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Posts posted by Lisa

  1. Its really sad what JD did to his sisters, and his parents swept it under the rug. He then downloaded that disgusting child porn. I'm reminded of the Bible verses, "For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open." Luke 8:17 and "You may be sure that your sin will find you out." Numbers 32:23. 

    Nothing is hidden from God and now JD is paying the consequences of his sin. 

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  2. We were short staffed before covid at our hospital and now its much worse. We not only are short nurses, but CNAs, dietary, housekeeping, laundry, etc. I don't know where all these people are going. Its not just our hospital but the whole area and state. I live in MN, but work in a large hospital across the border in WI. Mayo is only an hour and half away and they have the same problems.  

    I know of many nurses and CNAs who became burnt out/stressed out because of so many covid patients and have moved on to other jobs at clinics and other areas that aren't quite so stressful as hospital nursing. 

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  3. Dh and I both have had our boosters a few weeks ago . We both work in healthcare. I am an RN and take care of covid patients.  The majority of our hospitalized covid patients are unvaccinated and younger. Our covid numbers are pretty high right now in WI where I work, but not as high as last year at this time.

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  4. 9 hours ago, Renaissance Mom said:

    We borrowed the biology DVD from a friend this year. It is excellent! The additional exposure to the material from the text helps my kids understand and retain the information. The extra examples she provides and the visuals provide another pathway into my kids’ brains. I can’t address whether or not it is worth the price since I didnt pay for it. I do have to admit that I am very disappointed that I don’t have the option of this type of DVD for chemistry next year. (I won’t use the 3rd ed of Apologia chemistry. There is no video series for the 2nd ed or for Dr. Wile’s newer text. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that I will have to be the video for my kids for chemistry next year. THAT ought to be entertaining!)

    Several families in our co-op subscribe to Catie Frates teaching videos for high school sciences. http://www.catiefrates.com/ These families rave about these videos. One dad in our co-op is a PhD chemist, and he insists that his sons use these videos for not only chemistry but for all their basic science courses.

    Thank you. This is helpful.

  5. Black Stallion series

    Black Beaty series

    Smokey the Cowhorse

    Books by Margarite Henry: Justin Morgan Had a Horse, King of the Wind, Misty of Chincoteague series, Album of Horses, White Stallions of Lipizza

    National Velvet

    My Friend, Flicka


    For lighter/easier readers  Billy and Blaze books (my boys loved reading these books in early elementary)

    • Like 1
  6. My mac n cheese recipe is pretty basic, but my kids love it.


    Preheat oven 350 F. 


    Boil 1 lb macaroni noodles, drain then put in 13x9 cake pan. 


    In a separate pot on the stove, melt one stick of butter, and about 1 lb of shredded cheese (I like to mix cheddar, Colby jack, Monterey jack or pepper jack, and sometimes add in cubed American cheese if I have some).   Then add 2 cups milk. Cook in pot till hot and bubbly mixing often. 


    Pour cheese mixture over noodles. Mix. 

    Bake in 350 oven for 20 minutes.



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  7. Each of my boys is different. Oldest ds21 can still be rude but is better.  He was a challenge all through his teen years.  Ds19 was a breeze to parent and wish all my boys were like him. Ds17 can be very sweet at times and very obnoxious other times, ds14 is more like ds19, so I'm happy for that. 


    When my teen boys were giving me attitude or acting crazy, I gave them physical exercise for an attitude adjustment; push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks, running a few laps around the house, running up and down the steps a few times.  It worked!



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  8. Thank you so much for your help!!  I'll be honest, it never occurred to me to stop, do some MUS, and then restart.  I don't know why.  You would think after 3 older kids, I'd have the hang of this by now!!  I have the placement tests for MUS so I think we will test him on that and see where he is.  I also am looking at Keys as well.  My older daughter needed Keys for some reinforcement, but it was more of a supplement for her rather than a different way of explaining it.  Zach is my only hands on learner and I'll admit that I just don't function that way, so I'm learning how to help him learn the best!

    I have used Keys to... as a supplement when a child was struggling with fractions.  It was very helpful. I continued to use MUS at the time. 

  9. WI homeschool laws are pretty relaxed. I don't know of homeschool groups in the Milwaukee area, but there probably are some.  I grew up in West Allis, a Milwaukee suburb. It was a nice place to grow up, but I haven't lived there in a long time. 


    I found this website about WI Homeschool laws.



    And list of homeschool groups in different areas of WI





    Make sure you all have warm jackets, boots, snowpants, hats, mittens and scarves. 

  10. We have used MUS from K to Pre-calculus. I have two kids in college and MUS prepared them well for college. I love MUS and wish I was taught math the way Steve Demme of MUS teaches math. I would not say MUS is light at all. My kids love math and have done well in math.  I highly recommend it.

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