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Everything posted by yslek

  1. Yes. I had an uncle who was a dentist, and he remarked on how many broken teeth he saw from ice crunching and popcorn kernel munching. (I used to munch popcorn kernels before I heard that. Now I don't, and I don't let my dc, either. I will eat the partially popped ones, though. ;)) Kelsy
  2. Though not yet. We did chapter 33 of SOTW2 this week. We'll start SOTW3 when we get there! Kelsy
  3. My first thought was to recommend Shurley. Some of the excellent suggestions above probably accomplish the same thing that switching would, though, so I'd try those first. :) I used Shurley English 1 with my boys before using FLL. The catchy jingles coupled with labeling the parts of speech in sentences (using a "question and answer flow") each lesson really helped them (in spite of their lack of enjoyment of the program!) ~Kelsy
  4. Hmmmm...the only way I can get this to come up correctly is to click on the link, and then highlight the address on the page that comes up and hit "enter". Weird. :tongue_smilie: Sorry if this doesn't work for anybody. Kelsy
  5. oops...that link doesnt' work. Sorry. :confused:
  6. My sister shared this with me today. I found it comforting: http://www.cacradicalgrace.org/conferences/politics/post-conf/Oscar-Romero_Prayer.pdf :) Kelsy
  7. Another idea for "something really weird" would be this: http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/ I haven't used these in my own family yet, but I've seen them recommended on the boards. :) Kelsy
  8. http://www.isabellacatalog.com/prod.cfm/pgc/21500/sbc/21506/inv/12023 I bought some inexpensive brandy for mine. I wouldn't count it as alcohol anymore than buying already extracted vanilla. And it may be a while before you even have one bottle in the trash...it really does last a good while. :) Kelsy
  9. I didn't find anything under my name (except an expired facebook page) and very little under my maiden name. (A facebook page with a picture of a girl on the beach in CA and an article about a 21-year-old with my name who is disappointed to be living in an area where the iphone can't be used.) Bummer...I was all excited to find out who I really am. :glare: All this is probably because I'm Kelsy and not Kelsey. :D
  10. :iagree: I started this with my ds in 2nd grade. He had already had a year of Shurley (level 1). We just started with the "year 2" portion, skipping the reviews of poems memorized in year 1. It worked well for us. :) Kelsy
  11. You might want to look into the RightStart games kit. You can use the RS games as a supplement to any math curriculum. It's a nice way to cement math facts without flashcards, drill, etc. :) Kelsy
  12. to just start over with SOTW 1. I have a friend who is finishing up SOTW 3, and plans to cycle through 1-3 again before going on to SOTW 4, for concerns similar to yours. Kelsy
  13. Last year, my 2nd grader used RightStart B (because he switched to RS from MathUSee that year.) My previous 2nd grader used MUS Beta. Kelsy
  14. You might check out http://www.eatwild.com/. Kelsy
  15. I'm currently reading The Thousand Year War in the Mideast: How It Affects You Today by Richard J. Maybury (an Uncle Eric book published by Bluestocking Press), and while I'm not finished with it yet, it sounds like there really is no way for us to "leave the country in a healthy state" or resolve anything by staying there, either. :sad: I can't really imagine a good solution to the situation. (Helpful, aren't I? :tongue_smilie:) Kelsy
  16. I'm going to have to try the deoderant idea. I've tried to go aluminum-free, but on these hot summer days it just doesn't work. I got dh some aluminum-free deo at one point, but he couldn't use it without stinking. :tongue_smilie: Dont' think this would work for dh, though, as he broke out in a horrible rash when I started baking with coconut oil. The itching/rash disappeared when I stopped using it, so we're pretty sure that it was the culprit. :( Oh well. I can't wait to try this now. :) Kelsy
  17. University of Wisconsin-Independent Learning uses one level of Oxford Latin per semester college class. Typically, a one semester college class = a one year high school class. So I think that one book/year should be right. :) Kelsy
  18. Do you have a link? I didn't see these on Amazon (unless I missed it somehow...entirely possible!) Thanks, Kelsy
  19. I used Reading Greek when I took some college classes in Ancient Greek. I have no problems with the text, but can't imagine working through it without a teacher. I haven't seen the independent study, supplement, though, so that may make all the difference. Currently I'm planning on using Athenaze with my dc when we get to that point. :) Kelsy
  20. We're having a whole chicken for dinner tonight. :) Today's meal: butterflied bbq'd chicken w/ plenty of side dishes (salad, mashed potatoes, baby carrots) so that we have some meat left over. (To butterfly a chicken, cut on either side of the backbone to remove it. Then lay the chicken flat. I like rubbing mine with butter, salt, pepper, and herbs. You can roast it in the oven or on the grill this way, and cut your cooking time in half over using a regular whole chicken.) Tomorrow's meal: Pancit made with leftover chicken meat I will take the backbone (which I save) and whatever is left of the carcass & make chicken broth to freeze for future use. (You could also use the broth for soup.) To make broth, I dump a quartered onion with skin, some celery, and a carrot or two into the pot with the chicken bones, cover with water, and simmer for a while. I season it with salt & pepper during cooking (ideally) and when it's done, strain off the broth, put it in ziploc bags, and freeze. :) I bought a crazy-expensive air-chilled chicken from Central Market, so I have to do this to justify my spending! :tongue_smilie: Kelsy
  21. Unless the test has changed significantly since I took it. To me it seems that improving your vocabulary would greatly boost your verbal score, and learning more math, the math score. I took the SAT in 7th grade and scored 480 verbal, 450 math. Three years later, when I took it in High School, I scored 540 and 630 (don't currently remember which section each score was for) which is a pretty significant difference. I had studied quite a bit more math and language by the second time I took the test. Kelsy
  22. Thinking back to high school, when I tried to learn Welsh... I think it's cum (like the "u" in "put") RIGE (hard "g", but long "i") Oh, and with a trilled "r". :) Garf, I'm not good at writing the sounds I mean. I could do it in phonetic broad transcirption [kum 'raig] but don't know how useful that would be... :confused: Kelsy
  23. yslek


    Miquon is very discovery oriented. If your ds is the type of person who intuitively picks up concepts by playing with them long enough, then it might be a good fit. Another program you might consider is RightStart. It's pricey, but I think it would be a good fit for a right-brained learner. The emphasis is on learning basic arithmetic facts through playing games rather than drill. The abacus is a great tool, too. You could even get just the RightStart game set to use with whatever program you're using. HTH:) Kelsy
  24. Here are some of Ambleside Online's Lit recommendations (I haven't listed every rec for each year): Year 6 The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien (16 weeks) Animal Farm by George Orwell (8 weeks) Year 7 The Once and Future King by T. H. White Watership Down by Richard Adams. Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott A Taste of Chaucer by Anne Malcolmson Year 8 Everyman, a Morality Play Westward Ho! by Charles Kingsley The Diary of Samuel Pepys - Charlotte Mason used this book. Pepys gives a great first-hand account of the Great Fire. However, this needs editting as it is very long and Pepys was wretchedly honest about his pettier activities. I Promessi Sposi (The Betrothed) by Alessandro Manzoni The Holy War by John Bunyan Hope there's something useful for you in there! :) Kelsy
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