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Everything posted by caitlinsmom

  1. We upped my insurance recently because of this same concern. I always assumed he would have to send them to PS but after reading the OP I really like the idea of a tutor. I may have to ponder that one. The other option we have in line is for dh to work from home and do a balancing act. However that wouldn't be feasible right now. Dh is heavily insured but my insurance is only a padding of sorts. There is enough to pay of all debt which would help out if he had to make such tough choices.
  2. I have a good friend who has a son in 8th grade PS with Aspergers. He is high functioning and does well with accomadations. However over the last two years the school has tried taking him off an IEP so that he can't have special privilages (their words). The amount of work required in homework throws the poor kid over the edge most days. Math alone is requiring 150 problems a night. While he is high functioning he does have delays especially fine motor skills so writing is very difficult and painful. Added to all of the above (which is a very brief outline of some of the issues) he is now being bullied by some of the other boys. They have been pinning him down and showing him po#n that is saved on their phones. Everything combined has the kid a total wreck and withdrawing from school, church and family activities. Because of the family situation it isn't possbile for one parent to stay home and homeschool him, although this is what they want to do. I have been considering offering to hs the kid as a joint effort between our families. However I have no experience with hsing a middle schooler and have no idea what it would take. Before I make the offer I want to make sure that it is something that I can do and do well. So..... How long can I expect to spend doing school at this grade level? How much will be teacher active time? What Algebra curriculum is best for this age but is also not teacher dependent? I can handle teaching math to a degree but I would prefer to be more of a support than the actual teacher. I lack confidence in this area! He catches on fairly quickly but physically can't handle hours of writing problems. How is the TOG English curriculum? We are currently using TOG so if he can slip in with us it would be easiest. How does the rest of TOG measure up at this grade level? Someone willing to share a schedule and a daily routine would be greatly appreciated. Any other suggestions or advice would be great. Lol I haven't thought this far ahead in our schooling so I am a little unprepared.
  3. I have a good friend who has a son in 8th grade PS with Aspergers. He is high functioning and does well with accomadations. However over the last two years the school has tried taking him off an IEP so that he can't have special privilages (their words). The amount of work required in homework throws the poor kid over the edge most days. Math alone is requiring 150 problems a night. While he is high functioning he does have delays especially fine motor skills so writing is very difficult and painful. Added to all of the above (which is a very brief outline of some of the issues) he is now being bullied by some of the other boys. They have been pinning him down and showing him po#n that is saved on their phones. Everything combined has the kid a total wreck and withdrawing from school, church and family activities. Because of the family situation it isn't possbile for one parent to stay home and homeschool him, although this is what they want to do. I have been considering offering to hs the kid as a joint effort between our families. However I have no experience with hsing a middle schooler and have no idea what it would take. Before I make the offer I want to make sure that it is something that I can do and do well. So..... How long can I expect to spend doing school at this grade level? How much will be teacher active time? What Algebra curriculum is best for this age but is also not teacher dependent? I can handle teaching math to a degree but I would prefer to be more of a support than the actual teacher. I lack confidence in this area! He catches on fairly quickly but physically can't handle hours of writing problems. How is the TOG English curriculum? We are currently using TOG so if he can slip in with us it would be easiest. How does the rest of TOG measure up at this grade level? Someone willing to share a schedule and a daily routine would be greatly appreciated. Any other suggestions or advice would be great. Lol I haven't thought this far ahead in our schooling so I am a little unprepared.
  4. It makes me feel horrible! I get dizzy and shaky and feel just nasty! The smell is okay but that bitter nasty flavor....no thanks I will pass. Plus I try to avoid anything that is habit forming, just seems healthier to me. :)
  5. I ened up in the hospital in October with severe pelvic pain, incredible heavy period and severe pain over my left ovary. After a long round of testing the diagnosis was Endometriosis. Since the hospital stay I have been trying to watch and monitor my body to see what causes the most severe pain. I can't put a finger on exactly what I have done differently month to month (and of course I didn't write it down) but the intensity of pain has varried dramatically. Today I started my period and the pain level is just shy of what it was in October. I can't walk more than a few steps because of the left ovary pain. I am already worn out and I still about about 7 more days to go! Does anyone have a natural regimine they follow for treatment of endometriosis? ETA: I am not looking for a cure, just a management routine I suppose. I have been online all night reading this and that. I am seeing certain thing mentioned over and over like extra vit E and C, accupuncture and promotion of a vegetarian diet. Just curious what works for others.
  6. Dishes hands down. With 6 of us the dishes are never ending no matter what I do. I hate them. Dh is wonderful and does them about 80% of the time. :D I love that man.
