANKFUL again!). 3. Excellent possible majors/minors -- Chem, Math, CS, whatever. 4. DC knows some students there (current and incoming) from competitions. 5. Interesting cities (Cambridge, Boston, etc.). 6. Great weather + easy classes + grade inflation + can get all the credits from a boatload of APs & DEs ...just kidding!!! 7. Some other personal reasons. Overall, I'm grateful we had a relatively short application season. When MIT Early Action was positive, the other partial applications (HYPS, etc.) were all abandoned :)
  14. No, only if you need to change the high school name like daijobu's case. Your son can sign in to check if the high school name is correct if he wants to by using the steps 1 to 4 mentioned on Post #60.
  15. Really!? He's retired :crying: The only thing I know is that he had made some serious important contribution wrt the proofing of Fermat's last theorem. Woo hoo! Denis Auroux, the speed-eraser and beloved prof from MIT... Okie, back to normal programming.
  16. I just recalled this Astrophysics summer program at CTD (Northwestern University, Evanston, IL) and they have a very late deadline. http://www.ctd.northwestern.edu/courses?f[0]=field_program_name%3A83 Applications opened through midnight, May 15 are charged the "through May 15" application fee. After May 15, the tuition fee increases by $100, and full tuition is due at the time of application. Applications close on June 10. http://www.ctd.northwestern.edu/program/equinox#details Also, just came across this Astrophysics summer program at CC (for next summer): Yale Summer Program in Astrophysics http://yspa.yale.edu/program-overview
  17. So your DD 1. Signed into her account, 2. Clicked on "Your Account" at the top. 3. Typed in her password again. 4. "My AP Profile" showed up. 5. She saw High school name: "Home School Clearinghouse" and underneath it, she clicked "Change your school name". 6. A pop-up showed up and she put her state's home-school code* in the "High school code (optional):" field and clicked "Search" 7. There wasn't "state name HOME SCHOOL" for her to select? *Your state home-school code as shown on page 19 of the AP Coordinator's Manual https://secure-media.collegeboard.org/digitalServices/pdf/ap/2015-16-ap-coordinators-manual.pdf
  18. They are supposed to follow the scripts and instructions in the AP Exam Instructions book for AP CS: https://secure-media.collegeboard.org/digitalServices/pdf/ap/ap-exam-instructions-computer-science-a.pdf I would email the AP coordinator tactfully, but that's because I'm kinda risk averse, sometimes :001_smile:
  19. If he gets into Berkeley, a Ken Ribet's fan suggested taking Prof Ribet's class as soon as possible if he hasn't retired :laugh: Also, to take as many Math classes as possible and keep lit/music as a hobby. When he is very comfortable with graduate Math classes, then add the hobby. If he really wants to branch out, it is better to do CS because there is a lot of overlap and might be the only thing that will help him make a good living. (Just a Mathematician's opinions, not mine :001_smile: ) I hope Kathy in Richmond also chimes in because I think her daughter did both Math and Classics at Stanford. ETA: A link about grad studies in Math http://www.maa.org/programs/students/student-resources/graduate
  20. Another useful info for me is the exam instructions for each AP subject: https://professionals.collegeboard.org/testing/ap/test-day/instructions For example, if you look at the AP Exam instructions for AP Chem https://secure-media.collegeboard.org/digitalServices/pdf/ap/ap-exam-instructions-chemistry.pdf You will notice that pencils can be used on both sections. But for AP European History https://secure-media.collegeboard.org/digitalServices/pdf/ap/ap-exam-instructions-european-history.pdf Pencils are OK for Section I (Part A) but pens are required for section I (Part B) and Section II. The instructions also give you all the details on what the proctor/teacher should do.
  21. Yes, the booklet is the called the AP Student Pack. Mine was told to put one sticker on the AP Number Card and just bring back the card. I thought there would be sample 2016 AP Student Pack online, but couldn't find it. The pack also contains useful codes like Online Provider Codes, College Codes, etc.
  22. Mine brought back an AP Number Card after doing the paperwork at the school. The AP Number is found on the card.
  23. Mine really liked the topical MCQs from Dingle (very helpful in pinpointing weak areas) http://www.adriandingleschemistrypages.com/apquiz.html and College Board's FRQs http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/public/exam/exam_information/221837.html hth
  24. When mine self-studied for AP Cal BC, Chem, Physics Cs, US Gov and Politics, and Euro History (both ineffective history online classes), my main job was to: 1. Get the right textbooks. 2. Check the topics (I used both College Board Website and Princeton Review). 3. Gather practice tests for both MCQs and FRQs (College Board has very good released exams, I buy some and googled for others, some teachers also post very helpful practice questions with keys). When DC finished one topic, the understanding was immediately tested with topical Princeton Review Qs, MCQs, and FRQs. Any problem with a topic, I googled for more resources to clarify it. We usually finished all the topics about 1 month ahead of the actual AP Exams. Then, DC reviewed and took timed and un-timed practices. With average to good online classes (AP CS & AP Bio), I had to supplement by searching for more practice Qs. With excellent online classes (PAHS Mrs Green's AP Lit & Mrs Richman's APUSH), I could relax and not do anything. hth ETA: labs are separate issues.
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