  7. You might want to check out this site. http://gnowfglins.com/ecourse/members/ They offer a wealth of information about raw milk and all the things you can do with it. There is a forum designed just for these kinds of questions. They just changed the layout so I belive it is $10 a month now but the amount of information you get is incredible. I belive Cultures for Health also has a lot of information available as well as kefir grains. http://www.culturesforhealth.com/ Good luck, nothing beats raw milk! :)
  8. Me too! :) My mom told me this story some 15 years ago and I still play it in my mind every single time I am in a Wal Mart parking lot late at night. Confession: Every year we have one little mouse that makes its way into our house. Normally we kill it pretty quick and its done. However last year that bugger was smart! Late at night when I would nurse dd on the couch I would see him run under my cabinets. It creeped me out so much (not to mention made me mad too!) that even now a year later, when I get a drink of water late at night I will curl my toes when standing in front of the sink, just in case a mouse runs over them! LOL we haven't even had a mouse this year!
  9. It's not bad. :) Dh and I watched it a while back with the kids for Family Home Evening. Everyone enjoyed it although it is a bit slow. Interesting though.
  10. On my grandmothers side we have quiet a few marriages (births and deaths too) that occured during the Martin Handcart Company journey west. One day I want to find the first converts in our family and check that story out.
  11. Same issue for us here on my paternal grandfathers side. We can go a little further back than generations but not by much. Most of the information is very vauge. Most location information is simply "X county, Sweden". I wonder, is there a reason for lack of records in that area?
  12. I am not sure how my great grandmother came to have most of this information. I know at one time it was very much a family effort that included multiple sisters, daughters and aunts. My grandmother gave me a lot of the information. A lot of the other lines in our family die out long before the 700's. We seem to have been in the right place at the right time on my grandmothers side though, as much of the information goes back to the 1300's. There are many ship logs that show passage to America clear back when. I personally haven't seen those so I can't say for sure if they are accurate and real. :) My paternal grandfather was a first born US citizen with his family all coming from Sweden. The trail on that side stops cold about mid 1800's. On my mothers side we can find information only to the late 1800's. They were Russian Jews who fled and changed their names, birthdates, etc for fear of persecuation. So that long winded answer to say, each line is different and quiet honestly I think luck of the draw on where you ancestors come from, where they were, their socioeconomic status at the time, etc. Some lines, like royalty, are tracked religiously and others are not. No matter what though I find it all facinating!
  13. Very interesting! I could see how this could be possible. With the amount of children that families had and the practice of marrying family, I think it would be very likely. Thanks for the excerpt.
  14. I have to say that I am going to pay more attention in history and start learning the little stories that go along with all these people. ;) Obviously I know the big ones but there have to be interesting tidbits regarding the comtesses and such. I also want to see where that line died (and all the other lines) and find out why. If they were anything like my family now, it will be a muddy, mucky and very entertaining mess to read about! :)
  15. Reading more I just found the line of of Charlemagne! This works out great since that is who we are studying and the whole point to this project. How convienent is that! :) ETA: An off shoot of this line goes to 6 a.d.
  16. I am working on getting our family tree info together for a TOG yr2 project this week. I have been reading through a lot of family geneology tonight and I came across a line of interest to me (and oh so fitting for our lessons!). On my paternal grandmothers side it looks like our ancestors were royalty in England and other countries. The name that I stumbled across first was Joan Beaufort, Countess of Westmorland, granddaughter of Edward III of England! From there the line just keeps on going back with kings and queens, princes and princesses. This particular line continues back to 775! I think these little tidbits will make this lesson stick in the kids mind! Anyway, anyone else have historical figures of interest in their ancestory?
  17. Mucus.....in any of its variants. It's just to slimy for me to handle! Ignernt......not to be confused with ignorant.....in fact ignernt is an amazing word that can be used for every part of speech. Just ask a friend of mine who uses it in every conversation she can. Douche Bag- And all the other really classy terms used to put down other people. OH that drives me crazy!!!! My grown sister still uses such phrases and she can not understand why it makes my skin crawl. In fact I have to get off the phone with her when she starts using them.
  18. I have decided to get rid of all the thousands of books that are taking up space and that we do not read. I am tired of the dust collecting (we live in the country in the middle of a field!), the visual clutter and the amount of "stuff" in our house. This is a huge deal to me because I am a bibliophile but the time has come. So what is the best way to get rid of a lot of books? Is there a charity that I can donate to? Donate to the thrift store? Freecycle? Craigslist? Dontate to the library? (Although I am sure they wouldn't take many undless they are about vampires).
  19. Eh....wear her as long as you feel comfortable. My ds was a nightmare child (that is putting it positively and nicely lol) and the ONLY way that child was somewhat happy was when I was holding/wearing him. I wore him until he was about 2. One day he looked at me, said no to the sling and that was that. It was just time I guess.
  20. Fiction: The Secret Life of Bees Non-Fiction: The Dirty Life: On Farming, Food, and Love
  21. Hits: Cowboy boots for the kids. Good grief you would have thought we gave them a million bucks! Mercy Watson book collection, puppets, hot chocolate......really we did not have a single miss. Everything was well recieved AND they even seemed thankful! ;) That was a great present right there!
  22. My dh got me a USB scanner so I can cataloug all of our books in LibraryThing. :D I had a total geek moment when I started scanning. I think we will have a very happy friendship.
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